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Emeka Okorocha

Fact title Fact data
General Surgery - Carrying out a broad range of surgical procedures including all abdominal and gastro-intestinal surgery, endoscopies, laparoscopies and general paediatric surgery
  • Nigerian prince – third in line to the throne in family's province
  • Fashion lover who prides himself on looking dapper at work
  • He finds the F1 workload overwhelming and making big decisions 'on call' very stressful


Emeka grew up in Kent, he’s 6'6 and the son of Nigerian parents. He was very competitive as a child and naturally leaned towards the sciences. He comes from a family of medics and from a very young age knew he wanted to be a doctor. He studied medicine at the University of East Anglia.

Emeka is third in line to the throne in his province in Nigeria, where his paternal grandfather was King. He was nicknamed 'prince' when he was younger and it's stuck – he admits it's his party line for the ladies. He prides himself on looking dapper at work and has a vast collection of tailor-made shirts and ties. He likes to think of himself as 'a new medical fashion icon'.

Outside of work, Emeka is sports mad – when he's not at the gym or out on a run, he can be found shooting hoops on the basketball court. A budding entrepreneur, long-term he sees himself at the heart of a multi-national medical company. He is currently living in halls with three other F1 doctors.

Social Life

Emeka enjoys the finer things in life and prefers a night out at the ballet or the opera, than a night down the pub. He has a big group of medic friends and tries to keep his social life 'interesting'. He likes surrounding himself with elite members of society and rubbing shoulders with the rich and famous.

A self-confessed 'ladies' man', Emeka was crowned most eligible bachelor at university. Currently single, he likes nothing better than wining and dining 'female friends' in high class bars and restaurants in Birmingham.

Doctor Story

Emeka's following in the footsteps of his grandfather, who was a doctor, and his father, an obstetrics and gynaecology consultant. His younger brother and sister are also medical students.

Emeka has already completed rotations in Renal and Geriatrics and loves caring for the elderly. He's known for being a charmer on the wards and his cheeky banter has got him into embarrassing situations with elderly patients who have tried to set him up with their granddaughters.

He began his rotation in General Surgery in April and wants to spend some time in theatre. He loves the excitement of being on call and is often the first person to arrive at cardiac arrests because he's 'faster and fitter' than most of the nurses – 'like Usain Bolt coming round the bend'. To date, he's never lost a patient and calls himself the 'lucky angel' – 'if there's a cardiac arrest, then call me'.

Despite the confident exterior, Emeka admits that being on call and making big decisions by himself is very stressful. He also finds the F1 workload overwhelming at times and has been told by senior colleagues on his previous rotations that he's too laid back – something he needs to work on over the coming months.