
An riaghailt cosine

A' lorg taobh

'S e an riaghailt cosine:

\({a^2} = {b^2} + {c^2} - 2bcCosA\)

Cleachd am foirmle seo nuair a tha fios agad air dà thaobh agus an ceàrn eatarra.


Lorg faid BC.

Diagram of triangle with 35° angle and values 3cm and 7cm


Tha dà thaobh againn agus an ceàrn eatarra.

\({a^2} = {b^2} + {c^2} - 2bcCosA\)

\({a^2} = {7^2} + {3^2} - (2 \times 7 \times 3 \times \cos (35^\circ ))\)




\(a = 4.9\,cm\,(gu\,1\,id)\)

A-nis feuch a' cheist gu h-ìosal.


Lorg meud ceàrn AB.

Triangle with 27 degree angle, sides of 4 and 9cm and lables of A, B and C


Lorg meud ceàrn AB.

Triangle with sides 5, 4 and 7cm as well as points A, B and C


Lorg meud ceàrn R.

Diagram of triangle with values 4cm, 4.2cm and 6.9cm

Dè am foirmle a chleachdas mi?

Dè dh'fheumas tu a lorg?

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