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Còmhstri Scott & Amundsen/Duel - Scott & Amundsen

Documentary tracing the twin expeditions of Robert Falcon Scott and Roald Amundsen who in 1911-12 battled incredibly tough conditions in a race to reach the South Pole.

Anns an Dùbhlachd 1911, airson rannsachadh cruinn-eòlais, bha Robert Falcon Scott, Oifigear Breatannach, agus Roald Amundsen, cruadalaiche Nirribheach a' farpais an aghaidh a chèile gus Am Pòla a Deas a ruighinn. Le seann fiolm, teisteanasan bho cruadalaichean eile, eachdraichean agus luchd-saidheans, tha am prògram seo ag innse mun fharpais iongantach aca. Gun tachairt air a chèile, tha Scott agus Amundsen a' siubhal tron àrainneachd as dùbhlanaich san t-saoghal le fuachd cho ìosal ri 40 fo ìre reothaidh. 'S e Amundsen a rinn a' chùis as luaithe, ged a dh' fheumadh e na coin aige fhèin ithe. A dh' aindeoin seo, 's e Scott a fhuair am moladh, ged a chaochail e leis an fhuachd. 'S e na sgrìobh e anns an leabhar-là aige a chaidh a lorg air a' chorp a rinn gaisgeach dheth. Cha bhiodh Amundsen gu brath na cheatharnach coltach ri Scott, a dh'aindeoin 's gun shoirbhich leis.

In December 1911, in the name of geographical exploration, Robert Falcon Scott, a British officer, and Roald Amundsen, a Norwegian adventurer, competed in an epic duel: the conquest of the South Pole. Thanks to exceptional archives, testimonies of great explorers, historians and scientists, this documentary tells the story of this incredible duel. Without ever crossing each other's paths, Scott and Amundsen challenged the most hostile territory in the world, with temperatures dropping below minus 40 degrees C. Amundsen finished the fastest, even if this meant feeding on his own dogs. Yet Scott, who came second and froze to death, ended up stealing the glory of his Norwegian rival: the tragic writings of the Englishman, found on his dead body, made him a legend.

53 minutes

Last on
