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The Brewdog Story (Na Grùdairean)

Stèidheadairean Seumas Watt is Martainn Dickie ag innse an sgeulachd fhèin bho thus. Founders James Watt and Martin Dickie tell us their craft beer story from the beginning.

Seo sgeulachd mu dheidhinn mar a chuir dithis fhir agus cù romhpa a' chùis a dhèanamh air fuamhairean mòra a' ghrùdaidh. Choinnich Seumas Watt is Martainn Dickie nuair a chaidh iad gu Acadamaidh Chinn Phàdraig ann an Ear-Thuath na h-Alba.

Aig an toiseach, bha cnapan-staraidh air an t-slighe aig a h-uile car, agus theab iad a dhol fodha. Ach thainig atharrachadh mòr le cuideachadh bho fharpais bùtha. Leudaich iad agus choisinn iad cliù math is dona.

An-diugh tha iad air fàs gu còrr air 2000 neach agus còrr air 100 bàr air feadh an t-saoghail. Ann an 2018 ghabh companaidh sealbh air 22% de dh'earrannan BrewDog. Ri linn seo, choisinn Seumas is Màrtainn £50m an duine sa bhad.

Tha iad mionnaichte nach reic iad an companaidh - ach a bheil iad a-nise coltach ri aon de dh'uilebheistean a' ghnìomhachais ris an robh iad a' strì nuair a thòisich iad? Tha iad ag innse an sgeulachd fhèin bho thus.

In 2007, two men and a dog set out to beat the behemoths of brewing. James Watt and Martin Dickie first met at Peterhead Academy in the northeast of Scotland and within 10 years the close friends turned their craft beer cottage industry into a global phenomenon. Today they employ over 2,000 people, and have opened over 100 bars globally from Japan to Australia and America, all from their base in Aberdeenshire.

But their journey wasn’t smooth, and the business nearly went under until a supermarket competition changed their fortune. They faced negative press and grew through unconventional means. In 2018, they sold a 22% share to a private equity company, earning £50m each in the process. They are adamant they won’t sell out, but have the punks grown up to be just like the corporate giants they fought so hard against? With exclusive access – they tell us their own story from the beginning.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

59 minutes

Last on
