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Cha tig an aois leatha fhèin/Late Life Care

Sùil air mar a tha sinn mar choimhearsnachd a' coimhead as dèidh a' ghinealaich as sine. Documentary examining how the older generation are cared for within the community.

Sùil air mar a tha sinn mar choimhearsnachd a' coimhead as dèidh a' ghinealaich as sine, iadsan a thug taic dhuinne? Chan e a h-uile neach a tha feumach air cùram, ach airson an fheadhainn a dh'fheumas cuideachadh, tha farsaingeachd de roghainnean ann a fhreagras air na feumalachdan aca. Chì sinn cuid de na buidhnean agus na daoine a tha a' frithealadh nan seann daoine, agus a' tabhann diofar sheirbheisean dhaibh. Cluinnidh sinn cuideachd mu mar a tha tachartasan ciùil, cur-seachadan, còmhradh le ginealachaidhean agus teicneòlas ùr Virtual Reality uile a' dèanamh diofar mhòr dhaibh nam beatha. Bho a bhith a' fuireach aig an taigh còmhla ris an teaghlach, gu dachaighean cùraim agus taigheadas fasgaidh, seallaidh sinn air na diofar dhòighean a bhith a' gabhail cùram aison seann daoine.

A look at how we as a community care for the older generation - those that were there for us. Not all need care, but for those that do there are many options available to meet their needs.

We will meet some of the people and organisations who attend to the older generation and offer them various services. We'll also learn how musical events, hobbies, time conversing with younger generations, and new virtual reality technology all play an important role in making a difference to their lives.

From living at home with the family, to care homes and sheltered housing, we'll look at the various ways that we care for the elderly.

59 minutes