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Dilleachdain Hitler/Nazi Nurseries

Documentary examining Lebensborn, the Nazis' secret Aryan breeding program implemented during the Second World War.

Aig 脿m an Darna Cogaidh, chuir na N脿saich pr貌gram briodachaidh d矛omhair air bhog, leis an ainm Lebensborn. Air am breith ann an taighean-脿raich s貌nraichte, bha a' chlann gu bhith ag ath nuadhachadh an SS, a' d猫anamh cinnteach gum maireadh an 脌rd Chinneadh.

Cha deach cl脿radh a chumail air p脿rantachd na cloinne agus bha na bha an d脿n dhaibh ann an l脿mhan nan N脿sach. Bha na h-athraichean aca nan saighdearan san SS agus b' e seo aon de na riaghailtean a bha air a chur fa chomhair gach boireannach aig am biodh leanabh Lebensborn.

70 bliadhna an d猫idh l脿imh, tha a' chuid as motha den chloinn fhathast be貌 is iad a' feuchainn ri beatha 霉r a dh猫anamh dhaibh p猫in, gun fios aca air an fh矛rinn. 'S iad an sliochd mu dheireadh a bha fo riaghaladh riaghaltas nan S貌isealaich N脿iseanta. Tha am pr貌gram seo ag innse sgeulachd mu phr貌iseact oillteil Adolf Hitler agus an luchd-leantainn aige, le teisteanasan bho na daoine a' dh' fhuiling.

During the Second World War, the Nazis invented and implemented a secret Aryan breeding program called Lebensborn. Born in special nurseries, the children were meant to renew the ranks of the SS in order to ensure the continuation of the master race. All records of their genetic parents were erased and their fate lay directly in the hands of the Nazis. Their fathers were all SS officers, a prerequisite for a woman to give birth to a Lebensborn child.

Seventy years later, most of these children are still alive, and have tried to rebuild their lives without knowing the truth, or hiding it. They are rare and exceptional witnesses and some of the last descendants of the National Socialist regime.

Illustrated with the testimonies of the victims, this documentary reveals this insane project created by Adolf Hitler and his followers.

53 minutes

Last on

Sat 30 Mar 2019 22:00
