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Episode 4

Episode 4 of 6

Featuring a baked Alaska with its mountain of meringue, as well as a puff pastry parcel stuffed with cheese and vegetables.

Featuring baked Alaska with its mountain of meringue in Barvas on the Isle of Lewis. Still in Lewis in Garenin, a puff pastry parcel, known as jalousie, stuffed with herbs, cheese and vegetables. Gregor MacLeod visits friends throughout the Western Isles to see what real home cooks are making in their own kitchens.

At home in Callanish, Gregor dusts off an ingredient not often seen today: malt. He makes a sticky malt loaf packed with moist fruit. With drinks parties often in the calendar in Callanish, Gregor has a perfect canapé recipe. Gougères are tiny cheesy puff pastry morsels best served warm with your tipple of choice.

Can you beat the smell of freshly baked cinnamon buns? Gregor shares his recipe and adds a maple cream cheese icing.

Baked Alaska le tiùrr mearaing ann an Eilean Leòdhais agus ‘s na Geàrranan ‘jalousie’ - parsail pastraidh làn càise ‘s glasraich. Tha Griogair MacLeòid a’ tadhal air caraidean air feadh nan eilean gu faic e dè tha ga chòcaireachd ‘s na dachaighean aca fhèin.
Air ais aig an taigh an Calanais tha e cleachdadh rud nach cluinnear mòran mu dheidhinn san latha an-diugh – braich. Tha e a’ dèanamh lof steigeach mheasach leis.

Dè a b’ fheàrr le deoch nad’ làimh aig fear de phàrtaidhean Ghriogair na Gougére - bonnach beag pastraidh blàth làn càise.

A bheil am beat air fàileadh cùbhraidh bonnaich caineil dìreach a-mach as an àmhainn? Sa reasapaidh aig Griogair tha e gan còmhdach le siorap mhalpais is càise bog.

Tha e pailt cho cudthromach do Ghriogair a bhi blasad a bhìdh còmhla ri charaidean ‘s a tha e iomlaid a’ dhèanamh air reasapaidhean mìorbhaileach a tha ag obrachadh uair as dèidh uair.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

29 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Gregor Macleod
Director Ramsay MacMahon


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