Milton Fruchtman
Milton was a ground breaking 35-year-old US producer. He secured the rights to televise the Eichmann trial and distributed it to 37 countries every night over the course of four months of filming. Before the trial he had worked on a number of Hollywood films, including Salome with Rita Hayworth, and a series of documentary profiles for NBC. He went on to win a Peabody Award for his work and is still working as a producer in America.
Martin Freeman on Milton Fruchtman
Eichmann was a fairly unprepossessing looking personMartin Freeman
"From a career point of view, Milton knew this was going to be a once in a lifetime opportunity and he wanted to be at the helm of it. The trial was seen by people all over the world. It was the first time people en masse had heard first-hand testimony from survivors. People obviously knew that something truly terrible had happened under the Nazis but maybe it was the first time the scale and breadth had had a human face put on it – the face of the survivors. Eichmann was a fairly unprepossessing looking person. People who can be responsible for these terrible things are not monsters; they look, sound and often even think quite similarly to us which is the scariest thing of all."