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Episode 1 of 4

Cathy MacDonald on George Mackay Brown’s prophetic novel, Greenvoe. Cathy Dhòmhnallach a’cnuasachadh mu nobhail fàisneachail Greenvoe le George Mackay Brown.

Orkney was George Mackay Brown’s inspiration, helping him to become a writer of international significance. Winning praise for his poetry and short stories, he went on to write six novels. Cathy MacDonald explores the themes of his most popular one, Greenvoe.

Greenvoe imagined an Orkney island community, Hellya, based on Stromness, being threatened by a mysterious defence project that would tear the island apart. It was prophetic. A few years later plans were laid to mine uranium around Stromness – a plan the community successfully resisted.

Suffering from ill health, George was unable to serve in WW2 and suffered low self-esteem because of that. He drank heavily, but beat his demons to become a revered author. Cathy reveals that Brown credited his mixed Orkney/Gaelic heritage for his style and inspiration.

Ged a b’e Arcaibh a mhisnich George Mackay Brown, b’e sgrìobhadair le luchd leantainn eadar-nàiseanta a bh’ann. Sgrìobhadair air a mholadh son a sgeulachdan goirid, bàrdachd ‘s sia nobhailean gu lèir. Tha Cathy Dhòmhnallach a’ rannsachadh nan cuspairean san fhear a b’fheàrr dhiubh, Greenvoe.

Ann a Greenvoe, chruthachadh Hellya, stèidhte air coimhearsnachd Stromness, a bha an cunnart a bhi mìllte le pròiseact dìon dìomhair. Bha seo fàisneachail. Bliadhna neo dhà as a dheidh, chaidh planaichean ga-rìribh chuir an sàs son iùrèinium a mhèinnearachd mu chuairt Stromness-plana a shabaid a’choimhearsnachd na aghaidh gu soirbheachail.

Cha robh George comasach air pàirt a ghabhail san Dàrna Cogadh le dìth na shlàinte agus dh’fhag seo trom-inntinneach e. Bha e ag òl cus deoch-làidir-ach rinn e chùis air a seachnadh agus chosnaich e inbhe sàr sgrìobhadair. Tha Cathy a’ nochdadh a bhuaidh a bha’m beachd George a thug dualchas Arcaibh ’s Gàidhlig air a chuid sgrìobhaidh.

58 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Cathy MacDonald
Director Les Wilson
