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An tèid aig na seòid air moladh fhaighinn bho Marcello? The lads visit renowned chef Marcello Tully and attempt to impress him with their culinary skills.

Tha fios gu bheil na balaich math air còcaireachd, ach dè mar a thèid dhaibh ann an cuideachd fear de na chefs is ainmeil san dùthaich, Marcello Tully. Ullachaidh Uisdean creachain is feòil-chaorach agus Ruaraidh crùbag is sitheann-fèidh, ach de a chanas am britheamh mòr mas seall e dhaibh ciamar a' làimhseachadh e fhèin stòras bidhe mar sin.

The lads cook for renowned chef Marcello Tully on the Isle of Skye. Uisdean takes the plunge with a dish of scallops served on a bed of pea puree followed by lamb chops with garlic mash. Roddy follows with crab cakes accompanied by a chilli sauce, and venison in a sloe gin and plum sauce. What will Marcello have to say before he shows them what a master craftsman can produce with similar ingredients?