An Teaghlach Rìoghail an Ath-dhoras/The Royal Next Door Series 1 Episodes Available now
Am Paidirean Rìoghail
32/52 Tha cruaidh fheum aig Stella aig paidirean. Stella is desperate to have a necklace.
Tòrachd Rìoghail nan Uighean
31/52 Tha e coltach nach fhaigh thu ugh à rabaid! Apparently, bunnies can’t lay eggs!
Sgudal Rìoghail
30/52 Tha Stella ‘son ath-chuairteachadh! Stella wants to recycle!
A’ Mhargaidh Reic Rìoghail
29/52 Tha Margaidh Reic ri ullachadh an-diugh. There's a Yard Sale to set up today.
Uair Talmhainn Rìoghail
28/52 Feumar dealain a chaomhnadh! Electricity must be conserved!
An Dannsa Rìoghail
27/52 Tha rudan còmhstritheach. Things are contentious today.
Lèirmheas Rìoghail
26/52 Tha Stella là n aithreachais an-diugh. Stella is full of regrets today.
Ceumannan Rìoghail
25/52 Tha aig Stella ri dannsadh ionnsachadh. Stella has to learn how to dance.