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Beo air Bord Steisean-Fanais/International Space Station

An Stèisean Fànais Eadar-nàiseanta. The International Space Station is without doubt the most ambitious orbital project built.

Gun ceist sam bith, ’s e an Stèisean Fànais Eadar-nàiseanta aon de na pròiseactan as motha a chaidh a chruthachadh a-riamh. Tha an structar àibheiseach seo, a tha faisg air 10,000m ceàrnagach ann am meud, air cothrom ullachaidh a thoirt do dhaoine fàs cleachdte ri amannan fada as aonais iom-tharraing mar thoiseach tòiseachaidh airson a dhol gu Màrs. Tha e air cothrom a thoirt do dhaoine bho air feadh an t-saoghail a bhith a’ fuireach agus ag obair còmhla agus ghabh 16 nàiseanan am pàirt aca fhèin ann a bhith a’ togail an stèisean mòr stàilinn seo.

Ach ciamar a chaidh an t-àite seo a chruthachadh? Ciamar a tha e ag obair, dè an connadh a tha iad a’ cleachdadh, ciamar a tha an criutha a’ faighinn ann agus a faighinn dhachaigh? Ciamar a tha e a bhith ag ithe, a’ cadal agus fiù’s a’ tarraing anail air bòrd. Tha am film seo gar toirt am broinn an Stèisean Fànais Eadar-nàiseanta agus ag innse sgeulachd nan daoine a tha fuireach ann.

The International Space Station is without doubt the most ambitious orbital project ever built. This giant structure, covering nearly 10,000m squared, has allowed men and women to prepare for long periods of weightlessness, as a precursor to possible trips to Mars.

It has also allowed people from around the world to live and work together, with no fewer than 16 nations having participated in the construction of this steel mega-structure. But how did the engineers and astronauts go about assembling this station in space? How does it operate, what energy source does it use, how do the crew get there and how do they get home again? What is it like to eat, sleep and even breathe on board?

This film takes us inside the International Space Station to reveal the life of the crew that inhabits it.

1 hour, 5 minutes

Last on
