Sally Owen
PA to Ian Fletcher; super-loyal, ultra-efficient, and hyper-protective of Ian, for the very good reason that she's in love with him.
This is a love that runs very deep but dare not speak its name, since Ian is married.
Yes no that's fine, not a problem. I've already done it.Sally Owen
But, as we know, he's unhappily married, and Sally lives her life in a state of perpetual but silent hope. One day he will surely realise that the smooth cappuccinos and huge, perfectly moist cinnamon Danish whirls with which she selflessly punctuates his working days are actually bought from a small coffee shop a block and a half away because the ones from the coffee chain in the building just aren't good enough.
In the meantime she hits the gym hard and makes the very best of herself whilst refining still further her extraordinary ability to fulfil, organise, and supply Ian's every last need well before he realises what those needs are.