Episode 19
Giffnock footballer Rachel Mair and Rangers striker Kirsty Howat update 360 on the community they have created for women and girls to talk more about their ACL journey.
Giffnock footballer Rachel Mair and Rangers striker Kirsty Howat join Iona Ballantyne in the studio. Rachel and Kirsty update 360 on the community they have created for women and girls to talk more about their ACL journey, and Scottish netball star Emily Nicholl tells us why she is in Australia, playing alongside Australian champions West Coast Fever.
Tha cluicheadair Giofnag Rachel Mair agus cluicheadair aghaidh Rangers Kirsty Howat còmhla ri Iona Ballantyne ann an stiùidio 360 an t-seachdain ‘sa. Innsidh Rachel agus Kirsty do 360 mun choimhearsnachd a tha iad air cruthachadh do bhoireannaich agus clann-nighean a’ toirt cothrom dhaibh bruidhinn mun t-slighe ACL aca, agus tha rionnag ball-lìn na h-Alba Emily Nicholl ag innse dhuinn carson a tha i ann an Astrà ilia, a’ cluich còmhla ri sà r sgioba, West Coast Fever.
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