Back to work
Posted: Tuesday, 10 January 2006 |
Mam went back to work yesterday, so me and Maggie are stuck out in the shed all day, but we're not on our own, you see she work's in the shed, she makes something called Burra Bears, from old woolly jumpers.
It's not so bad, the shed is quite small so we can't run around so much, but it's really warm and cosy and we have a bed each.
We have to get up really early as Rob is back at school and everyone is up and dressed before 9, so no more lie in's!

I was going to tell you about our cousin's in Whiteness, Mak and Millie. Mak is a black lab (still a bit young and hyper like Maggie), Millie is about the same height as me (she's really old thought) and is what you human's call a mongrel (we don't like to think of ourselves by that name), the vet thought she was a cross between a Jack Russell and a German Shepherd (Yeh, I know what you're thinking????), but anyhow, she was a street dog in Glasgow and came from a Rescue home, My Mam's, sister's lass took her up here to live and now she has a huge garden and a lovely house, but still has a bit of a problem with food (all those years on the streets), and she can be a temperamental now and again.
Mak is still quite young about 8 years (or 1.5 years in human years), he came from Yell as a puppy.
I don't really see much of them, especially now Maggie is here, as I don't get to go in the car very often (only when we go to the vet).
Posted on A dogs life at 16:47
My dad can't understand why he gets very little comments on his blog and you get so much more. I do n't know why he has n't realised that we dogs are much more interesting but then he thinks I can't use the PC.
Floyd from Jura
the dogs look realy cute and they must have a realy good life
alyson from glasgow
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