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16 October 2014

Direach Manky

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Free Clothes Pegs on the Uig Ferry

The gossip from the bakers this morning is that a Norwegian firm is going to be bringing heaps of dirty nets from the fish farms all over Scotland to the old Stolt factory on Scalpay for laundering.

If my late hubby's boilersuits were anything to go by, we won't have a tourist coming near our bed and breakfasts for the smell. He used to have to strip at the back door as the odour would have floored a sturdy-legged heifer.

Can we assume that even more heavy trucks than normal will be winding their way through our narrow streets, past all our food shops with their rancid dripping loads?

Maybe they are going to manage to restrict it to the island of the poor Scalpachs. They say that if you imagine the worst bait barrel from Grimsay, then multiply it by 1000, then that is what to expect.

Never mind, every MacLeod has a silver lining: They will no doubt be applying for a grant to provide heating for all our homes, powered by the methane from the festering heaps. I'm sure that they will be offering a dozen or so very highly paid executive posts to the locals for a six day week (Certainly there should be no concession given on the Sabbath) and we can expect all the Harris rodents to march behind the pied piper over the Scalpay bridge to take up residence there. Maybe they could also pay to convert the crossing to a draw-bridge!

Lets hear all about it at the next Community Council meeting!

Posted on Direach Manky at 15:21


It's rather disturbing to read that the food shop(s) of Harris are filled with dripping rancid loads... I had no idea.

Flying Cat from pass me a rodent, this one's rancid

Interesting. Very well written, by the way. Good punch lines.

mjc from IN, USA

Sounds like supermarket greenwash to me. The urban cowboys absolving themselves of any sin by making sure the cach doesn't fall anywhere near their doorsteps.

John McPhee from South Uist

This sounds like the usual supermarket 'greenwash' or possibly hogwash. Make the islanders take back the dirt from their nets. They will be getting the housewies to send their potoatoe skins back to the Lochs crofters.

John McPhee from South Uist

you have my sympathy DM ... the residents of Breasclete have personal experience of the very *distinctive* smell of dirty nets (and shellfish pots), brought ashore, especially in the height of summer, as these were ... It has a nasty yellow rancid edge to it, and you can literally smell it from miles away, and it carries wholesale on the wind ... doesn't really encourage dog-walking around there ...

soaplady from keeping away from breasclete quay

You can say that again John! When is Tarbert getting it's first Sainsburys?

JA MacDonald from Stornoway

I don't know if this is Deja Vu or not, but could this be 'Son of Arnish'? Another black hole for the local enterprise company to squander tax payers' money into. Lets just hope for the people of Scalpay that this is not just another bunch of fly-by-nights preaching false hopes.

D Campbell from Inverness

Not such a bad idea sending the potatoe skins back. I can still remember shops paying you to bring back the lemonade bottles. I don't suppose that the people of Scalpay are bothered to much about the tourists and will probably get used to the pong. The land ladies will just need to bring their washing in off the line if the wind is blowing in the wrong direction. I suppose that they could always risk the wrath of the local elders and hang their sheets out on a Sunday when the fisher folk are spending the Sabbath at the bank of the fank. Baaaa

Iain Neil MacDonald from Stornoway

We stay in Dalry in Ayrshire and often visit the wife's relatives in Harris. What a beautiful place it is too. We sometimes drive through the next town to us and what a guff there is at times. I am not joking, it as absolutely bowfing. The woman in Tesco's garage told me that they launder these nets here as well. So it just goes to show, us urbanites are sharing the pain with our country cousins. Could they not do this out at Rockall, or take them back to Norway?

Jimmy Miller from Dalry

This type of activity seems to be everywhere. We were on an awesome beach on the West side of South Uist and there was this awful looking place working with fishing nets and shells. I didn't see much going on though, but there was plenty strewn around the foreshore. I warned the kiddies to stay well clear as the gates were lying open.

Elsie Brown from Bourneville

John McPhee from South Uist? Really?! (I mean, a second John McPhee?) # It is possible to fish without nets ...

mjc from IN, USA

'False hope' indeed: Marybank no more, Scalpay no more, Harlosh no more, Diabaig no more, Miavaig no more, Carnan no more, Skipport no more, Lochmaddy no more Caol Mor no more and many 'Mor'. The management of these firms is for all the world like an onion. The top layer rots then is peeled away and discarded to reveal a new level of pungence, then it also rots and another eye nipping bunch comes to the surface, but the nearer you get to the onion's core, the narrower the viewpoint becomes. What happens when the core is rotten? Yours, now happily feeding my chickens on the green grass of Ose.

Redundant Pellet Chucka from Eilean a Cheo

Could be the same firm that attempted to set up one of these rendering plants at South Strome a few years back. They tried to railroad themselves into the heart of the village as other folk were trying to further develop the tourism side, with new chalets and things. They didn't endear themselves to the locals one bit and they got the short shrift. I thought that they had a connection with Shetland, but might be wrong.

D Macrae from Dornie

What do they usually do with the nets? Where do they usually clean them? And why change?

thelovelyOutlander from just wondering...

They have been doing it in South Uist for some time now. You used to smell then on the Leverburgh ferry. A wee bit stronger than rotten kelp shall we say

D MacInnes from North Uist

Isn't this a bit like the folk who complain about the smell of slurry on the rich rolling green fields of Orkney? Or the smell of the gut factory on Bressay in certain airts. Surely such smells are a part of life's rich tapestry...

Flying Cat from lavender bag

Aye, as welcome as a 'Bramax' in a space suit!

Fine Fettle from Morar

being in exile i presume the above blog is a joke--laundering fishing nets???

carol from over here

Hopefully they will not be spewing their cargo near the edges of the roads on a rainy day and infecting the lochs. Already a fragile environment but teh parr and brownies are doing well so far

Spasmodic Fly Tier from Na Lochan

Fine Fettle, be aware that ats are strange creatures with strange tastes and very probably strange sense of sublime smells. Life's rich tapestry to EffCee couldwell be the aforementioned gut factory. Wholesome is as wholesome does. NO wonder the Highlands and Isalnds are an economically backward region, when all attempts at bringing in new ideas are met with howling abuse from the residents. Wake up to the 21 century, dear friends, and make sure you get your bit of the rewards! Now that is going to put the cat among the pigeons, as they say in France.

Barney from Swithiod scientifically speaking

...or pop back to the 19th with all that that entails...

Flying Cat from la tourista loca

Barney, the island residents would rather do without fish than put up with a fish net launderette. What, you ask, will they do about the need for fish on Friday? Flavored tofu is the answer: cheaper, multi-culti and renewable. # As to FC, he is now on a campaign for a sushi bar (he no longer wishes to dine on plain fish) in cosmopolitan Stromness. His new cri de guerre is Island Pottery, Fair Priced Bananas and Organic Flavored Tofu.

mjc from IN, USA

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