
Prince Escalus banishes Romeo to Mantua in punishment for Tybalt's death. Romeo visits Juliet in secret before leaving.

Romeo and Juliet animation

6. Exile

Prince Escalus asks Benvolio to explain how the fight between Romeo and Tybalt began and Benvolio gives a fair account of the deaths of both Mercutio and Tybalt. Lord and Lady Capulet argue for Romeo to be punished while Lord Montague argues for leniency. The Prince declares that Romeo is to be banished to Mantua.

The nurse breaks the news to Juliet that Romeo has killed Tybalt and Rosaline reflects on how difficult it must be for Juliet, knowing that her husband has committed such an act. The nurse says she will go to Friar Lawrence, where Romeo is hiding, and bring him to Juliet for a final farewell.

Friar Lawrence informs Romeo of the Prince's decision and Romeo laments that banishment will mean leaving Juliet. The nurse arrives to summon Romeo to the Capulet household and Rosaline worries about what will happen if Romeo is discovered.

At the Capulet house Romeo shares a brief farewell with Juliet, his departure hastened by Lady Capulet who is coming to Juliet's room. Rosaline wonders why Lady Capulet should be so eager to speak to her daughter.

The adaptation is intended to be broadly suitable for upper KS2 - that is, pupils aged 9 years old and above. However, be aware that the content deals with a number of sensitive issues including deaths during street fighting and suicide. Teachers should ensure they have watched any content they intend to share with their group in order to assess its suitability.

This film is relevant for teaching English within the National Curriculum at KS2 in England and Northern Ireland and equivalent levels in Scotland and Wales.

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Teacher Notes

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Other videos in this series

5. Blood is spilled. video

Hot-headed Tybalt fights with Mercutio. Romeo intervenes but the fight ends in tragedy.

5. Blood is spilled

7. A sleeping potion. video

Juliet's parents demand she marries Paris. Juliet goes to Friar Lawrence who gives her a sleeping potion.

7. A sleeping potion

8. The deep sleep. video

The Capulet family are preparing for Juliet's wedding to Paris when she drinks the sleeping potion.

8. The deep sleep
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