Update #25 The CCTV Map
Adam has posted a photo.
This map shows the locations of CCTV cameras around the school.
Tapes 6, 8, 9 and 10 have been taken by the killer in order to cover his (or her?) tracks. By marking these locations on the map we can see the route the killer must have taken after the murder, which I've marked in red.
I think Matt's body is in the gym.
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Comment number 1.
At 2nd Mar 2011, ewan wrote:It's the map so this is where the killer went.
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Comment number 2.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Gempire wrote:Hmmm.... Interesting.... The gym?
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Comment number 3.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Allie wrote:Good idea... Adam's using those brains for once lol
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Comment number 4.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Weekoony wrote:MAP!
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Comment number 5.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Gempire wrote:That seems a weird route. Why would you go to all that trouble to shift Matt's bodyaround all them corridors to the gym?
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Comment number 6.
At 2nd Mar 2011, malinkibear wrote:Matt's been missing for at least two weeks now, yeah? Someone would have smelt a two week old corpse in the gym by now, Christa if no one else.
Explains why they're in the gym next episode, maybe. I don't see how it's not stinking, and how the killer moved him during school hours right after the girls' gym class.
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Comment number 7.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Weekoony wrote:Didn't someone say that the gym would have massive cupboards for equipment? This does make sense since the gym would smell anyway so that wouldn't make much of a difference.
This also gives a reason for Crista and Adam to be hidding in the box when they are watching Matt (why would Matt be punching a punch bag?).
Also gives reason for why Crista transforms in the gym (is this a clue telling us that it will be this week that we see our beloved transformation)
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Comment number 8.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Gempire wrote:Do you think maybe the killer came from the gym or that general area?
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Comment number 9.
At 2nd Mar 2011, ewan wrote:More by the gym than through the gym the back exit perhaps from what I remember of the opener.
Adams walking through the school to the canteen
this looks to be the back entrance and on the other side of the school to the front entrance and car park.
now what that tells us I don't know yet, does anyone park there? Staff? we will see I hope very soon.
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Comment number 10.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Weekoony wrote:Wait! He said he woke up in the car park outside the sports hall! (I just remembered) So this makes more sense to how he ended up out there since the killer decided to take that route.
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Comment number 11.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Keirawwr wrote:4 LOL :)
It being the gym does further incriminate Mr Swan, maybe him and Brandy have worked together on this?
Definately wasn't Swann who killed him but the sillhoette really did look like Brandy... she's appeared in nearly every episode now hasn't she? Really could be her sillhoette, looks a lot like her, and I think she'd be likely to drown him.
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Comment number 12.
At 2nd Mar 2011, MollyGM wrote:Christa transfroms in the gym coincidence?
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Comment number 13.
At 2nd Mar 2011, kirawalshii wrote:ahh hi every one yeh i have nothing to say about this
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Comment number 14.
At 2nd Mar 2011, MollyGM wrote:13-ha lol me too i just copied what 7- wrote so i didn't soun like a total idiot
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Comment number 15.
At 2nd Mar 2011, kirawalshii wrote:wait you know cctv what if someone was watching it and saw christa talking to matt and adam the boys would not show up and she would look crazy talking to herself
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Comment number 16.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Keirawwr wrote:13 thank you for informing us :L
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Comment number 17.
At 2nd Mar 2011, kirawalshii wrote:16 keirawwr thats ok
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Comment number 18.
At 2nd Mar 2011, kirawalshii wrote:where is everyone
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Comment number 19.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Keirawwr wrote:15 good point!
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Comment number 20.
At 2nd Mar 2011, iBounce wrote:I think the only character I would be surprised about being the killer is Adam. EVERY character we've seen so far is a suspect.
I'd laugh were it Adam. Trying to take out competition, eh?
lolnotreally, I know you and your welsh accent were most likely chatting up Annie at the time of Matt's murder.
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Comment number 21.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Naomi wrote:This doesnt actually make sense - i pointed out earlier that the toilets has two entrances, but there is only one on the map. This is probably just a mistake on the BcH makers part, OR the map could have been put there to give them a false trail...which would be really complicated so i havent quite got my head round that yet...
However, if the body was in the gym it would definately give us more reason to suspect Swan as the killer, as it is HIS store cupboard, and when he was telling Roe to bleach the toilets it could be becuase he knew what happened and wanted to try and remove all traces of evidence? However, of course, we saw the hand/arm of the killer and it did not look like Mr Swans...
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Comment number 22.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Gempire wrote:21 - Naomi it was you. I was trying to remember who said about the two doors cause I just checked ep 5 to try and get my bearings.
-Matt enters the toilets through a door with a glass panel next to it that looks outside onto another building. The gym?
-We see Brandy through the glass walk away
-Matt runs along the urinals, there's no windows on that wall, and then goes into the stall
-The killer comes in and passes through a patch of light that's coming through a window
-Later Christa, Adam and Matt are standing by a door with no panel next to it but there's a row of windows to the right.
-This door leads into the school
This is why I think the killer is getting rid of their route to the scene of the crime as well as their escape route. Also the one camera nearest the gym is next to a door which means there could be a window and that camera has a partial view of outside.
The doors on the toilet because sometimes they're not on school maps.
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Comment number 23.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Naomi wrote:And again another point - something i have always thought is that if the body was still in the school it would smell, which might be made sense of by the fact that just becuase the cameras stop at the gym doesnt mean that the killer and Matts body did - i think it is likely that the body was taken outside of the school - i would probably be right in assuming that outside the gym is the car park? Leading us to where Matt wakes up...
The body probably wont be in the gym as well purely becuase we are only coming up to episode 6 - im not sure they will find the body half way through the series!
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Comment number 24.
At 2nd Mar 2011, kirawalshii wrote:curry yumm well one of the doors from the toilet leads outside soo yeh if you look at the room its box with asmaller box in it i think the smaller one is the toilets the red pen out of the room is the inside door and on the other side is outsied door
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Comment number 25.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Keirawwr wrote:I agree with 23, the body was taken through the back exit in the gym out to the car park
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Comment number 26.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Gempire wrote:Also another point. If the only entrance to those toilets was so far from the gym why would Mr Roe refer to them as the 'toilets by the gym' when the Form Room is closer?
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Comment number 27.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Naomi wrote:22 /24 - Yeah you're right i think they just diddnt show it as it would make sense if the door shown on the map is the one Adam, Christa and Matt were standing in front of as when they come out it is into a coridor.
This would mean that when Matt was running away he ran from outside into the toilets, and Brandy walked past (as we saw through the glass pannelling) towards the common room, but i think she turned around again. :)
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Comment number 28.
At 2nd Mar 2011, kirawalshii wrote:26 gempire cuz mr swan that was shouting at him he is a pe teacher he would be thinking of the gym yeh urm yeh take from that what you will
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Comment number 29.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Naomi wrote:But then if the other door is where we say it is then why wasnt the body taken out that way where there were less corners to turn and no CCTV?!
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Comment number 30.
At 2nd Mar 2011, kirawalshii wrote:29 but its outside whatif a student/teacher walked past
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Comment number 31.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Naomi wrote:30 - I suppose but there was just as much risk going through the school
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Comment number 32.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Rhiannonymous wrote:31-or not. suppose the killer waited till the school was (or almost) empty?
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Comment number 33.
At 2nd Mar 2011, bluecow1980 wrote:I cant imagine a rotting body not attracting attention, no matter how many basketballs and sweaty socks you put over it!
OK to elaborate on this (sorry this is a bit long and random). I feed my pets a raw food diet. Trust me the smell of a single rotting chicken wing that a cat had pinched and hidden under a wardrobe stunk the house out! There is no way that a whole human body, with all the gastric tract intact and all those gasses would smell less than a week old chicken wing. The only way you wouldnt notice that smell would be if it had been embalmed.
School gyms are not only used by the school. Sports clubs, martial arts lessons, ballet lessons etc are often run by out of school agencies which rent the gym out of school hours. There is absoloutly no way that all the people visiting the school would not have smelt the body.
Surely Christa or Adam have had PE since matt was killed, they both have excellent senses of smell, and would have found the body before now.
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Comment number 34.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Rhiannonymous wrote:curious about camera 7. if facing right way, it could have seen through the doors (if they had windows or were open or whatnot) and filmed just a glimpse of the killer.
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Comment number 35.
At 2nd Mar 2011, ewan wrote:The Murder happened last thing on a Friday, the chances of anyone hanging around after school on a Friday. Not very much all that would be needed would be moving the out of order sign to the toilet door then waiting till the lights go out.
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Comment number 36.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Black-Rose27 wrote:20 Jennii - i don't think it's Adam cos Matt was already dead when Adam started at that school.
I don't think the body's in the gym. Rotting corpses and sweaty teenagers have a slightly different smell. Christa and Adam must have had games at some point so if their Matt's body was there they would have smelled it!
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Comment number 37.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Kaline wrote:Notice Adam says "I think the body's in the gym". Not "we think...", "I think...".
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Comment number 38.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Naomi wrote:34 - I think its likely that the camera was facing reception as most schools have one there to see who comes in and out
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Comment number 39.
At 2nd Mar 2011, U14787503 wrote:All this user's posts have been removed.Why?
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Comment number 40.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Naomi wrote:Has anyone figured out which cameras were the ones that showed up in the office in episode 5??
Also, using the map i tried to figure out Adam's journey in episode one when he walks though the school - i cant seem to make sense of it! Im probably looking into this a bit too much though! :P
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Comment number 41.
At 2nd Mar 2011, bh-rules wrote:there is more than one way that the body could have been taken not just the gym
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Comment number 42.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Rhiannonymous wrote:-the only way to get out of gym is through 1 door which is seen on camera 11 so since it wasn't taken, it means that the killer must be a usual person who should have been there at that time, no reason to suspect.
-killer came either through canteen doors OR through the doors at camera 11 and if the latter, passed camera 7, still looking like a usual person, through doors at camera 8, which now has to be taken as the killer can now be picked out of a handful who went to the toilet.
-killer back out of toilet, into 6 form common room or 06 or cupboard at back of common room
-out through the pathway shown on map. In a previous episode, it looked like cars can park outside gym therefore body could have been loaded into car, hidden in lockers or in the gym.
woo think i got it all :P
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Comment number 43.
At 2nd Mar 2011, MollyGM wrote:39-you are so not Adam are you?
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Comment number 44.
At 2nd Mar 2011, U14787503 wrote:All this user's posts have been removed.Why?
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Comment number 45.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Rhiannonymous wrote:44-exactly what i mean at the end of my little rant
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Comment number 46.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Naomi wrote:43 - No he is not! ;)
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Comment number 47.
At 2nd Mar 2011, bh-rules wrote:Complain about this comment (Comment number 47)
Comment number 48.
At 2nd Mar 2011, U14787503 wrote:All this user's posts have been removed.Why?
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Comment number 49.
At 2nd Mar 2011, MollyGM wrote:43-sorry that was my sister she thinks that Adam is her boyfriend fromk school. Comment 43 was not me!
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Comment number 50.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Rhiannonymous wrote:43-of course not. do you think (in the BcH world) a vampire, despite being pretty vain and well - odd - would have a Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú account? lol
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Comment number 51.
At 2nd Mar 2011, U14787503 wrote:All this user's posts have been removed.Why?
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Comment number 52.
At 2nd Mar 2011, bh-rules wrote:40-Naomi I so agree I can't work out the route that Adam took on his way in
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Comment number 53.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Gempire wrote:28 - But why would Christa and Adam know he meant those exact toilets.
If you enlarge the map you can see that the toilets extend to the outside wall near where the little rooms by the gym are oposite. Those are most likely the changing rooms since they haven't got their doors marked either. If there is a door there that would have been an easier route to take a body, especially if they could get a car around there. Maybe the person took the CCTV footage to conceal their route there because they weren't supposed to be in that area at that time of the day?
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Comment number 54.
At 2nd Mar 2011, U14787503 wrote:All this user's posts have been removed.Why?
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Comment number 55.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Rhiannonymous wrote:48-I doubt a Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú hired clue-leaver would have opinions or spelling issues
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Comment number 56.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Naomi wrote:I was just thinking - is there another entrance to the gym which cannot see? Otherwise past camera 10 there isnt really much reason to suspect the body to be in the Gym at all
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Comment number 57.
At 2nd Mar 2011, MollyGM wrote:51-Good for you! And sorry again everyone that was my sister. I'm not that dumb
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Comment number 58.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Rhiannonymous wrote:54- i'm letting you in on a clue. I mentioned Becoming human world. BcH, Becoming human? oh nevermind
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Comment number 59.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Naomi wrote:53 - I agree it could easily be a decoy
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Comment number 60.
At 2nd Mar 2011, bluecow1980 wrote:ok
WHY WHY WHY cant we have a list of the classrooms to go with the numbers of the rooms!!!
I need to know
1 - where the science classroom is (somewhere near the gym we know)
2 - where the office is that the CCTV stuff is stored (so we can work out which corridor the shadow/footage from ep 5 is filmed from).
3 - where the pupil of the year board is
4 - where the skips are, when we saw brandy, so we could work out which direction she was leaving the school in. It was a pretty good place to take/move a body through without being seen.
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Comment number 61.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Naomi wrote:55 - Also agree ;)
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Comment number 62.
At 2nd Mar 2011, MollyGM wrote:53-Good point!
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Comment number 63.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Gempire wrote:Hey Adam, did they pay you to make those suggestions on the ep5 blog?
If you don't know what I mean click on his name. Just cause you change your user name they still show what you posted.
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Comment number 64.
At 2nd Mar 2011, MollyGM wrote:60-I agree, we need to be informed!
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Comment number 65.
At 2nd Mar 2011, bluecow1980 wrote:am i being a bit dense or does that map not show the outside door to the toilets?
Matt definatly entered the toilets from outside, and yet the only door appears to be from a corridor???
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Comment number 66.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Rhiannonymous wrote:dang I forgot that what Adam thought was the toilet doesn't necessarily HAVE to be THE toilet
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Comment number 67.
At 2nd Mar 2011, MollyGM wrote:does that mean that Adam is also billy_wright?
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Comment number 68.
At 2nd Mar 2011, MollyGM wrote:Right I'm heading off now bye!
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Comment number 69.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Gempire wrote:Another thing we need to know about this map, is this all just the ground floor? Like are there two buildings because if one is the ground floor and the other the first floor it doesn't really fit. Plus I think that both the gym and canteen are on the ground floor.
Wasn't the CCTV room on the first floor? If so it's not on this map :(
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Comment number 70.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Naomi wrote:65 - Yes thats what i mentioned earlier, but if you look at the posts it will make a but more sense ;)
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Comment number 71.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Gempire wrote:65 - There are no doors marked for the toilets. For the CCTV I think they were only interested in where the doors for the classrooms are. Plus school maps are never the best.
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Comment number 72.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Gempire wrote:67 - Yes it does.
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Comment number 73.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Naomi wrote:69 - It does say ground floor ;)
We also know that ther isnt another floor over the toilets because there was light coming from the roof which we saw the killers shadow from
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Comment number 74.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Rosability wrote:Is Adam helping us because we are so far off what actually happened? Or because we are too close?
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Comment number 75.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Rosability wrote:The body cant be in the gym because the killer would have to have taken it all the way round the gym to get in the door? Then they would be on camera12, or is there another entrance I cant see?
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Comment number 76.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Gempire wrote:73 - I didn't read the top of the map lol I saw the school name and ignored it :D
74 If you're on about "Adam" who is posting, he's just messing with us, he's got nothing to do with the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú
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Comment number 77.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Rhiannonymous wrote:because i'm lazy, and I've got other things to do, does anyone seem to recognise the handwriting with the graffitti on toilet walls documents etc? just a thought...
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Comment number 78.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Keirawwr wrote:74. that's definately not a Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú official, he's made rubbish spelling errors and changed his username from billy_wright or something... Bit sad really :\
And looks like my theory about what they were using the CCTV cameras was spectacularly wrong then :L
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Comment number 79.
At 2nd Mar 2011, U14802132 wrote:All this user's posts have been removed.Why?
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Comment number 80.
At 2nd Mar 2011, bluecow1980 wrote:Whats VERY interesting is that Matt and the killer entered the toilets from the outside door, and so wouldnt have shown up on the cctv at all if they had exited the same way!!!!
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Comment number 81.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Rhiannonymous wrote:80-there's an outside door?? where? not on the map obviously but where did you see it?
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Comment number 82.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Gempire wrote:78 - the one about him leaving the CCTV room with the tapes? Well it still might be possible. I know I said he would have probably grabbed that tape too, but Adam says that the ones missing are the ones crossed off the map and none of these are near the CCTV room since I think it's up on the first floor. Maybe that will be their next objective once they've crossed Mr Swan off the list?
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Comment number 83.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Gempire wrote:80 - I think the killer entered from the inside door cause they come in the door and pass through a patch of light cast from high up on their right. There are windows to the right of the inside door.
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Comment number 84.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Gempire wrote:81 - There are two dif doors shown in ep5
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Comment number 85.
At 2nd Mar 2011, bluecow1980 wrote:oops yes i'm wrong.
Matt enters through the outside door, but the killer comes in from the inside door. Thats my theory blown out of the window then lol!
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Comment number 86.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Gempire wrote:85 - I was thinking maybe the killer was hiding their route to the toilets because they shouldn't have been in that part of the school at that time of the day and got Matt out through the outside door.
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Comment number 87.
At 2nd Mar 2011, bluecow1980 wrote:ok the next thing begs the question.
*was he simply in the wrong place at the wrong time?
*was the murderer actually expecting someone else, and had to dispose of matt as a potential witness to something?
*was it a case of mistaken identity? (was the murderer supposed to be killing someone else? - who?)
*had the murderer been watching matts movements for weeks? (This would only work if matt made a habit of visiting those toilets after spying on the girls)
*was he/she in the gym when the girls all came running out (or was it a girl) and so followed him knowing the nearest hiding spot would be the toilets?
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Comment number 88.
At 2nd Mar 2011, bluecow1980 wrote:gempire - yes or they are trying to frame someone else (e.g. framing mr swan).
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Comment number 89.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Gempire wrote:bluecow 87 - Those are things we need to consider.
I was wondering if Matt usually bunked off in that toilet. Hey, maybe he was the one who made the sign just to keep it empty because out of all the toilets in there he chose the one that was 'out of order'. And I wonder who wrote 'oh yeah!' on the sign?
88 - good point. It could be a frame job.
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Comment number 90.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Gempire wrote:I was watching ep4 to see if I could figure out where the dumpsters are in relation to the map but so far I'm drawing a blank.
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Comment number 91.
At 2nd Mar 2011, bluecow1980 wrote:still leaning towards there being some accomplice or something.. lifting matt as a dead weight would be near impossible alone.
Was it more bloody than that? could his body have been dismembered to make transport easier?
I dont understand why anyone would want to be cleaning those toilets again to remove evidence if it wasnt blood evidence.
DNA being in there for any pupil, teacher and matt wouldnt be incriminating. Its a school and there would be dna evidence for hundreds of people. Blood on the other hand.... wouldnt be a normal thing, and maybe many thorough cleanings would be necessary. I still dont think it was swan though :-S
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Comment number 92.
At 2nd Mar 2011, bluecow1980 wrote:90 - i was thinking about that too. I am guessing (and logistically it would make sense) that the dumpsters are somewhere near the cafeteria.
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Comment number 93.
At 2nd Mar 2011, bluecow1980 wrote:oooh just thought, could the evidence be written on the walls??? could that be why they need cleaning, not blood at all... or is it simply Mr. Swan just showing his power over Mr. Roe?
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Comment number 94.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Rhiannonymous wrote:would anyone like to refer to post 42?
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Comment number 95.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Black-Rose27 wrote:80 UncleBilly - i think there are two outside doors aren't there? That's what it looks like.
87 bluecow1980 - My theory is that the killer must have been in the corridor already and saw Matt go into the toilets. In episode 5 the other end of the corridor isn't shown and Matt doesn't look in that direction so we don't see who is at the end of it.
I'm confused about the giving clues thing now. I thought Adam was helping :/
Anyway, so, the killer leaves Matt's body in the toilet in the episode. So does someone else move it or does he/she come back for it later?
Also how come Matt was in the car park when he appeared as a ghost?! Annie appeared where she died so why wasn't Matt in the toilet? But then he would have seen the killer and then his wee group wouldn't hang out anymore and that would be awful now that he's visible to Christa, so i still don't trust what Matt says fully.
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Comment number 96.
At 2nd Mar 2011, bluecow1980 wrote:42/94
i think there is more than one exit/entrance to the gym than the door near camera 11.
Otherwise where does everyone get changed?, makes no sense to get changed near camera 10 then have to walk all around the school to the gym. There is an internal door somewhere in that area, and also another marked exit outside.
Camera 6 is the corridor which would show the killers entrance to the toilets.
The others "may" show the killers path to the toilets, but not his exit, as there is an outside door from those toilets and it would make absoloutly no sense to go all around the corridors when a shortcut outside would bring him to the same place (back to camera 10 area, or even staying outside to get rid of the body). Wish the carpark position was marked on the map.
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Comment number 97.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Rhiannonymous wrote:The username Adam is not real. someone impersonating
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Comment number 98.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Black-Rose27 wrote:91 bluecow1980 - good idea. Maybe he was dismembered in the car park somewhere?
93 - i noticed that 'Roe' something is written on the toilet wall as Matt goes in in big block letters. Could be clue?
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Comment number 99.
At 2nd Mar 2011, Type 5 wrote:The killer must know the cctv camera info, because otherwise he would have taken tape 7, not knowing which direction it faced. I would take no chances that camera 7 may or may not have seen me if i was covering my tracks.
The killer may have been watching the CCTV and saw Matt running from Brandy. However, the killer got there pretty quickly and the CCTV room is on the first floor so I don't know.
What if Brandy, after being confronted by Christa about Matt's murder, thought that she better take the tapes so that she couldn't be incriminated because she chased Matt. With her family being Cromptons she might have thought the finger would automatically be pointed to her as the last person to see him alive. Confusing, I know, but could it be a possiblilty?
Shouldn't somebody have been watching the CCTV at all times to make sure no-one was vandalising or whatever... maybe someone saw something but didn't think much of it because no-one was missing then?
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Comment number 100.
At 2nd Mar 2011, bluecow1980 wrote:95 - forget about the person with username adam, it was someone on a wind-up.
if the killer was waiting the corridor, how did he know matt had gone into the toilets, how would he have seen him as matt entered through a door on the opposite side of the room?
The killer entered the toilets from the corridor, matt entered the toilets from outside.
Most ghosts appear a few feet away from their body, and Annie also had a memory block as to what happened during her death. Maybe matt still has some memories to unlock as to what happened to his body.
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