The Farming World Episodes Available now
Feeling the Benefits of Herbal Extracts
Medicinal herbal extracts are the subject of the last edition of The Farming World
What Happens after the Floods?
How do farmers begin to recover after the floods in Mozambique and India?
Oman's Salt Water Problem
How the use of motorised pumps is making groundwater more salty in Oman
Re-thinking Agricultural Development
So many farmers are so deperately poor because donor countries don't know how to help them
The Urban Farmers taking over Dehli
Champions of urban agriculture transforming Dehli homes, rooftops and even the prison
Could Going Green Grow more Food?
Strategies for getting more food from less space with greater regard for the enviorment
How to Succeed in Sugar Processing
Sugar manufacture in the UK at a time of overproduction and low prices elsewhere
Farming Relationships at Work
Teamwork is at the heart of farming: husbands and wives, families, neighbours far and wide
Giving Seeds a Head Start
Helping seeds of the versatile carob tree germinate and survive in harsh conditions
How Farmers find their Markets
Different trading decisions made by farmers in east Africa and the Caribbean