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Tha na seòid a’ faighinn beachdan air biadh às Aisia a’ deas. The lads cook South Asian food inspired by a visit to an open day at the local mosque.

’S e deagh chòcairean a th’ anns na balaich. Às dèidh fiathachadh fhaighinn bhon choimhearsnachd Mhuslamach ionadail a dhol a dh’fheuchainn biadh eadar-dhealaichte às Aisia a’ deas, tha na seòid a’ tilleadh dhan chidsin aca fhèin làn bheachdan. Tha Ruaraidh a’ dèanamh reasabaidh Namak Mandi a fhuair e air an latha fhèin, agus tha Ùisdean a’ cur a char fhèin air coiridh circe. Tha iad cuideachd ag ullachadh rus, glasraich agus tabbouleh blasta a thèid nan cois.

After accepting an invitation to sample a variety of South Asian dishes at the local mosque open day, the coves head back to their kitchen full of inspiration. Ruaridh cooks a Namak Mandi dish inspired by the original recipe given to him on the day and Uisdean prepares his own version of a chicken curry. As accompaniments they create a tasty rice dish, vegetables and their own take on the middle eastern Tabbouleh salad.

29 minutes

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Role Contributor
Presenter Ruaraidh Munro
Presenter Uisdean Macleod
