Episode 3
Series following Donald MacSween as he tries to make it as a full-time crofter. Sweeny is busy taking delivery of 300 chickens to replace his old stock.
'S e teas meadhan an t-Samhraidh a th' ann agus tha Sweeny gu trang air an lot ! An t-seachdain-sa tha barrachd bheathaichean ùra a' nochdadh - nam measg 300 cearc. Tha Sweeny cuideachd a' falbh gu tir-mòr son caoraich ùra a thogail, tha dà mhuc eile a' dèanamh deiseil son breith, agus tha a' chiad chrodh a bh' air an lot a-riamh a' nochdadh.
It's mid-summer and it is a busy time on the croft for Sweeny! This week there are more new arrivals as 300 chickens are delivered to replace his old stock, he takes a trip to the mainland in order to increase his sheep flock, two more of his sows are ready to give birth and he takes ownership of his first ever cattle on the lot.
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