Places in South YorkshireYou are in: South Yorkshire > In Pictures > Places  See more photos of places around South Yorkshire - and email yours to Send us pictures of places in South Yorkshire - where you live, visit or just love. Email  Tease your taste buds by having a peek inside the famous Sheffield sweet shop - Granelli's.  Take a look at the demolition of the Eggboxes and how the Peace Gardens looks now.  Mary, Queen of Scots spent most of her adult life imprisoned in Sheffield. See pictures...  See how the redevelopment of the Crucible theatre in Sheffield is unfolding, in pictures.  Vin has been taking photos of landscapes around Sheffield for many years. He's recently revisited them.  Can you identify these flats, taken in Sheffield in the early 1960s?  Treasures from Bishop's House, Beauchief Abbey and Sheffield Manor Lodge - plus some more from the V&A.  Have you noticed the works of art dotted all around Sheffield? Take the tour to find out more... Photos and features about the iconic Tinsley Cooling Towers which were demolished in August 2008.  Take a look through some of Sheffield's new and old buildings, whether you love or hate them.  Have a look round one of Park Hill's flats, courtesy of Peter Jones who lived there from 1993-1999.  Photos of life at the flats from the 40s up to the present day - including plans for the future. More from this sectionYou are in: South Yorkshire > In Pictures > Places |