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16 October 2014


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Must have been something I ate

On a recent trip to foreign parts, I was intrigued by the culinary offerings in a local hostelry - but not that intrigued. Anyone with similar experiences they'd care to share?

Posted on diamondbigdod at 19:08


I once ate Crocodile in Kenya at the famous Carnivore Restaurant in Nairobi. Tasted like crab it did.

Squidgy the Otter from Coll

bring me a crocodile sandwich and make it snappy! (sorry couldnt resist that one). I've tried chickens feet in restaurant in Singapore - not good - specially with the claws still in!

Wild Freckle from Mull

I have been known to eat fish and chips in the UK... (but I don't plan to any more unless they bring fresh cod back, in generous sizes)

mjc from NM, USA

Salvation may be on the horizon mjc. Farmed cod from Shetland is now on the market, only in fish finger form from what I hear at the moment but who knows. By the way, in Scotland haddock was the traditional fish of fish suppers.

Hyper-Borean from A cage

I'd rather have squidly any day...squidly rings in a light batter with *artisan hand-cut chips (*for our metropolitan chums) and mushy peas (guacamole according to Tony's old chum whatsisname)...

Flying Cat from a pierowall moment

Haddock is nice, Hyper-B. Do they still serve it at the F and C in Scotland? Down in Durham (even though it is not that far down), it was still cod. # And, please FC, don't call mashed mushy peas "guacamole."

mjc from NM, USA

For goodness sakes mjc, I never did!...it was Peter Mandelson...allegedly. Have you ever known a civilised cat miscall anything...or anyone? Tautological mashed mushy peas whatever next...

Flying Cat from Almondbrot

mushy (over-cooked, soft, English) peas which are then mashed: mashed mushy peas (sequential, not tautological). Gimme a break. Or I'll report you to the FBI/CIA, I will (and then they would grab Hermit in a normal/usual case of mistaken identity?!).

mjc from NM, USA

...I could relent and allow mushed mushy peas if you like...

Flying Cat from chilled

squidgy, don't put me off going to a resturant in singapore--- remember i'm staying their for three days en route for auckland--last time i was their(early sixties-ouch)the waiter calmy sliced the top of a live monkey and took out the brain and served it to the guy at the next table!!! why the h**l am i having a stopver there???

carol from tired after crazy day's work

I think you'll find things have changed a bit since then!

Flying Cat from knows sometwo who were there 2 years ago

FC and Carol: now they serve the stuff on Royal Doulton, with silver cutlery. # Some culinary habits are quite barbaric: but it's all a question of trying to appropriate some attributes of the stuff eaten. It's enough to turn one into a vegetarian.

mjc from NM, USA

mjc: yet again i thank my lucky stars that i am copying more and more of pascal's eating habits!!!(thank my lucky stars for him full stop)

carol from over here

And what ARE his eating habits? # By the way, did he give you a maximum number with regards to cats in your (near future, if not futuristic) conjugal bed? Or is he into civets de lapin?

mjc from NM, USA

diamond., your Trondra neighbor returned to a comatose state. At that rate, his blog is not going anywhere. Maybe that's the way he wants it: once in Trondra, always in Trondra?

mjc from NM, USA


Flying Cat from Carnivore Corner

Fear not mjc, my Trondra neighbour is currently on your side of the pond so I have no doubt he will return the teller of many a tale

diamonbigdod from Trondra

Is he now diamondblgdod? In the SW, is he? I have better sharpen that swiss army knife of mine: a Trondra scalp in the offing.

mjc from NM, USA

MJC: his eating habits are very simple!!! cough cough!!!!!splutter splutter!! Only organic produce--ok! very rarely cooked food--mainly raw--even fish must not be farmed--i can cope with this but eating out can pose problems typical question to stuffy waitress(there was only man and myself in resturant at 20h15,so don't say she was tired!!)-has the fish been reared in fish farms or is it "wild"?? i won't give you the rest of the details of the evening,well in 2 words--B****y awful!! As to how many cats in the bed----NONE--when he's home they don't even get near the bedroon door!! Anymore questions? just send them on bisous

carol from over here

Carol, I think man with and babybiped1's wife would get on great, she also is not scared to ask all necessary questions of waiting staff, re origins of ingredients...parental units rather more cowardly.

Flying Cat from ask and ye shall be telt

FC: i must admit since being with the man with--in nz i'v changed my eating habits as well not so strict as pascal's but its working wonders --i've now lost 23 kilos and feeling good--it is a healthier diet and i eat more than before and contrary to what most people believe,fresh organic food is not more expensive-you only eat the fruit and that are in season--i'll try to send snaps through and you can see the difference in my size since lerwick trevor was here and now:::

carol from counting the hours till i'm off duty

Surely you don't need to lose any more...

Flying Cat from Carol's disappearing!

Perhaps a juicy steak, pan fried potatoes, French green beans or baby asparagus could reverse the decline? Preceded by appetizer (two dozen snails) and a caramelized ginger ice cream.

mjc from NM, USA

Oooooooooh! You bad bad mjc you! You've only just gone and turned fpu into a gibbering heap of desire... Snails by the dozen...last time she had snails it was a meagre six in the French restaurant in Douglas...dripping with garlic herby butter...I'm going to have to go and administer extreme gumption...

Flying Cat from soothing a much-fevered brow

The ice cream is of course for dessert (not appetizer), to help clean the palate for the cognac to follow. # Only six, FC? Hope those snails were nice and plump. We had a favorite restaurant in Atlanta (when we lived in Augusta, Georgia, ages ago), with food so delicious and prices so reasonable that we were convinced that the establishment had to be a money-laundering operation. Did not affect our appetite though.

mjc from NM, USA

MJC--ok a nice grilled steak""a point" green beans,asparagus(when in season--they grow behind my house!) but snails?? NO WAY!! i've tried eating them,but no matter how they are prepared just can't swallow them! frogs legs,,mmm Now that is deliceous!!

carol from playing doctors and nurses

You can't swallow snails, Carol? Not even with garlicky, herby butter? Carol: are you trying to swallow the shells as well?! (these things happen when Scots go way down south ...).[kidding, Carol, just kidding].

mjc from NM, USA

Half the fun of snails is using the wee gizmo to hold the shell whilst manoevering the tiny fork in the other paw to spear the gastropod into your mouth. The snail has to be dead of course...And I would never eat frogslegs because they are often not dead when the legs are cut off. Even I wouldn't condone that!

Flying Cat from frogslegs boycott

I take note of your scrupules, FC. Of course, you make sure your Rolling Acres frogs have been koshered/halaled before your mighty fangs start digging in. I tell you: some cats have short memory.

mjc from NM, USA

Wonder whether ArdnortR. had mesquite smoked rattlesnake while he was in Texas. It's a specialty of the area around Austin. Tastes best with refried beans (and so would Guga). No, it's not Tex-Mex.: it's pure Texas. Is the stuff any good? Probably not, but Texans don't know any better. Viva Nueve Mexico!!

mjc from NM,USA

Nueve? Nueve Mexico, of course. As to Old Mexico, one is good enough, I should think.

mjc from NM,USA

Nuevo. I swear someone sabotaged my keyboard.

mjc from NM,USA


Flying Cat from that's right blame the tools

That does it ! Fish & chips for T tonight then (and its cod too !) now I know where to look for inspiration when we have the *what will me take out of the freeze for tonight* dilema. Angela

Angela from Fair Isle

...and of course, we all know that cod moves in mysterious ways its wonders to perform...

Flying Cat from Stromness Chippy

Codpieces are not supposed to move, FC. They merely play a supporting role, both literally and in the drama of life. # As to Stromness chippy: has it gone all pricey, what with the new equipment etc? I thought you liked the Anstruther chippy better.

mjc from NM,USA

It's a long wasy to fly just for a poke of chips...

Flying Cat from a hard stare

Some folks fly all the way to Las Vegas to plunk down their chips ...

mjc from NM,USA

MJC: the "Bell Rock" in Arbroath used to do the best fish suppers ever tasted--I have been promised fish and chips chez les kiwis!! we'll see

carol from desperate for a fish supper

Just make sure the NZ chippie owners are of guid Scots/Italian stock Carol and the fish suppers should be up there with the best! Steer clear of Chinese chippies though, I've never had a good one yet...

Flying Cat from the leaving of liverpool

The Chinese chappies are all right though. Next time you go to a Chinese restaurant, FC, try (white, steamed) rice or noodles dish!! Come to think of it, when I was in Scalloway, a native there vouched for chips at a Chinese snack place not far from the harbor. That place is forever engraved in my brains as the location where I had a spirited conversation with a local, whose dialect/pronunciation I could not understand in the least. If he understood me, he doubtless wondered what on earth I had inhaled. Maybe we were just two ships passing in the night, tooting horns, uncomprehending. It was strange fun though.

mjc from NM,USA

I like a nice Pekin Duck with wraps and shredded green stuff and a good hot dip...and lemon chicken...and beef in blackbean sauce...and OH, HAUD ME BACK!!!!

Flying Cat from Sweet Abalone

Fred got himself/his wife the two Chinese cook books by Fuchsia Dunlop to enlarge his repertoire. When he can't sleep at night, impatient to get on with next day's project, he gets up for an hour or two and whips up some Chinese delicacy or other. That's right Fred old boy: when I visit, I shall expect dim sum 24/7. Have you seen the old Ang Lee (of Brokeback Mountain notoriety) Eat, Drink, Man, Woman movie? Worth buying or renting. If I could afford it, I would pop over to Taiwan right now for a week's orgy of good Chinese food (all regions).

mjc from NM,USA

mjc......dont say a word the books are for a crissy pressie my wife will not start until after xmas until I put the new kitchen in, as to Diamondbigdad picture it looks like Chicken Piri Piri, very nice too

Fredblogs from Point

Oh hullo Fred, I thought the cat was out of the bag already, and that you had been practising your Chinese culinary skills using said books. Oh well, get her the Breath of a Wok.

mjc from NM,USA

OK strainge dishes that I have eaten, Tripe, Pigs trotter, stuffed Hearts, Brawn, Ox tail. that's when I was a lad, as I got older anything else tasted alot better.

fred Blogs from Point

I tried a dish which was translated as Five Meat Soup once. Turned out that the five meats were all derived from a chicken, including its feet. Tasted pretty good though. As for Scallowa' chippie mjc, we were there in '99 visiting for the Tall Ships and were eating both en famille and al fresco outside the chip shop we we were approache by a dignified elderly man. "It is a changed scene from the wartime," he remarked in a slight norwegian accent. When I asked," Were you here at the time of the Shetland Bus?" He replied ,"I was on the Shetland Bus." Sometimes in life we get to meet real heroes. Up till then I was pretty smug about having come in by the Sooth Mooth in square rigger.

Hyper-Borean from Fragrant Harbour

Ox tail and tripe are rather ordinary, Fred. But the rest!! How do you prepare stuffed hearts (of which animal?), and where did you have it? Pigs trotter is common in Gael land, I am told, but I doubt I would walk a mile for it. And "Brawn" - what part of which animal are you referring to, how prepared, and where did you eat it? Educate us, Fred.

mjc from NM,USA

Lamb hearts are best for stuffing, ox hearts are best for stewing, and, for a cat, tripes are a pawstep too far! A smokey knee is all you need for a huge pan of pea&ham soup. Isn't brawn what you have if not brains?

Flying Cat from quite slender so must be brainy

Brawn is what they have on Flotta, so I hear! [Kidding folks, just kidding!]. # So, how do you get the ingredients, FC? You just go to the butcher and blithely say: "Have a heart?" Still, the preparation is all a mystery to me: you have cavities for stuffing hens, turkeys and geese. How do you stuff a heart? What kind of stuffing do you use?

mjc from NM,USA

My first visits to Norway to meet the future in-laws were quite interesting experiences from a culinary point of view. My now father in law served up local delicacies such as lutefisk (cod marinated in caustic soda) and gamle ost (old cheese translated). Old I probably could have lived with but I still don't understand why it had to be rolled over an old carpet to pick up whatever debris the hoover had missed - or at least that's what I recon the process involved. Anyway, I'm still here and have just had my 14th wedding anniversary so I guess I passed?

diamondbigdod from Trondra

Strange foods - how about roasted guinea pig, and grilled sparrow. Not on the same plate. And before the pc brigade get angry, it was overseas. Preferred the sparrow, though not much flesh on them. You need a few to make a good meal.

ArdnortRupshot from On a hot plate

mjc - if your heart has no cavities I'm surprised you are still with us! And didn't the Romans bring cavies over to breed for food? I quite like the idea of a nice plump roasted guineapig, but draw the line at spiugs. I prefer them raw... Haslet. fpu say "If anyone can give me a genuine recipe for haslet, I'll be indebted to him/her"

Flying Cat from asking the butcher to have a heart

Yeah, ArdnortR., sparrows make for slim pickings. Did you use a slingshot?

mjc from NM,USA

A twelve bore! But then that would have left even less to chew on. Not sure how they were captured - my only concern was how they appeared on the plate. And FC, guinea pig seemed to consist mostly of tendon. I'd rather not find one on my plate again.

ArdnortRupshot from Chowing down

Slim Pickings? Isn't he an old C&W star...from when we were allowed to call it C&W.

Flying Cat from jest a'strummin' ma ole geetar

Slim Pickings was not the deputy sheriff at Tombstone, FC: he was lead banjo player at the Grand Ole Opry (and no, he did not play in Deliverance). Ask Hyper-B.: he knows

mjc from NM,USA

Hyper-B are you out there? Do you know?

Flying Cat from just asking like...

Haslet?! Good grief, FC, you must have a really strong stomach. I have never understood the fascination otherwise sane folks have for meat loaves.

mjc from NM,USA

Gee-whizz! Mjc says I'm sane folks whatever next???

Flying Cat from where's the recipe?

DBD have sent a snap from singapore to fc regarding you---enjoy!

carol from in singapore

Well...she thinks she has, but......

Flying Cat from Living in hope

what nothings coming through yet???

carol from allblacckland

I think we're halfway there...

Flying Cat from a green land

Ah i see at last things are going the web of the net

carol from from an even greener one !!

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