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Police Officer Dave Lockwood

My role is to locate and arrest any person in West Yorkshire that is currently wanted across the whole of the European Union.

Sometimes the intelligence and the image of the subject can be dated which makes searching for the individual extremely difficult.

Enquiries can take weeks, months and on rare occasions – years!

The more difficult the individual is to find, the more determined I become to find them. This makes it more rewarding when I do eventually track down someone that has been wanted for a long time, but that’s just the start of it.

Initially I have to make sure I choose the right arrest strategy to minimize risk to all concerned. Then, once they have been arrested I have to submit a comprehensive file to the court. I have to be meticulous, paying attention to every little detail, making sure the court receives an accurate and factual summary of events.

During the series, you’ll see a number of people arrested for a variety of offences; ranging from low level crime - right up to some very serious incidents.

You’ll find out the different tactics we as Police can employ and the different way people react once they’ve been caught.

Allowing the cameras in to film the series, has given West Yorkshire Police a great opportunity to let the public see what hard work goes on in the area, with regards to tracking down people on European Arrest Warrants. Up until now this work has been done with very little publicity.