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Iron Women/Boireannaich Iarainn

Iron Women explores the extraordinary history of women’s golf in Scotland, from the early pioneers of the 18th century to formidable role models.

Tha eachdraidh iongantach aig goilf nam ban ann an Alba. Tha an sgeulachd a’ tòiseachadh san 18mh linn ann am Baile Nam Fiasgan le fianais mu chlann-nighean an sgadain a’ cluiche goilf airson duaisean cliabh ghiomach is neapraigean sìoda. Bho 1863 dh’fhàs an geam nas bitheanta an luib mhnathan-uasal Bhictòrianach Chill Rìmhinn, a’ cluiche a’ gheam fo shùil fhurachail nan daoine san athraichean aig an robh smachd air na raointean cluiche agus mar a chleachdar iad.

Chruthaich leithid Issette Pearson agus Agnes Grainger cothroman do bhoireannaich eile agus chaidh Aonadh Goilf nam Mnathan-uasal agus Comann Goilf Mnathan-uasal na h-Alba a stèidheachadh ann an 1893 agus 1904. Chuir sin an geam air stèidh fhoirmeil agus chruthaich e farpaisean. Às an sin nochd goilfearan comasach, le grunn Albannaich a’ comharrachadh an t-slighe an dà chuid aig an taigh agus thall thairis. Ged a shoirbhich leis na tùs chluicheadairean seo ann a bhith a’ togail ìomhaigh nam ban sa gheam, bha iad fhathast a strì cothrom na fèinne fhaighinn air raointean, clubaichean agus cothroman leasachaidh.

Bho bana-laoich leithid Edith Orr, Dorothy Chaimbeul agus Charlotte Beddows gu Seasaidh Valentine, Sìne Donald agus Belle Robasdan, tha boireannaich air pàirt chudromach a chluiche ann an goilf nam ban agus air eachdraidh iongantach a chruthchadh aig an aon àm.

Iron Women explores the extraordinary history of women’s golf in Scotland. From the early pioneers of the 18th century, to formidable role models who challenged the patriarchal constraints of male-dominated golfing arenas, this story celebrates the trailblazers who put Scottish women’s golf firmly on the world map.

The story begins in the 18th century in Musselburgh, with recorded evidence of fishwives playing golf and competing for the prize of a creel and silk handkerchiefs. The game gathered momentum among the Victorian ladies of St Andrews from 1863, albeit under the watchful gaze of husbands and fathers who controlled the spaces women frequented, and how they used them. Transgressors such as Issette Pearson and Agnes Grainger developed strategies to create opportunities for women and thanks to their determination, the Ladies Golf Union and the Scottish Ladies Golf Association were formed in 1893 and 1904, formalising the sport and creating competition, and fundamentally, a handicap system before men.

Formidable golfers emerged, with several Scots leading the way at home and abroad. While the pioneer players were successful in increasing the visibility of women in golf, they still battled resistance with controls in play that restricted access to courses, clubs and career development. From the early heroes of Edith Orr, Dorothy Campbell and Charlotte Beddows, to Jessie Valentine, Jean Donald and Belle Robertson, women have played towards a fairer way for Scotland’s so called ‘fairer-sex'.

59 minutes

Last on


Role Contributor
Narrator Alex O'Henley
Director Margot McCuaig
Executive Producer Iseabail Mactaggart
Production Manager Sara Jack
