The Farming World Episodes Available now
Improved Grasslands Absorb more CO2
Improved grassland in South America helps to absorb carbon dioxide from the air
Hunger in an Urbanised World
How both our ever-growing cities and our small communities might feed themselves
Caring for Peru's Amazon Forests
Peruvian Amazon forest under threat from incoming farmers as well as loggers and ranchers
Royal Smithfield Show: Latest Farm Machinery
Mechanical marvels include a tractor that phones its driver when it's not feeling well
Success of the Village Flour Mill
Communal flour mill transforms west African village life
World Food Summit: Progress and Protests
Sustainable agriculture and protection of biodiversity: the hot topics at the FAO's Summit
The International Grain Trade
Grain production and trade are at the heart of global agriculture
Farmers Are Guardians of Local Crop Varieties
Good news for plant genetic diversity as farmers continue to grow local varieties
Why Cuban Agriculture Went Organic
With imports cut by upheaval in Eastern Europe, Cuban farmers were forced to go organic
Agroforesty Success Stories
How agrforestry pays off for farmers in Caribbean and Latin America