Recipes and top baking tips from Gregor MacLeod and friends. Reasapaidhean ‘s fìor chomhairle fuinidh bho Ghriogair MacLeòid ‘s a charaidean.
A feast of salted caramel eclairs with crisp choux pastry in Barvas on the Isle of Lewis and in Tongue, lemon and white chocolate biscuits to dip in your tea. Gregor MacLeod visits friends throughout the Western Isles to see what real home cooks are making in their own kitchens.
At home in Callanish, Gregor puts a glut of apples to use in a spiced plum and apple chutney. Hosting a friend to tea, he bakes a rich and fruity Dundee cake spiked with whisky and marmalade. Its signature pattern of almonds is sure to impress any guest.
Never limited by geography, Gregor brings the flavours of Georgia to his kitchen in Lewis, making cheese-filled breads baked with an egg in the centre. Cheese, bread AND egg… who could refuse Khachapuri? For Gregor baking is as much about sharing the tasty treats you make as it is sharing the recipes you return to time after time.
Ann a Leòdhas, èclairean ann am Barabhas, ’s an Tong briosgaidean lìomain le teoclaid geal. Tha Griogair MacLeòid a’ tadhal air caraidean air feadh nan eilean gu faic e dè tha ga chòcaireachd ‘s na dachaighean aca fhèin.
Na chidsin fhèin an Calanais tha ùbhlan is plumasan gan cur gu feum le Griogair gus chutnaidh spìosrach a dhèanamh. Le charaid tighinn gu tì tha e fuine cèic a bhuinneas do Dhun Dè – tha steall math uisge-beatha and deagh chuid marmalaid san tè seo. Agus cò ris nach còrdadh am pà tran à raid à moin.
Gun chruinn-eòlas a’ cuir maill air Griogair, tha e toirt blasan bho Georgia gu Calanais. Aran air a lìonadh le cà ise agus ga chòcaireachd le ugh sa mheadhan…cò dhiùltadh Khachapuri?
Tha e pailt cho cudthromach do Ghriogair a bhi blasad a bhìdh còmhla ri charaidean ‘s a tha e iomlaid a’ dhèanamh air reasapaidhean mìorbhaileach a tha ag obrachadh uair as dèidh uair.
In Gaelic with English subtitles.
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Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Gregor Macleod |
Director | Ramsay MacMahon |
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