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Episode 20

Episode 20 of 38

It’s the first show of the new year for 360 and joining Iona Ballantyne in the studio is SWPL managing director, Fiona McIntyre.

It’s the first show of the new year for 360 and joining Iona Ballantyne in the studio is SWPL managing director, Fiona McIntyre. As well as catching up on what’s happening in the SWPL, they hear from Stirling University’s Athina Varnava about her international call up to the Cyprus squad. And golfer Gemma Dryburgh talks to 360 about winning the LPGA tour in Japan last year, making her the first Scot to win the tournament since 2011.

Sa chiad phrògram againn air a’ bhliadhna, tha preasantair Iona Ballantyne còmhla ri stiùiriche an SWPL, Fiona Nic an t-Saoir. A thuilleadh air a bhith bruidhinn mun SWPL cluinnidh iad bho cluicheadair Oilthigh Shruighlea Athina Varnava mun cothrom a fhuair i bhon sgioba nàiseanta aice, Cìopras; agus tha cluicheadair goilf Gemma Dryburgh a’ bruidhinn gu 360 mun cuairt an LPGA, an fharpais a bhuinnig i ann an Iapan an-uiridh, a’ chiad Albannach a tha air sin a dhèanamh bho 2011.

35 minutes
