
Key beliefs in Catholic ChristianityRedemption and life after death

Catholic Christianity is one of the many branches (denominations) of Christianity, which share many key beliefs. All Christians believe the Bible a sacred text. Catholics also respect the authority, leadership and teaching of the Pope.

Part of Religious StudiesCatholic Christianity

Redemption and life after death

is a key Christian belief in the idea that humanity can be saved from sin - redeemed - through the actions of Jesus. Jesus is often described as the Example, the Restorer or the Victor:

  • The Example - Jesus acted as a model of perfect human behaviour, living without sin. Even when suffering at his , he showed compassion and forgiveness towards his executioners. This shows that Jesis is the ultimate example for other Christians.
  • The Restorer - Jesus broke the barrier between God and humanity when he died, atoning for the sins of humankind and repairing the humans' relationship with God which had been broken by sin.
  • The Victor - Jesus was victorious over pain and death. Jesus showed this by healing people, but ultimately through the miracle of the resurrection.


Following the mistake made by Adam and Eve that led to evil entering the world, God offered . In Christianity, salvation allows a human to be saved from death and allowed to enter Heaven.

How did Jesus鈥 death lead to salvation?

  • God gave his only son, Jesus, so that humans could be saved.
  • Jesus was a perfect human - he had no sin.
  • God placed the sins of the world upon him at his crucifixion.
  • Jesus鈥 actions meant that there was between God and humanity - his death made up for human sin.

Salvation is an ongoing process, and Christians still have to choose not to sin. The Holy Spirit is a guide through life and helps humans to work for salvation.

Christians believe that salvation will only be completed at the end of time.

The re-enacts Christ鈥檚 offering of himself, and Catholics feel inspired to work towards salvation in their everyday lives having experienced this celebratory of the which is part of the Mass.

Life after death

Christians believe that, following physical death of the body, the soul lives on. This is known as the .

I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die.
John 11:25

Christians believe in the of the body at a Day of Judgement, when God will judge everyone individually and they will be sent to Heaven or Hell.

Catholics believe in a place called , where sins are punished and where a person鈥檚 soul undergoes purification before it can go to Heaven.

Infographic of Catholic beliefs about what happens to the soul after death of the body, depicting heaven, purgatory and hell.

Some Christians do not believe that Heaven and Hell are necessarily physical places, instead believing that they could be states of mind. For example, Heaven could be a place of unending happiness.

On the other hand, Hell will be a horrible place that is without God. In Christianity, Hell is often shown as a place full of fire.

Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.
Matthew 25:46

Pope John Paul II said that Hell is a metaphor for how people who have rejected God will feel.

This state of definitive self-exclusion from communion with God 鈥 is called 鈥榟ell鈥.
Catechism of the Catholic Church 1033

Personal judgement

Catholics believe that people are judged when they die based on their individual actions. This is called personal or individual judgement. However, they also believe that it is still possible that Catholics will be judged again at the Last or Final Judgement. This is often referred to as the .


Why was Jesus able to take away the sins of the world?