Episode 2
It is late spring and lambing is fully underway. The peats get cut, and the first of the piglets arrive.
'S e deireadh an earraich a th' ann agus an samhradh air f脿ire agus sinn a' leantainn D貌mhnall (Sweeny) MacSuain 脿 Le貌dhas na mhiann sh貌nraichte - an obair l脿 a leigeil seachad agus a bhith ri croitearachd l脿n 霉ine. Tha c霉isean gu trang dha le na h-uain, agus tha buidheann de dheugairean a' tadhal son cuideachadh a thoirt dha. Tha e cuideachd a' buain na m貌nach le beagan cuideachaidh bho tarsgeir m貌r iongantach, agus tha a' chiad 脿l uircean aig aon de na mucan aige air an lot.
It is late spring with summer on the horizon as we follow Lewis man Donald (Sweeny) MacSween fulfilling his dream of giving up his day job and becoming a full-time crofter. Lambing is fully underway as he plays host to a group of teenagers who provide a willing helping hand. His winter fuel is taken care of with the help of a mechanical peat cutter and one of his sows produces her first litter of piglets on the lot.
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