FilmG 2018
Highlights from the FilmG awards ceremony at the Old Fruitmarket in Glasgow. Film G is MG ALBA's Gaelic short film competition and is celebrating its tenth birthday this year.
Tha deich bliadhna bho th貌isich FilmG, farpais nam filmichean goirid G脿idhlig aig MG ALBA, airson t脿lant 霉r a leasachadh. Gach bliadhna tha 貌igridh, a th'air filmichean a dheasachadh, a' cruinneachadh airson cuirm nan duaisean c貌mhla ri rionnagan bho shaoghal film is telebhisean. Air ceann na h-oidhche bi Fiona NicCoinnich agus Niall Iain D貌mhnallach agus bi taghadh againn de na bhuannaich agus blasad air na bha dol air an oidhche.
As FilmG, MG ALBA's Gaelic short film competition celebrates its 10th birthday, we feature highlights from the awards ceremony at the Old Fruitmarket in Glasgow. In the company of stars from film and television in Scotland, young people from across the country gather to find out whether their films have won an award, which for many could provide their first step into a career in Gaelic broadcasting.
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FilmG 2018
Duration: 01:41
- Sun 11 Feb 2018 21:00
- Fri 16 Feb 2018 22:00