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Episode 1

The birth and meteoric rise of 'La Brise de Mer'. Innsidh a' chiad earrann seo mar a th脿inig "La Brise de Mer" gu bith is gu cumhachd.

Corsica, early 1980s. The rise of a clan, based in the city of Bastia, brings terror to the French island. Soon, they become one of the country鈥檚 biggest crime groups. Here is the incredible story of the Corsican gangsters of 'La Brise de Mer'.

Intimidation, money laundering, hold-ups, murders... For 30 years, the members of La Brise de Mer ruled the island. By accumulating an ever-increasing number of investments, by relentlessly eliminating all opponents and forging alliances with politicians and businessmen, the mafia group gradually built up its empire. Money flowed freely and impunity was complete. In the face of La Brise de Mer, everyone observed the law of silence.

Corsica, tr脿th sna h-ochdadan. Choisinn neartachadh cinneadh st猫idhte ann am baile Bastia eagal air an eilean Fhrangach. Cha b' fhada gur iad aon dhe na buidhnean eucoireach a bu mhotha san d霉thaich. Seo sgeulachd iontach Corsicanach "La Brise de Mer".
Maoidheadh, ionnlaid-airgid, gadachd, muirt... Fad 30 bliadhna bha buill La Brise de Mer a' riaghladh an eilein. Tro bhith a' s矛or-leudachadh seilbheadaireachd, a' cur 脿s do dh'fharpaisich agus a' d猫anamh ceanglaichean le luchd-poileataigs is luchd-gnothaich, beag air bheag, leudaich am buidheann mafia an 矛mpireachd. Bha airgead a' sruthadh gun stad agus cha robh ceannsachadh orra. Mu choinneamh La Brise de Mer, lean gach neach lagh na tostachd.

Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles

4 weeks left to watch

48 minutes


Role Contributor
Narrator Derek Mackay
Executive Producer Calum McConnell
Producer Ann Morrison
Editor Innes Macleod
