Na Lorgairean Aillse/The Cancer Detectives
An sgeulachd mu na daoine a rinn strì gus boireannaich a shà bhaladh bho aillse mhuineal na machlaige. The story of those who fought tirelessly to save women from cervical cancer.
Tha an sgeulachd mu mar a thà inig deuchainn-sà bhalach airson aillse mhuineal na machlaig gu beatha bhoireannaich à bhaisteach cho annasach ’s a tha e cho iongantach ris a’ bhuidheann de dhaoine a chruthaich e: in-imreach Grèigeach, an Dtr. George Papanicolaou; a bhean dhà na, Mary; neach-ealain Iapanach, Hashime Murayama; an Dtr. Helen Dickens, lèigh-eòlaiche bhan Aifrigeanach Ameireacanach ann am Philadelphia; agus clas gu tur ùr de luchd-saidheans bhoireann, aithnichte mar eòlaichean-cheallan.
Cha robh san deuchainn ach toiseach-tòiseachaidh. Aon uair ’s gun deach a dhearbhadh cho èifeachdach ’s a bha i, dh’fheumadh an iomairt gus an deuchainn-smiùraidh a thoirt gu nam milleanan de bhoireannaich gluasad nà iseanta a thogail air feadh Ameireagaidh.
Tha Na Lorgairean Aillse ag innse sgeulachd nach deach a h-innse roimhe, mun chiad chogadh riamh an aghaidh aillse, agus na daoine a rinn strì gun stad gus boireannaich a shà bhaladh bhon phrìomh aillse a bha uair gam marbhadh.
The story of how the life-saving cervical cancer test became an ordinary part of women’s lives is as unusual and remarkable as the coalition of people who ultimately made it possible: a Greek immigrant, Dr. George Papanicolaou; his intrepid wife, Mary; Japanese-born artist, Hashime Murayama; Dr. Helen Dickens, an African American OB/GYN in Philadelphia; and an entirely new class of female scientists known as cyto-screeners.
But the test was just the beginning. Once it proved effective, the campaign to make Pap smears available to millions of women required nothing short of a national mobilisation across America. The programme tells the untold story of the first-ever war on cancer, and the people who fought tirelessly to save the population from what had been the number one cancer killer of women.
Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles
- Thursday 21:00
- Next Sunday 22:00