Spors air a' Bhlar/Games on the Battlefield
How sport provided a welcome respite from the killing fields of World War One. Fad ceithir bliadhna thairg spòrs faothachadh bhon chasgairt.
During the First World War, a few miles from the front, soldiers played football, ran races or boxed. For most of them, this was a first encounter with organised sport. It helped troops to forget the horrors and death around them, and gave fresh hope. Surprisingly, the Great War played a key role in the history of sport. Soldiers from rural populations all now practised sport – an activity until then reserved for the elite.
Tron Chiad Chogadh, beagan mhìltean bho aghaidh a' bhlà ir, bha saighdearan a' cluiche ball-coise, a' ruith neo a' bogsaigeadh. Dha mòran, seo a' chiad chothrom aca air spòrs. Leig e leotha dìochuimhneachadh mun uabhas is bà s, is thug e dòchas dhaibh.
Gu h-iongantach, bha a' Chiad Chogadh cudromach ann an eachdraidh spòrs. Bha saighdearan bhon tuath a-nise an sàs ann an rud a bha roimhe dha na h-uaislean a-mhà in.
Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles
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Role | Contributor |
Narrator | Evelyn Coull Macleod |
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