Mor-Dhrochaidean/Mega Bridges
Featuring three bridges, three eras, three feats of civil engineering - The Pont du Gard, the viaduct of Garabit and the viaduct of Millau.
Bridges are counted among the most spectacular works of art and hold a special place in the history of engineering. They are the answer to a central challenge in the history of mankind - mastering the land with a view to connecting people over vertiginous cliffs, steep gorges, and rivers with devastating torrents.
Bridges continue to fascinate because they symbolise the human genius in overcoming the obstacles of nature. Throughout the centuries, the necessity of developing means of transport coupled with the ambition of establishing new world records has been a driving force of progress, forcing the pioneers to break new ground.
Three bridges, three eras, three feats of civil engineering - The Pont du Gard, the viaduct of Garabit and the viaduct of Millau.
Tha drochaidean am measg nan obraichean ealain as iongantaiche, agus tha à ite sònraichte aca ann an eachdraidh innleadaireachd. 'S e freagairt a th' annta airson aon dhe na dùbhlain as cudromaiche ann an eachdraidh mhic an duine – smachd a ghabhail air an tìr airson ceanglaichean a dhèanamh. Tarsainn bearraidhean mòra, gilean cas is aibhnichean le sruthan sgriosail.
Tha drochaidean inntinneach seach gu bheil iad a' riochdachadh innleadaireachd mhic an duine ann a bhith a' trasnadh bhacaidhean nà dair. Tro na linntean, choisinn an t-iarratas airson còmhdhail a leasachadh an cois a' mhiann airson clà raidhean saoghail a chosnadh gu feumadh innleadairean rudan ur-ghnà thach fheuchainn.
Trì drochaidean, trì linntean, trì euchdan innleadaireachd-sìobhalta: am Pont du Gard, Drochaid Gharabit agus Drochaid Mhillau.
Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles
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