The Debbie McGee Show
Laugh along with Debbie McGee as she entertains you every Sunday from 11am with music, chat and gardening advice from our resident gardening expert Colin Evans.
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Colin Evans gardening tips
Pick ripe Tomatoes as soon as they are ready as they will fall from the plants and be reuined if left. Ovoid putting them in the fridge as this spoils the flavour and makes them watery. When the last of the crop is picked its best to remove the plants completey and then dig over the soil. Old plants are best disposed of unless they are disease free in which case they can be added to the compost heap. If your Tomatoes have been grown in containers the compost should be spread over the borders and not be used for next years Tomatoe crop.
Sow VERBASCUM seeds if you want a change from Hollyhocks or Lupins. These magnificent tall border perennials stand out in any border and provide colour throughout summer and will seed profusely making new plants year after year.
Remove rotten fruit from Apple and Pear trees to ensure the crop stays healthy as its fungal diseases like brown rot which will quickly destroy a healthy crop. Diseased fruit left on the tree will spread spores to the outer part of the tree which will overwinter and destroy the crop next year.
Prepare the ground by single digging and plant up with late variety Potatoes. There are many available so just choose which is best for you and plant them as soon as you can. If you have a small garden and the space is limited, then Potatoes will grow just as well in containers. If planted now you could be eating your own spuds on Christmas day.
Happy Gardening.