Who isnt sick ?
Posted: Monday, 11 February 2008 |
We're just coming out of a period of time where eveyone has been sick, kids sick, parents sick, siblings sick, it felt as though the world had the flu at one point. God i am knackered & crave a nights sleep where im not woken up by someone asking for a drink or the phone ringing !
Things are starting to look up a little here, the ground is showing signs of drying out, dare I even start to believe I may get the ploughing done next month..
Ive been inundated with calls from shops on the mainland asking if i can supply them with free range eggs & as a result we are going to build our layers flock up to 100 birds over the next year, to start supplying late august with a contract that increases to 600 eggs per week in march 2009, tisnt to be sniffed at when its regular income & the proverbial foot in the door so to speak.
On the subject of birds, yesterday was day 19 for the first batch in the incubator, they were moved to the hatcher in the morning & by lunchtime we had signs of life soon to exit the confines of the egg, holding an egg which is still intact yet can be clearly heard to be cheaping never ceases to enthrall me. Big kid at heart.
Things are starting to look up a little here, the ground is showing signs of drying out, dare I even start to believe I may get the ploughing done next month..
Ive been inundated with calls from shops on the mainland asking if i can supply them with free range eggs & as a result we are going to build our layers flock up to 100 birds over the next year, to start supplying late august with a contract that increases to 600 eggs per week in march 2009, tisnt to be sniffed at when its regular income & the proverbial foot in the door so to speak.
On the subject of birds, yesterday was day 19 for the first batch in the incubator, they were moved to the hatcher in the morning & by lunchtime we had signs of life soon to exit the confines of the egg, holding an egg which is still intact yet can be clearly heard to be cheaping never ceases to enthrall me. Big kid at heart.
Posted on Fair Isle in Stitches at 11:06
Mile stones..
Posted: Thursday, 14 February 2008 |
We've had one this week, or more to the point, our 5yr old has..... She's had her first ever visit from the tooth fairy ! Wobbly tooth no 1 (she has 2). Caused a bit of drama as it came out in school & fell down the sink when she was washing it, so help had to be called in to take the sink trap off & locate the missing tooth !
I've been doing a lot of thinking lately, I'm not altogether a happy person at the moment. I'm not being allowed the time to spend any time in the studio without being disturbed, so ive pretty much decided just to pack up the studio & shelf that side of my life for the time being. Its not something I really want to do as when I get peace to work is when I am the happiest, but I cant put my mind to anything with constant interuptions & 0 child free time, its making me very frustrated & really sad, but there is little point in having all my stuff sitting around when i never get to use it.
I've been doing a lot of thinking lately, I'm not altogether a happy person at the moment. I'm not being allowed the time to spend any time in the studio without being disturbed, so ive pretty much decided just to pack up the studio & shelf that side of my life for the time being. Its not something I really want to do as when I get peace to work is when I am the happiest, but I cant put my mind to anything with constant interuptions & 0 child free time, its making me very frustrated & really sad, but there is little point in having all my stuff sitting around when i never get to use it.
Posted on Fair Isle in Stitches at 14:40
For ... MJC
Posted: Thursday, 21 February 2008 |

Large green egg is from one of the Shetland hens... The smaller green egg ... I managed to breed a Shetland batam hen but she has no mate so she is a one off !
Posted on Fair Isle in Stitches at 11:38
Home !
Posted: Thursday, 28 February 2008 |
We out to lerwick... for the day, to do birthday shopping for the lil uns fast approaching big days..... Got stuck till this morning.
Posted on Fair Isle in Stitches at 13:36