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All entries in this category: Blog Party

  1. Blog Party: "And On Lead Catwalk...It's Victoria!"

    • Fraser M
    • 3 Dec 07, 05:04 PM

    Just imagine what it would be like to be backstage at the very (featuring all five Spice Girls) in nearly TEN YEARS! I mean, five fractious ladies like that, there's surely going to be no end of wayward behaviour going on. There'll be tears (boo!), excitement (yay!), trauma and drama (booyay!). It's got to be worth sending a tiny little spy over to Vancouver with a miniature microphone and tape player to try and get the inside scoop on life in Spice Camp, right?

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  1. Blog Party: Professor 50 Cent's Guide To Political Correctness

    • Fraser M
    • 23 Nov 07, 05:24 PM

    Professor 50 Cent's guide to Political Correctness

    (Taken from a recording of an lecture given by Professor Cent, no really!)

    Good Afternoon. I said good afterno...good af...settle down, please, I don't want to have to bust a cap in your collective ass! Please keep your interruptions to a minimum and I will try and make this as brief and informative as possible. I'm well aware many of you wish to get back to your MyPods and your FaceBo, so if you concentrate and take note of everything I have to tell you, we should be able to get through in time for first break, with a quick seminar afterwards. OK?

    So, to the matter in hand...Political Correctness has become one of the most hotly-debated topics of modern times. Not because there's anything really important or useful to say about it (otherwise it would all have been sorted out years ago), but because it is a concept which is so lost in vague definitions that people in the media have a perfect opportunity to make endless attempts at defining what it is, and why, and then argue about their own findings, forever and ever, until we're all dead.

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  1. Blog Party - Get Off My (Timba)Land

    • Fraser M
    • 15 Aug 07, 07:08 PM

    Farmer Timbaland

    What follows is an extract taken from a book entitled 'Timbaland's Big Book Of Thingses What I Are Done', which is collection of his blog postings, written on a broken television with a muddy stick. If it's really real*, it does throw interesting new light on the super-producer in his home environment.


    'Ello my 'andsomes!

    Oi'm right glaad you've all come over on this magic wordybox of yourn to see old Timbo do my typin'. It's right peaceful here on the old 'omestead now the sun's out. Oi was all on me lonesome, just watching the worlds go by, out the window and listening to the cowses all mooin' an' that. Oi loves to hear me cowses doin' their mooin'...

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  1. Blog Party - Mika's Novel...

    • Fraser M
    • 6 Jul 07, 05:09 PM

    The Adventures of Captain Mika by Mika* (aged 34 21)

    mika_superhero.jpgDeep in the heart of the mirror forest, there lies a tiny little house. It's a funny-looking house, but it is not funny. Not at all. From the outside, the house looks as if someone had painted the walls using a rainbow on a brush, and the windows are as bright and shiny as a new pin.

    The reason the house is so very, very colourful and the windows are so very, very shiny, is that this is the where Captain Mika lives.

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  1. Blog Party - Cheryl TweedyCole

    • Fraser M
    • 7 Jun 07, 05:02 PM

    CherylIf there's one thing we at ChartBlog detest, it's egg custards. But if you widen the net out a little bit as far as maybe the fourth or fifth thing we at ChartBlog detest, it would be hacking into someone's laptop using clever Spooks-style computer trickery, stealing their innermost thoughts and then publishing them on the internet so that everyone can have a really good laugh.

    Thankfully no-one we know has that level of expertise. But if they did, and the laptop they broke into belonged to Cheryl Cole out of they Girl Alouds? How would that be, do you suppose?


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  1. Blog Party - Rihanna's Studio Diary

    • Fraser M
    • 23 May 07, 04:32 PM

    rihanna_150.jpgIt's widely accepted now that 'Umbrella' is the finest example of a pop song that we have seen in many a long, Mika-riddled month. It's got poise, it's got class, it's got sadness, it's got warmth, it's got highs, lows, and it's got a bit where Jay-Z challenges Snoop Dogg's work with the Pussycat Dolls for the title of 'Most Can't Be Bothered Guest Rapper Ever Ever'.

    So, you can imagine the excitement, earlier on this week, when ChartBlog unearthed some lost words down the back of the internet, claiming to be extracts from Rihanna's* studio diary. As you will see, none of the amazing things which are in this amazing song were there from the start....but, oddly enough, Jay-Z WAS...

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  1. Blog Party - Gerard Way Out Of My Chemical Romance

    • Fraser M
    • 22 Feb 07, 08:05 PM

    Gerard WayTo keep their feet rooted on the ground, a lot of famous people have hobbies or second jobs. Many start their own record label like Pete Wentz, some like to paint, or write food features for a newspaper, like Alex Franz does. So, what sort of thing does Gerard Way Out Of My Chemical Romance* like to do when his Black Parading is all finished? Well, here's an excerpt from a blog which offers some clues...


    February 22nd: Of course, it's this time of year I hate the most. I can deal with the spring, there's not a wooden object in the world which doesn't remember the thrill of that sudden rush of sap to the branches that comes in the springtime...summer is fine so long as there's children around to take me down and put me in their fort in the garden from time to time...and once we're into autumn - or 'fall', as I should really call it - then the blossom in my wooden heart starts to bloom, fruit grows and falls and we're heading towards the peak of my year...my DESTINY...

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  1. New Guest Bloggers - KaTer PriDre

    • Fraser M
    • 21 Dec 06, 12:57 PM

    Katie & PeterIt's been a big year for Katie Price and Peter Andre. The nation's favourite self-foghorning over-tanned celebrity couple have had to fulfil a hectic schedule, what with the endless trips up to see Heat! magazine and the recording of their very first album together (and don't forget, IT'S FOR CHARITY). So what better time than the festive season to catch up with them both and look back on their busy year, right? That's right. There isn't one.

    Course, we didn't actually bother to arrange anything, what with all the other festive rushing around we had to do, so here's a transcript of what might've happened if we'd left the two of them alone with a blank screen and a keypad. Enjoy!

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  1. Blog Party - Justin Timberlake

    • Fraser M
    • 29 Nov 06, 04:41 PM

    Crazy-ass internet web-physics time. We present a blog within a blog, in which ultra-famous pop star Justin Timberlake* exposes the inner workings of his mind to a goss-hungry public, and the ChartBlog just sort of stands back and watches. Ooh! Look at him type! He's a DEMON!

    Over to you, JT...
    Thank you, Chartblog...er..hello.

    JustinIt's so nice to be here talking to you all...ah...TYPING to you all, I should say...and letting you experience the kind of unusual activities which are now part of my day-to-day life, from an insider perspective. You, sitting in your humble homes and schools and work-places, will then have some idea of what it is really like to be someone whose life is a very large distance from being run-of-the-mill, and in my own words too.

    In fact, you've already read quite a large selection of the words to which I was just referring. And, being a naturally creative kind of person, I have already started to work in some of my favourite words, as a subliminal (that's one, right there) way of raising the standard of intellectual (and another) discourse (yep) within the narrow confines (I'm clearly very inspired today indeed) of what the press insist on calling my 'media profile' (er, no, none of those).

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