
麻豆官网首页入口 BLOGS - Newsnight: From the web team
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Tuesday 11 August 2009

Len Freeman | 16:34 UK time, Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Here's Kirsty Wark with details of tonight's programme

Better services for less money... and maybe tax rises? The Shadow Chancellor George Osborne's big sell today was that the Conservatives are now the progressive force in British politics. He said they planned to reform public services while being "fiscally responsible" and without harming frontline services.

Paul Mason will be looking at what this means for their spending plans. Will they raise taxes, and which ones? And what will they cut?

Can the West do anything for the Burmese pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi? She has been sentenced to an additional 18 months' house arrest by a court in Rangoon. Prime Minister Gordon Brown said he was "saddened and angry" by the verdict and described the trial as a "sham". He has called for the UN Security Council to impose a worldwide ban on the sale of arms to the regime. But with India and China heavily involved in enterprise in the country what chance is there of change?

Tonight we'll discuss whether this is a turning point for Burma, or business as usual for the Generals.

"I am not channelling my husband!" Hilary Clinton delivered a tongue-lashing to a poor student at a university in the Democratic Republic of Congo when a mistranslation of a question to the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton came out as what her husband thought of an issue. (Rather than Obama as it should have been). "My husband is not Secretary of State, I am." She might be the most powerful woman in the world but is she still defined by her husband? And was her outburst understandable?

And we have an unusual insight into the weird world of the Uzbek secret service.

Do join us at 10.30pm on 麻豆官网首页入口 Two.


  • Comment number 1.

    Now is the Winter of our discontent......



    what happens Mr Mason when the UK credit line runs out....?

    the figures simply do not add up, balance of payments

    At 00:12am on 10 Aug 2009, KingCelticLion wrote:
    #52 Bubble Gum Triffid

    General Midwinter Billion dollar brain

    So the significance is..........?

    Complain about this comment

    54. At 00:14am on 10 Aug 2009, mimpromptu wrote:
    The quote comes from Ken Russell's espionage film 'Billion Dollar Brain'. The words were uttered by General Midwinter.

    thank you, I now have the film

    when shall I watch it.....10.30 mmmmmmmm

  • Comment number 2.

    On the Baby P I thought one of the big criticisms was that the social workers DID know that the brothers were in residence - perhaps the 麻豆官网首页入口 reporter meant that the authorities did not formally know.

    Also whilst I was fascinated to see their images, and it does make a difference, I would have been more interested in knowing about them than necessarily seeing them.

    For instance was their obsession with the far right and Nazi tangential or central to their violence and aggression? I believe they were from care so it was unlikely to have been a parent who indoctrinated them - was there a "mentor" figure at some point? Is it evidence of a failure of care or was the disposition of these monsters there at birth? Were they psychopaths?

    A gentleman, I always forget the name, who was jailed a year or so ago was a far right "believer", a paedophile and would be nail bomber. The Twickenham Green murderer is suspected of killing poor Millie Dowler and revered Hitler.

    Leaving aside the odious nature of far right ideological views Hitler is seen as a symbol of evil.

    How common is the connection between far right views and respect for Hitler and those criminals who specialize in horrific violence and murder? Is the far right angle a symptom or is it cosmetically peripheral?

  • Comment number 3.

    Len Freeman | 16:34 UK time, Tuesday, 11 August 2009 wrote:

    ..."is she still defined by her husband?.."
    I'd say she misunderstood as the question was mistranslated and maybe she's sick of being compared to Bill. Following his recent Korean trip, it might be that she's been confronted with many questions about him, and she may have just wanted to scream - I can sympathise.

    It made for good '...and finally's...' on the telly though.

  • Comment number 4.

    I am assuming the Uzbek secret service is controlled by the Russian GRU and is not an independent player as such?

  • Comment number 5.

    On Aung San Suu Kyi its a pity that the US could not try and sentence the US "psychologist" that swam out to her house and got her her extra sentence once Burma has finished with him.

    Perhaps he was ill though.

  • Comment number 6.

    Is McBride lined up for the HoC committee or is this like the torture allegations where people show up when they feel like it?

  • Comment number 7.

    Mr Osborne states that the public should not be over-taxed.

    Would he further commit to whether this will apply exclusively to the top earners - along the lines of the inheritance tax commitment - or will it apply to the other 90 plus per cent (Most of which will, if it is as the media keeps telling us, will vote for a change of Government on the promise that things will be better! Question: How many chants of 鈥淵es we can!鈥 are heard these days the other side of the pond?))

    The statement that 鈥榖etter can be provided for less鈥 is the current 鈥淲estminster Promise鈥 but surely the statement can be nothing other than a classic oxymoron. Once in power it will be the well worn financial punishment of the middle classes, by surreptitious transfer of financial liability, under the guise of budgetary controls, efficiency savings and cutbacks.

    The 鈥渋n fashion鈥 premise that for the masses to get richer the wealthy must get wealthier is just a new version of the Majorism policy of 鈥渢rickle down鈥 being the way forward. And how effective was that?

    It is facetious to believe that a change of party at the top will in any way improve the lifestyle of the majority .......

    Sheep attire and wolves come to mind,

    or even

    Marie Antoinette and Patisseries.

    One more thing .......

    Would it not be more accurate to state in your blog ..........

    鈥淎nd we have an unusual insight into the weird world of the Uzbek not quite so secret as it was service.鈥

    Or will that only apply after the broadcast?

  • Comment number 8.

    "Progressive force in British politics".

    But what are our politicians progressing towards?
    What are the aims of great Britain, and how will it earn it's living in the world?

    Britain has no coherent strategy, and hasn't had one for years.

    The boom times were an illusion and/or a wasted opportunity.

    The interest payable on the government debt will crowd out investment in public services, and place an increased tax burden on private enterprise.
    Both public and private sector will suffer, irrespective of who's elected to government.

  • Comment number 9.


    Where the clever and devious inexorably achieve high office, wisdom will not gain a toe hold - let alone rule supreme.

    The bankruptcy of BEING that lies behind the frantic DOING of Homo Smartarse, is invisible to him, like the first intrusion of rot in a majestic tree. Nowhere is this more depressingly immediate than in Britain.


    The emblem Oak stands yet, in fruitful boast
    denying heart鈥檚 decay 鈥 each cup replete.
    Enthusiastic branches bow that trunk
    in dumb obeisance to its patronage.

    Once backbone鈥檚 true-grain majesty held sway
    but now corrupt, dark process reigns, malign.
    That core, long since bereft of virtue鈥檚 ring
    usurped, degraded, feeds a false fa莽ade.

    So stands Great Britain: posturing the World
    while cant, hypocrisy and turpitude -
    it鈥檚 Rotten Boroughs - make up Parliament
    where talk is cheap; truth economical.

    On Trade and Trident British pride stands tall
    but, as that Oak, core-rotten, we shall fall.

  • Comment number 10.

    Dear Mr Mason

    Is it possible to hold savings accounts in currencies other than sterling?

    If so could Newsnight ask all future MPs appearing on your show if they hold any of their money in non-sterling accounts, if so which ones and how much?

    If they say no, ask them if they have ever held such accounts, how much they held in such accounts and where, and when they closed them.

    best wishes

  • Comment number 11.

    Expext a lot of Tory bashing on Newsnight tonight as the beeb continue their increasingly desperate "Save Brown" campaign.

  • Comment number 12.

    Hi, just had a troll around the listed donations of one of the main Parties, at least one story needs an update mmmmmmmmmmm

  • Comment number 13.

    I can't help speculating that Aung San Suu Kyi was set up by the Corporate Nazi's in order to give the Burmese government the excuse they needed to exclude her from actively participating in the forthcoming alleged democratic elections. The question Newsnight should be asking is who is this American lunatic who swam the lake to see here despite the fact that she was only days from freedom. Why was he not thrown into jail for a couple of years, perhaps an agent of the Corporate Multinational Cartel acting for mining / oil companies. Did he have a large shareholding in companies likely to benefit from the absence of Aung San Suu Kyi, did he do it for personal gain. RTZ have already been caught spying on Chinese steel in order to manipulate the price of iron ore, I'm not swatted up on CMC companies trading with Burma but a similar principle could apply ?

  • Comment number 14.

    Thank you for the instruction, I shall make sure not to watch it.
    Apologies to Kirsty.

  • Comment number 15.

    #20 from the previous page - continuation
    Mr Tweedy
    I thought it very unfair not to compose a dittie for you as I have done for Mistress76uk and streetphotobeing from whom I have also had lovely responses. That's how it goes:
    Mr Tweedy's historical perspective
    In his blogs so obviously reflective
    Of how fashion and trends do swing
    Shows us how not to get ringed
    In narrow and blinkered ruts
    Of those I'd simply call nuts

    Bubbles a nut
    JJ's a nut
    Stuck in a rut
    The nut of the nuts

  • Comment number 16.

    a lecture on restraint from two baronets of the realm...shiney Dave and his bullingdon mate Georgie baby both with personal fortunes of thirty mill and counting, ideal muccas to teach us the value of fiscal restraint....at 'em Newsnight and don't spare the horses

  • Comment number 17.

    "Can the West do anything for the Burmese pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi?" My response is that UK should do nothing other than make our views known to United Nations.

    Barrie's stanza says it all, encapsulated in the line "So stands Great Britain: posturing the World"

    We are no longer 'Great Britain' and even 'United Kingdom' is becoming an anachronism. We have done more than our share of policing the world and dieing for the Human Rights of others around the world. Our epoch of Empire gave way to Commonwealth, which seems to have given us a permanent liability to nations that gained their independence from us decades ago.

    I have lived in 2 countries that overthrew dictators by 'people power' with little external help. Military might is powerless against in-country terrorists and insurgents, particularly when the citizens of countries where we have attempted help regard us as invaders and occupiers. Several recent wars have shown that, and it is for the citizens of oppressed countries to adopt appropriate actions, such as strikes, sit-ins and sabotage if they wish to oust a tyrannical government. Speaking of which, we should be focusing on our own fate and considering how we can marshall people power to restore the balace of power in our own country. Let's keep at arms length from any further external involvement.

    I'm off on Friday to Union Jack Club (service and ex-service men and women) to meet up with some mates who have given service to this country, to hear their opinions about current affairs. I expect many of them will express disappointment at how past patriotism has treated them.

  • Comment number 18.

    It's not surprising that Peter Mandelson is looking so cheerful. Osbourne and the two Conservatives in the studio came across as half baked at best. They didn't seem to have a clue and there was no sign of any sort of leadership whatsoever. Spouting corporate doublespeak is no substitute for clear ideas about what you're going to do. As for making an important speech to a left wing think tank. Whose idea was that?

    Most people who work in this country already pay between 50-75% plus of what they earn over to the Government in direct and indirect taxation yet still they want more. It's surreal. It soon won't be worth bothering going to work at all. Not everyone is on the gravy train like the politicians, supplementing their income with tax free payouts. How about sacking the 800,000 extra workers they've employed, most of whom seem to spend their time harrassing, fining and persecuting the rest of us. There are hundreds of cuts they could make before daring to ask us for another penny.

    The worst thing of all is that we have little real choice in the upcoming election. Labour and Conservative are as bad as each other with virtually indistinguishable ideas. The only real difference is that the Tories, on tonight's showing, look weak and incompetent while Labour are nasty and authoritarian. Both want to hand over power to the EU without a mandate from us. I think I'd prefer Nigel Farrage or Nick Griffin, both of whom strike me as genuine, competent people regardless of their politics. Perhaps if they got together we could at least have a real contest between them and the LibLabCon alliance.

  • Comment number 19.

    Have just watched last night's Newsnight on the 麻豆官网首页入口 iplayer and thought I'd spotted a twinkle in Kirsty's eyes!*
    Well, it was an informative piece of work from the Team in more ways than one, methought.

  • Comment number 20.

    Good morning and welcome!
    New day is beginning
    Swinging and chiming
    Twirling and rhyming

    mimpromptu /as above/

  • Comment number 21.

    And was her outburst understandable?

    Not really the point.

    What was it Douglas had to say about the Babel fish:

    "Meanwhile, the poor Babel fish, by effectively removing all barriers to communication between different races and cultures, has caused more and bloodier wars than anything else in the history of creation."
    鈥 Douglas Adams (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)

    I'd say, more critically, the issue is how a senior pol in another country reacts to what they think they might have heard. Gender irrelevant, much as Ms. Harman may seek skewed 'empathy; in some cases.

  • Comment number 22.

    Wow, what a fascinating interview by Peter Marshall and the former Uzbek KGB Officer. He was incredibly brave to actually come out on camera and talk to Peter in Fitzroy Square in broad daylight. Excellent :o)

  • Comment number 23.


    In recent days we were discussing the 'Comma of Pythagoras' on this forum.

    Today - courtesy of 'Today' - Peter piped a peck of pickled poppycock!
    He used the following complex term: "at least, probably, far in excess of" It matters not one jot, what he was addressing (or avoiding). Sufficient unto the day, that this Machiavellian mind should deliver us 'The Fool-Stop pf Lord Mandelson' - an absolute show-stopper - to have and to hold from this day forward, claptrapwithoutend, Amen.

  • Comment number 24.


    He is as tempting as a sugar-syrup coated bun! All those kiddi-curves on his wide-eyed, appealing (please mater) face. Of course, the bun-mix inside has been made of cheap materials to maximise share-holder profit for the bakery; but meanwhile, the bun looks VERY tasty . . .

  • Comment number 25.

    We are being spoilt for poems, rhymes and reason today.

    Mim - thanks for the poetic justice.

    If all politicians had to deliver their speeches in rhyming couplets, truth and justice would undoubtedly ensue.

    There was an unelected lord
    Who simply refused to fall on his sword
    He appeared to run the country
    Claimed expenses for sundries
    But never did he knowingly defraud

  • Comment number 26.

    There once was a politician so shiny
    His intellect remarkably tiny
    But with his speeches well written
    He had the charm of a kitten
    Voters acquiesced when he pleaded "please try me鈥

  • Comment number 27.

    We see reports of people claiming this disability benefit while playing golf and other activities which may or may not reflect a fraud. But what is the effect of this on GP's ? My experience is that unless you have an illness that is seen or can be easily identified by the doctor and he/she knows the proceedure all well and good. But if he/she cant see anything and its your word against their's and you know you have a chronic but not life threatening problem they are very reluctant to do anything, chronic migraine is one example. And the issues that Ive had with that, have, in my view spilt over.

    At the moment I have a problem with my ear, doc puts his/her instrument in it and tells me its clear and that its like the pressure differential experienced in a plane. OK fine but what are you going to do about it - their face says *nothing - go away*. But I cant balance properly in the morning or hear and I feel disorientated. *Come back if it continues* its been a month already and Ive been here three times. Stare with forced smile that says *get out* Now its not as if I camp outside the waiting room. ( too small and dingy, people too close to each other ) It had been a good two years since I visited my doctor but the brisk in-out attitude was very clear.

    Look *Andy* Mr Health Minister this isnt good enough !!!! tests need to be done and patients, not assumed fraudesters, need to be referred sooner rather that later.

  • Comment number 28.

    The old man of Westminster
    Turned the Bank of England into a money printer
    It printed all day and all night
    Foreign investors took flight
    And petrol went up to 拢5 a litre

  • Comment number 29.

    #25 & #26
    MrTweedy - welcome to the club
    Perhaps Newsnight will follow our shiny example with all the journalists speaking in verse tonight? This country has long been waiting for a poetic revolution!

  • Comment number 30.

    #29 continuation from mimpromptu
    Although it may be far too presumptious of me, for the Chairperson of the Club I'd propose Carol Ann Duffy. And that's really and truly. Methinks the Poet Laureate may have contributed to my setting off on the rhyme and rhythm path.

  • Comment number 31.


    why does the bbc trade with burma?
    why is it on the 'dirty list'?

  • Comment number 32.

    apologies for the error in what should have been presmuptuous

  • Comment number 33.

    Why does the 麻豆官网首页入口 trade with Burma?
    Why is it on the dirty list?
    The question is a bit of a squirmer
    With it we really should persist

    The Lonely Guide says tourist income is important
    The 麻豆官网首页入口 then runs the gauntlet
    Of those who say the Burmese regime is undaunted
    By western investors not haunted
    By human rights violations so vaunted
    The 麻豆官网首页入口 critiscism why court it?

  • Comment number 34.

    the tories are using the debt problem created by the banks not to insist the financial sector pay more in tax to help the uk out but to get on their favourite bandwagons of public service cuts?

    the elephant in the room is the financial sector that should have a super tax of say 70% on profits till the debt is paid off as a thank you to the public for saving their jobs and industry.

  • Comment number 35.


    This blog has lost its gravity
    Sunk to banal depravity
    Flushed down the Newsnight lavertry.

  • Comment number 36.

    The banality of evil.

  • Comment number 37.

    #31 It seems that we all should do a bit more research into where it goes before spnding our cash. I have been a keen Lonely Planet traveller in the past, so I shall write to them protesting about their promotion of Burma.

    I have also told my family to stop throwing money at 'Lotto' having seen an item on 'The One Show' that explained how lottery money is being given to an organisation that has the aim of trying to 'integrate minority ethnic groups into the British way of life'. I have paid almost 拢100 per year for my family and I to visit National Trust and similar stately homes and gardens. If ethnic groups really want to visit NT and other properties, the only discrimination is against indiginent citizens, who have to pay admission and or membership charges.

    Personally (listen for the cry "racist") I sometimes enjoy the company of my own heritage and culture, such as most of those attending the Proms,and similar recitals, particularly when works by Elgar or Delius are being performed. It is normal and natural for every other species on the planet. I enjoy different cultures in their own setting. Why should we have to pay minority ethnics to pretend to be part of our English culture?

  • Comment number 38.

    banality not
    gravity hot
    depravity pot
    jj plot

    mimpromtu keep on and dont worry much about mistakes or banality.

  • Comment number 39.

    The BoE, through QE, is now in possession of 15% of the total gilts market.

    The BoE has pledged asset purchases worth 8.6% of Britain's GDP.


    It's enough to turn one's head back to limericks.....

    The political ravishment of the Bank of England:

    There was an old lady in Threadneedle Street
    Who purchased assets once so sweet
    The pound it went down
    Investors did frown
    And the poor old lady just couldn't make ends meet

  • Comment number 40.

    #37 Indygene

    I saw the One Show thing. Couldn't get my head round it. If we live in this country. The countryside is there. If we want go there. We just go there.

    Any of us. So why.......?

  • Comment number 41.

    Newsnight has McCain, the Mr Clean of the US Republicans, endorsed the views of Palin regarding the "euthanasia plans"?

    Is there no depth that the Republicans won't sink to.

    Perhaps though there is a simmering civil war between those who respect the political process and those, like Palin, who don't care if they break it?

  • Comment number 42.

    Nobody expects the 麻豆官网首页入口 reporters to get their butts shot off trying to keep us up to date .... but aren't things a little quiet on the Mexico news front?

    If they are/were bordering on becoming a failed state on the US doorstep that is a big deal both for the US, Mexicans and the the world.

    Is there nothing that can be done to help turn the tide for those forces of stability that would accept such help?

    It just seems like a very slow car crash.

  • Comment number 43.

    2.4 million people unemployed, as always the 麻豆官网首页入口s very own marxist Mr Mason ignores the evidence to attack the Conservative fiscal plans.

    I try and be impartial when listening to the 麻豆官网首页入口 NN reporters, yet again and again they default to their left-wing biases.

  • Comment number 44.

    I agree with those that thought the Uzbek intelligence officer was very brave to come out and say what he did.

    He probably does not have absolutely pure motives but that does not detract from the contribution he has made to our understanding of the situation.

  • Comment number 45.

    Its good to see genuine posters with poetry instead of far right/BNP propagandists. Whilst I am no expert the fun factor is good and the content is good but how do you say it .... there won't be any Nobel Prizes for Literature I fear.

    It matters nought.

  • Comment number 46.

    #37 & 40

    Hhhhmmm try watching Countryfile, once a sunny side up farming programme. They too are doing all they can to promote ethnic people into the countryside, and nothing wrong with that at all. But why all the extra help for ethnic people, there are a lot of poor indigenous people who know nothing of the countryside, how about encouraging them. Although I'd rather they walked and looked than left burnt out cars and their rubbish, but they have to learn that. And as Leo said the countryside is there, you only have to travel to it, it's not that hard. I get the feeling most ethnic people here now come from the rural areas of their own country, and know too much about it already! ; )

    And indignantindegene I agree entirely with what you say in #37, why must we bow down to the anywhere in the worlds culture except our own. I've noticed Radio 4 lately, has a lot of ethinic speakers on, and plays and items with foreign themes, not english ones. Yes I want to know what other people think, but not too the exclusion of the english way of life.

    Did you also see where 4 million of lottery money had gone too? Helping gypsies to buy land and set up their unsightly sites in the countryside. Now why is it ok to help a group of people exclusively in a personal way? I thought you had to be a charity to receive finance from the lottery?

    And I might as well get the lot in, another huge rise in unemployment. How about stopping immigration completely?!!!! Why do we need more people to be unemployed?

  • Comment number 47.

    And the biggest Dumbo in the world in the room..... Us

    When are the media going to acknowledge this and talk about it openly every day on the news and current affairs programmes and debate in the Newspapers whether we need more people here? I suppose not until the indigenous people take it into their own hands to sort the problem out, and then they will be called fascists and racists, not poor, unemployed, overcrowded, disowned by their government people.

  • Comment number 48.

    No.47. ecolizzy

    Enoch Powell's speech, which briefly mentioned the words "rivers of blood" taken from some Roman poem or other, firmly put a lid on politicians debating immigration.

    Therefore, post-Powell, there is no debate.

    Regarding the Audit Commission's comments, councils should do more to prepare for a recession caused by a lack of liquidity by simply spending money they don't have because of the lack of liquidity.
    It's a case of get out of that without moving. The snake eats its tail, and the circle gets ever smaller.

    Carry on number one; full steam ahead.
    Progress towards the horizon.....

  • Comment number 49.

    Latest unemployment .

  • Comment number 50.

    Some hypocrisy in the 麻豆官网首页入口 getting on their high horse to accuse the Tories of wanting both spending cuts & rises. They know perfectly well that Labour's incomptence has produced a deficit of 拢180 billion (拢500 , million pounds a day).

    In any case this cannot be solved by tax rises - it would be the equivalent of increasing income tax by 44p to 64p per 拢. It can be solved by cutting government spending since, under Labour, spending has gone up 拢200bn faster than the RPI. Being taxpayer funded, the 麻豆官网首页入口 are never more biased than when supporting higher taxes but the fact is that this country is not overtaxed it is overgoverned. Those being the only genuine choices.

  • Comment number 51.

    #48 Mr Tweedy... Therefore, post-Powell, there is no debate.

    Hah, yes I always forget that, I remember watching him on the telly reading that speech, and thought "oh what an awful thing to say!" Then he sunk into oblivion, scorned by all. What a great and very clever man, in my ignorance, I didn't realise how clever at the time. I didn't know he was so well educated and a scholar. And how right he's been proved, although I don't want to see rivers of blood, but I understand that was metaphorical. At the time I think we had 2 or 3 percent ethnic people, now it is 15percent and rapidly rising as the birthrate is very high among immigrants, as opposed to us Brits, who worry all the time about how we are going to pay for everything.

    With one in three Londoners foreign born, why is London still our capital city, it won't be long before it's half, then is it still representative of England? I always think how lucky these foreign people are, they have a huge amount of the best theatres, museums, music venues of all description, and some of the latest and best health care in the world. While the rest of us sit in the rest of the country with just our often outdated and overloaded local hospitals, and barely a theatre or concert hall to go to!

  • Comment number 52.


    But neatly put Eco.

    The politicians were delighted to be caught up in the recent 'old soldier' jamboree, typically failing to realise that politicians, by definition, do not 'give up their lives' for any greater good, now or in the future.

    How can politics, as currently configured, build anything of lasting worth when Westminster is a war-game? Governments strive to stay in power; Prime Ministers strive for legacy; oppositions strive to wrest power from the incumbents. The Dumbo electorate is manipulated by competing political strategies, funded by quid-pro-quo 'philanthropists' who get their money from - the Dumbo electorate. We are bought with our own money.

    Prime Ministers should sign a non-profit pledge and eschew all 'honours'.

    Important governmental functions should be in the hands of individuals who can show experties - IN THAT AREA - rather than skill at pleasing superiors.


  • Comment number 53.

    #27 & #38
    Thank you so much for your continued support. Even at the beginning of this year I don't think I would have had the confidence which, indeed, I seem to have now. It must be, among other things, something to do with finding the right and kind people to communicate with. As they say, people on similar wavelengths.
    I'm sorry to hear about your prolonged ear problem. It must be most frustrating not to be able to get the appropriate help for it and I'm surprised your surgery haven't been more helpful. I have always found my GP Practice not only very efficient in dealing with my health but also very reasonable people to deal with.
    Having worked as an NHS and private practice secretary for approximately 12陆 years, I know that, if GPs are unhelpful, one can always book oneself an appointment in a private hospital and the Specialists will then refer their patient to be seen on the NHS, though one shouldn't rely on jumping the queue. Personally, I don't see anything wrong with it as at least another patient could be seen instead in the NHS slot. I don't know whether you have enough money to do that but whatever way you go about sorting out your ear, I wish you a speedy recovery.
    P.S. Bloggers like JJ are only minor irritants really so please don't worry about me being upset by them. In fact, I worry more about others being affected, threatened or offended by them than I do about myself. Not that things don't need to be dealt with ASAP, as far as I'm concerned.

  • Comment number 54.

    Well done Ms Wark on the intro.

    Is this this the start of NN, once again, reporting news honestly?

    Viva la revolution!

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