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An Iolaire: Sal - Iain Morrison (Salt Water - Iain Morrison)

Highlights from Salt Water, a new musical work commemorating the centenary of the Iolaire.

’S ann à Eilean Leòdhais a tha am fear-ciùil, Iain Moireasdan. Còmhla ri na luchd-ealain Dalziel + Scullion, tha e air pìos ciùil ùr a chruthachadh mar chuimhneachan air Tubaist na h- Iolaire. Tha am pìos-ciuil ùr seo - ‘Sàl’ - mar phàirt dhen obair dhrùiteach a tha An Lanntair ann an Steòrnabhagh a’ cur air bhog gus comharrachadh ceud bliadhna bho thachair an tubaist. Chailleadh an HMY Iolaire air Biastan Thuilm, beagan astar bho thìr, air Oidhche na Bliadhn’ ùire, 1918. Bha i a’ tilleadh dhachaigh bhon Chogadh Mhòr le seòladairean às na h-eileanan. Chaill 205 dhiubh am beatha air an oidhche sin.

Coltach ri mòran sna h-eileanan, tha ceangal pearsanta aig Iain ris an tachartas. Chaidh a shinn-seanair, Iain , a chall an oidhche sin. Cha robh e ach 44 bliadhn’ a dh’aois aig an àm.
Tha Dalziel + Scullion aithniche airson an cuid obrach le bhidio, dealbhan agus fuaim, a’ sireadh cheistean mun àrainneachd agus mun cheangal a th’againn mar dhaoine ris.
Chì sinn pàirtean den chonsairt aig Iain Moireasdan sa phrògram seo, agus e cuideachd a’ còmhradh le Cathy Dhòmhnallach air mar a thàinig e gu bith. Còmhla ri Dalziel + Scullion, tha’d air obair dhrùidhteach a dhèanamh, a dhrùidheas air gach cridhe.

Scottish musician and composer Iain Morrison is from the Isle of Lewis. He has collaborated with artists Dalziel and Scullion on a performance to commemorate the centenary of the Iolaire disaster.

This performance of original music, called 'Sàl' - 'Salt Water' - is part of a season of artistic works commissioned by the Lewis Arts Centre in An Lanntair, Stornoway, to commemorate and remember those that were lost.

HMY Iolaire ran aground only yards from shore on the Beasts of Holm at the mouth of Stornoway harbour. 205 returning servicemen lost their lives. It was New Year's Eve, 1918 and the men were returning from the Great War. Like many on the Isle of Lewis, Iain has a personal connection to the tragedy. His great-grandfather John was lost on the Iolaire. He was 44 years old at the time.

Dalziel and Scullion are known for their work with photography, video and sound, exploring ways to connect with the the subjects of environment and ecology. With selected performance highlights, an interview with Iain is also interwoven in to the programme narrative as we chart his journey. Together they have created a work of real beauty - emotional, raw and truthful - to mark this singular event.

59 minutes

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