Original short works for radio.
Radio 4,路172 episodes
Acclaimed storyteller Xanthe Gresham Knight performs her new and beguiling tale.
19 Jun 2020,路14 mins
An original short story about working as a living statue by writer Eley Williams.
12 Jun 2020,路14 mins
A woman grapples with motherhood and apocalyptic weather.
29 May 2020,路14 mins
The tale of a middle-aged gentleman who has forgotten his middle name and much else.
22 May 2020,路14 mins
A son speaks to his father across the airwaves, and across the years.
15 May 2020,路14 mins
Clara surprises her brother with an unexpected visit.
08 May 2020,路14 mins
An original short work for radio by Isabella Hammad. Read by Zubin Varla.
01 May 2020,路14 mins
Julianne Pachico's specially commissioned story is about the art of contemporary writing.
17 Apr 2020,路14 mins
Original short story for radio, written and read by Henry C. Krempels.
10 Apr 2020,路14 mins
A woman returns to Belfast to care for her dying grandmother.
03 Apr 2020,路14 mins
Nikesh Patel reads an original short work for radio by Ben Halls.
27 Mar 2020,路14 mins
An original short story inspired by this week's news, written by Allan Radcliffe.
13 Mar 2020,路14 mins
An original short story about living with OCD, written and read by Katie Sherrard.
15 Mar 2019,路14 mins
In Stephanie Victoire's story, 13-year-old Eli falls for the image of a girl.
08 Mar 2019,路14 mins
An original short work for radio by Anna Freeman, author of The Fair Fight.
28 Dec 2018,路14 mins
In Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi's specially commissioned short story there's a family secret
21 Dec 2018,路14 mins
A ghost story set in an Indian monsoon, by new Indian writer Deepa Anappara.
16 Nov 2018,路14 mins
A School Sport's Day provides a father and son with an opportunity to prove their worth.
09 Nov 2018,路14 mins
When should you run away and when should you hide in a phone box?
05 Oct 2018,路14 mins
What is Edinburgh Festival to the 22-year-old who grew up there?
17 Aug 2018,路14 mins
By Jan Carson. A magical story about family, poverty and a bottomless can of baked beans.
03 Aug 2018,路15 mins
On a disastrous date, a man is haunted by the voice of his dead father. By Donal Ryan.
15 Jun 2018,路15 mins