Gary & Pete
Self-proclaimed lazy gardeners Gary and Pete plant by the ethos, 'maximum yield for minimal effort'
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Best in Show week one |
Best in Show week four |
Gary and Pete have been best friends since they met at work 15 years ago. They get on so well that the pair now share one-and-a-half allotments that they’ve had for three years. You'll often find them together, whether it’s at the pub or messing around digging up veg.
The guys generally garden for the fun and the social experience which comes with it. Both of them despise weeding and do as little as possible. They are renowned for giving away their produce, especially the rhubarb that they grow in abundance. They are often found trading it in for a free beer at their local and have earnt themselves the nickname ‘rhubarb boys’. They also love to indulge in homemade peach schnapps and rhubarb wine and have recently taken on the task of keeping bees at their allotment.
The team dynamics involve Gary doing a lot of the heavy duty work whilst Pete chats to their allotment neighbours. Pete freely admits that he spends time chatting to other allotment owners to work out their game plan for the growing season and will happily use this tactic in the competition. Pete's other secret weapon in his plans to take the crown is the internet, which he's used to teach himself how to get the best results from the ground.
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Eliminated in week two
Eliminated in week five
Eliminated in week five
Elminated in week three
Eliminated in week one
Eliminated in week four