CBeebies Schedule
Show Me Show Me—Series 6, Hot-Air Balloons and Patchwork
8/20 Momo rides in a hot-air balloon, and Chris and Pui make a giant patchwork picture. (R)
Baby Jake—Series 2, Baby Jake Loves Pretty Lights
25/26 Baby Jake and Sydney the Monkey go on a tropical adventure with fireflies. (R)
Yakka Dee!—Series 1, Lion
14/20 Dee encourages a friend to say 'lion', and we go on a whirlwind word adventure. (R)
Dinopaws—The Thing That Fell Down
5/51 Bob wishes to see one of the twinkles in the night sky up close, and his wish comes true! (R)
Raa Raa the Noisy Lion—Series 1, The Right Sound
2/26 Raa Raa helps Huffty find the right sound, so they can play loud music together. (R)
Teletubbies—Series 2, Noise
30/60 Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Laa-Laa and Po are trying very hard not to make any noise. (R)
Tee and Mo—Series 1, Action Ape
6/50 It's bathtime, but Tee wants one more game with his favourite toy, Action Ape!
Bing—Series 1, Cake
70/78 Bing's friends are coming to his house for a cake party. (R)
Hey Duggee—Series 1, The Detective Badge
48/52 Duggee puts his apple pie on the window sill to cool, but then it disappears. Who took it? (R)
Hey Duggee—Series 1, The Sewing Badge
49/52 Duggee and the Squirrels sew ponchos until they hear a loud sneeze. Someone needs a hanky! (R)
Peter Rabbit—Series 2, The Tale of the Tunnel Rumbler
5/50 Peter and his friends mistake a lost Jeremy Fisher for a scary monster. (R)
Go Jetters—Series 1, Komodo National Park, Indonesia
25/52 When Grandmaster Glitch supersizes a komodo dragon, the Go Jetters must fix the glitch. (R)
Octonauts—Series 3, Red Rock Crabs
15/22 Shellington and the crew try to gather some crabs who have drifted away from home. (R)
Biggleton—Series 1, The Big Mistake
15/25 Everyone's worried that Frankie the Business Woman is going to flatten Biggleton. (R)
Justin's House—Series 4, Growing Gloop
15/20 Mr Bloom gives Justin a mysterious Super Swellberry that contains magical 'growing gloop'. (R)
Everything's Rosie—Series 3, Me and My Shadow
2/26 Will decides to put on a shadow show, but something is wrong - Will has lost his shadow! (R)
Tinga Tinga Tales—Series 2, Why Camel Has a Hump
2/26 How Camel got thirsty and drank so much that a hump full of water appeared on his back. (R)
Bing—Series 1, Come On Charlie
55/78 Charlie doesn't want to play Bing's favourite games - they play music together instead. (R)
Twirlywoos—Series 3, More About Connecting
24/25 The Twirlywoos watch a farmer connect fence panels together to make a pen for his sheep. (R)
Something Special—We're All Friends: Series 11, Animal Keeper
6/24 Today, Justin and his friend are animal keepers, while Mr Tumble looks after a horse. (R)
Teletubbies—Series 1, Rainbow
55/60 The Teletubbies go for a walk on a sunny day, but clouds appear and it starts to rain. (R)
Patchwork Pals—Series 1, Moth
25/26 Patchwork Moth seems to be alone on the patchwork blanket. Where are all her friends? (R)
Yakka Dee!—Series 1, Lion
14/20 Dee encourages a friend to say 'lion', and we go on a whirlwind word adventure. (R)
Let's Play—Series 2, Opera Singer
13/26 Rebecca steps through the Magic Curtain to be an opera singer. (R)
Show Me Show Me—Series 6, Ukeleles and Holidays
10/20 Chris, Pui and the toys listen to a ukulele band and get excited about going on holiday! (R)
Big Barn Farm—Series 1, Recycling Proficiency Test
15/20 The Farmyard Bunch finds a pile of junk. What is more, there is someone hidden in it. (R)
Andy's Baby Animals—On the Move
15/20 Andy Day tries to keep up with young animals on the move. (R)
Waybuloo—Series 3, Yojojo Wants to Share
5/50 Yojojo finds an orange, but he isn't sure how he should share it with everybody. (R)
I Can Cook—I Can Cook on the Go, Watermelon Cooler and Sports Day
10/26 Katy and her friends make watermelon cooler and have fun at a special sports day. (R)
Teacup Travels—Series 2, Discus
10/20 Great Aunt Lizzie tells the story of Lokesh and the Adventure of Exoidas and the Discus. (R)
My Story—Series 2, Safari
5/25 Daddy Gerard shares his memories of growing up in Kenya with his son Sammy. (R)
Melody—Series 2, Rocket Trip
15/20 Melody listens to Mars by Gustav Holst and imagines a space adventure. (R)
Baby Jake—Series 2, Baby Jake Loves Pretty Lights
25/26 Baby Jake and Sydney the Monkey go on a tropical adventure with fireflies. (R)
Tinga Tinga Tales—Series 2, Why Camel Has a Hump
2/26 How Camel got thirsty and drank so much that a hump full of water appeared on his back. (R)
Bing—Series 1, Come On Charlie
55/78 Charlie doesn't want to play Bing's favourite games - they play music together instead. (R)
Tee and Mo—Only One Mum
Tee loves his mum and wants the world to know via the power of song. (R)
Twirlywoos—Series 3, More About Connecting
24/25 The Twirlywoos watch a farmer connect fence panels together to make a pen for his sheep. (R)
Something Special—We're All Friends: Series 11, Library
11/24 Justin and his friend go to the library while Mr Tumble plays 'library' with the toys. (R)
Timmy Time—Series 3, Doctor Timmy
3/28 When a mysterious case of spots breaks out, it's up to Doctor Timmy to investigate. (R)
Olobob Top—Series 1, Floaty Boaty
25/52 Whilst helping Bobble float his boat, Big Fish loses her 'pretty thing' in the pond. (R)
Patchwork Pals—Series 1, Moth
25/26 Patchwork Moth seems to be alone on the patchwork blanket. Where are all her friends? (R)
Yakka Dee!—Series 1, Lion
14/20 Dee encourages a friend to say 'lion', and we go on a whirlwind word adventure. (R)
Let's Play—Series 2, Opera Singer
13/26 Rebecca steps through the Magic Curtain to be an opera singer. (R)
Show Me Show Me—Series 6, Ukeleles and Holidays
10/20 Chris, Pui and the toys listen to a ukulele band and get excited about going on holiday! (R)
Andy's Baby Animals—Getting Around
5/20 Andy Day looks at a selection of baby animals as they learn how to get around. (R)
Numberblocks—Series 2, Ten
Ten turns up to tell the Numberblocks what it's like to be a perfect ten. (R)
Footy Pups—Series 2, Cricket
15/30 Irish cricketer Niall O'Brien shows Rachel and the team how to strike a cricket ball. (R)
Get Well Soon—Hospital – Series 2, Outpatients
10/10 Riz has his height, weight, heart rate, breathing rate and blood pressure measured. (R)
Hey Duggee—Series 2, The Yoga Badge
20/52 The Squirrels are all hyped up with bundles of energy. Duggee needs to calm them down. (R)
Kazoops!—Series 1, Coconut Safari Club
20/75 Monty finds out Jimmy Jones can't appreciate music because he's an animal. (R)
Go Jetters—Series 1, Niagara Falls, Canada and USA
5/52 Glitch blocks Niagara Falls to give Grim HQ a mud bath. Can the Go Jetters fix the glitch? (R)
Peter Rabbit—Series 2, The Tale of the Tunnel Rumbler
5/50 Peter and his friends mistake a lost Jeremy Fisher for a scary monster. (R)
Bitz & Bob—Series 1, Monster Mountain
5/22 A climb up Mount Robo-Bob is interrupted by the appearance of abominable snow monsters.
Bitz & Bob—You Can Do It Too!: Series 1, Monster Mountain
5/22 We're exploring friction by racing toys on different surfaces!
Down on the Farm—Series 3, Farm Cats and Robots
19/20 JB and Storm find out about farm robots, farm cats, donkeys and glass recycling.
Our Family—Our Family Fun, Finlay's Family Obstacle Course
16/29 Finlay sets out an obstacle course in the garden, then races against Mum and Ellis. (R)
Waffle the Wonder Dog—Series 1, Waffle and the Swimming Pool
15/30 Waffle has so much fun at Mr Willow's house that he decides to stay for a sleepover!
My First—Series 2, Dentist
10/20 Join Ava as she goes to the dentist for the first time.
Pablo—Series 1, The Super Place
5/52 Mouse finds the noisy colours of the supermarket overwhelming. (R)
Charlie and Lola—Series 1, It Wasn't Me!
13/26 Lola's imaginary friend persuades her to borrow Charlie's rocket to transport an elephant. (R)
64 Zoo Lane—Series 3, The Story of Patsy the Porcupine
16/26 Patsy falls and hurts herself, so the others have to tidy up for themselves for a change. (R)
In the Night Garden—Series 1, The Wottingers' Hiding Game
92/100 The Pontipines are playing hide-and-seek with the Wottingers. (R)
CBeebies Bedtime Stories—Extras, Pete Dalton - It's a Groovy World, Alfredo!
Pete Dalton reads It's a Groovy World, Alfredo!, by Sean Taylor. (R)