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Episode 5

Episode 5 of 6

Highlights from some of the best documentaries from the Trusadh archive. Featuring the team who recreated an historic voyage to St Kilda.

Thairis air na bliadhnaichean tha an t-sreath de phrògraman aithriseach Trusadh air sealltainn ri iomadach cuspair a tha a’ bualadh air beatha nan Gàidheal agus luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig air feadh an t-saoghail. Bho chuspairean ceangailte ri eachdraidh, dualchas, cànan, an àrainneachd agus cultar, tha Trusadh air a rannsachadh. Mar sin, tha sinn a’ toirt sùil air ais air criomagan bho chuid de na prògraman as fheàrr bhon tasglann thairis air dusan bliadhna.
Anns a’ phrògram seo, bheir sinn sùil air farsaingeachd de sgeulachdan, nam measg, an sgioba a rinn cuairt mara eachdraidheil às ùr gu Eilean Hiort, na taighean sinc a th’ air a bhith nam pàirt de chruth-tìre na h-Alba fad iomadh bliadhna, agus turas chun an ear ann an cuideachd dithis charaidean, Mànus agus Daibhidh, a chaidh air cuairt rothaireachd dùbhlanach gu àiteachan iomallach, falaichte.

Criomagan air an toirt còmhla bho chruinneachadh iongantach de sgeulachdan làidir agus eadar-dhealaichte bho air feadh Alba agus an t-saoghail, air innse tro shùilean measgachadh de luchd-agallaimh air leth.

Throughout the years, the factual documentary strand Trusadh has looked at many subjects that affect the lives of Gaels and Gaelic speakers all over the world. From themes relating to history, heritage, language, the environment and culture, Trusadh has covered it. For that reason, we are taking a look back at highlights from some of the best documentaries in the archive spanning the past 12 years.

In this programme, we take a look at a variety of stories, including the team who recreated an historic voyage to St Kilda, the zinc houses that have long been part of the Scottish rural landscape and we take a trip to the Far East in the company of two friends, Magnus and David, who undertook a challenging cycling adventure to remote and unchartered areas.

A nostalgic look back at a wonderfully diverse collection of strong factual stories from all over Scotland and the world, told through the eyes of engaging contributors from all walks of life.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

29 minutes
