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Monday 21 September 2009

Verity Murphy | 18:15 UK time, Monday, 21 September 2009

Coming up on Newsnight:

At the beginning of a crucial week for international relations, our Diplomatic Editor Mark Urban will assess whether President Barack Obama is failing to deliver on the world stage.

The lack of success in Afghanistan, highlighted in a leaked report by General McChrystal today, the stalled Middle East peace process and accusations of "appeasement" in US/Russian relations suggests that Mr Obama's new multilateralism is running into trouble.

We'll speak to key players on both sides of the Atlantic.

And at the Liberal Democrats' final party conference before a general election, Nick Clegg's difficult rebalancing of the party continues.

How will tandem messages about "savage" spending cuts and plans for a tax on owners of £1m-plus homes effect the clarity of the Lib Dem message and their chances at the ballot box?

Michael Crick and David Grossman will have the latest from Bournemouth, and US pollster Cornell Belcher will be meeting a focus group of voters and revealing what they think about Mr Clegg and his party.

Plus, Jeremy has just spoken with Spike Lee about race, racism and America - a fascinating interview that shouldn't be missed.

All coming up with Jeremy Paxman at 10.30 on Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú Two.


  • Comment number 1.


    Headteacher to All Staff

    The bully in class USA has been unsuccessful in her efforts to hit, provoke and abuse other school pupils over the past few months. Some staff are concerned that there may be something wrong.

    "At the beginning of a crucial week for international relations, our Diplomatic Editor Mark Urban will assess whether President Barack Obama is failing to deliver on the world stage.

    The lack of success in Afghanistan, highlighted in a leaked report by General McChrystal today, the stalled Middle East peace process and
    accusations of "appeasement" in US/Russian relations suggests that Mr Obama's new multilateralism is running into trouble."

    Could the USA really be just behaving less hawkishly/belligerently/subversively?

  • Comment number 2.

    I cannot wait to see Jeremy's interview with Directing Legend Spike Lee. So far, just from the clip put up, it promises to be something very big indeed.

  • Comment number 3.


    "Plus, Jeremy has just spoken with Spike Lee about race, racism and America - a fascinating interview that shouldn't be missed."

    Good, I hope some sense is spoken. Group differences exist, but discriminating in favour or against individuals because they are members of a group is ignorant. Having said that, risk assessments are possible as a function of group membership. That's called actuarial analysis and is done all the time in insurance, medicine etc.

  • Comment number 4.

    from mimpromptu
    As far as I can see, Barack Obama has done some outstandingly fine footwork on the world stage in the last few weeks.
    And then there is the smile. It works for me during these very harsh times I'm being put through.

  • Comment number 5.

    "We'll speak to key players on both sides of the Atlantic."

    So, you're talking to two cheeks from the same arse, with the Army's friend Mark Urban giving his tuppence worth.

    Have you ever thought of widening out this subject in a way that doesn't constantly pander to 'key players'?

  • Comment number 6.

    Do The Right Thing (Race Rant Scene) youtube clip.

    This link will most likely be censored :

    So how can we get at this stuff on NN - the whole
    vile abusiveness of it all ?

  • Comment number 7.

    So tell me something moderators how is that you broke the link to my work which had no abusive language or racism issues, just documentation photo's of people on streets?

  • Comment number 8.

    streetphotobeing (#6) Who wrote the 'race rant' 'On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life'?

    What is a breed? What is breeding? How doe sit related to eugenics? What accounts for one breed being different from another? What is a gene?

    For answers to these and other mysteries pertaining to races/breeds, please see or make a start .

    Alternatively, consult a celebrity or read some sensationalist propaganda.

  • Comment number 9.

    I do hope that Jeremy gives Spike Lee an honest-to-goodness good bitch slap. Yes, there is racism in America. Yes, it may explain some of what is going on at the town hall meetings.

    But do honestly think that if Hillary was president there wouldn't be the almost exact same scene at the healthcare town halls whipped up the big corporate insurance companies' PR lackeys and astroturf operations ?

    What would they blame then, sexism ? The fact is that many Americans see the Constitution and red-in-tooth-and-claw capitalism as conjoined twins and that universal health care is just a slippery slope to gun control and after that a small step to communism. They may be misguided to think that, but if they do, and they can be whipped up to protest on that basis, they would do it even if it was Joe Biden pushing healthcare.

    But what do I know ? Mark Mardell is a lot closer to the issues, and he is not afraid to put his head above the parapet, and one hopes Paxman is not either...


  • Comment number 10.

    Sorry, but on a slightly different topic, I would like Michael Crick to suggest the following - I'm only half-joking...

    If a third of people don't even know who Nick Clegg is [or is it that they just don't know that he is the Lib Dem leader?] I have a suggestion.

    Peter Andre is at a bit of a loose end at the moment. He knows nothing about politics - but then leaders of the Lib Dems have no power anyway.

    Cleggy uses terms like 'progressive austerity' which defy precise definition and are therefore wasted on the public. He uses 'severe' when he means 'serious'.

    Peter Andre might not be able to do any better, but let us be honest it is Chuckie Kennedy, Vince Cable and a cast of dozens [ hundreds ? thousands ?] who write the manifesto, so why not just have a leader purely on the basis of 'name recognition' in the important 18-34 swing voter demographic ??

    Peter Andre's linguistic somersaults are likely to be far less taxing - he might even answer questions 'yes' or 'no' or 'no chance' or even better 'Mansion Tax ? It'll never 'appen..'

    Please ask them about this - even if your tongue is in your cheek, 'cos believe me the Lib Dems really are heading for spectacular irrelevance or even total extinction if they are not careful...

  • Comment number 11.

    Streetphotobeing /from mimpromptu/
    Which link did they break?
    I can't find it.
    Or was it the other one?

  • Comment number 12.

    Vince Cable talks of cuts but perhaps they could start virtually painlessly and without alienating a section of our society from our welfare state by abandoning some of their politically correct pet projects. One of them would appear to be the many proposed Traffic Calming Schemes most intelligent informed people genuinely concerned about our environment now object to. It is now well proven that Traffic Calming is bad for our environment, the latest statistics suggest that CO2 is increased by 82% and NOX by 37%. The pollution problem is compounded by drivers driving over humps in too high a gear which means that the potentially toxic unburnt hydrocarbon pollutants linked to lung disease are probably doubled. When I was waiting at a local village I observed cars coming up the steep hill and going around the sharp corner at the summit. Many ( including petrol cars ) emitted black smoke due to being in too high a gear as taught by useless driving instructors to pass the quasi-religious driving test.

    Lib-Dem support for proposed " Spy in the Sky " road charging totally undermines their alleged " human rights " position on the proposed ID card project. The Corporate Nazi stock market parasites have got their money on Average Speed Cameras since Lord Adonis theoretically abandoned New Labour's plans for Toll roads. No doubt the Lib-Demmics will be forcefully campaigning for average speed cameras to police blanket 20 Mph Zones in towns as a back door to their favoured road pricing.

    Perhaps individual local councilors in support of Corporate Nazi eco-fascist policy like Bin tax etc stand to gain a substantial increase in their own personal borrowing allowance from the banks, easy to hide from declared interests. Plenty of false money floating about to indulge in ten bob fat cat property speculation as decent people sell up to avoid any traffic calming wrecking their car ?

  • Comment number 13.

    Oh dear, Spike Jones turns out to be a naive and chippy individual. this must be disappointing to his many fans....

  • Comment number 14.

    I think extracting teeth would have been less painful than watching that Spike Lee interview. Ouch!

  • Comment number 15.

    Crème de la crème of the evening was Jeremy's interview with Spike Lee. Spike asked him "How long have you been black?" OUCH!

    On the question of racism, it is interesting to note that Joe Wilson has received more than US$2million since his outburst "You lie" to Obama


    Spike was correct in asserting that Obama would not have a magic wand which could make racism disappear overnight. Excellent stuff :o)

  • Comment number 16.


    Are there any black philosophers? They should know that dominance of blacks by whites is nothing to do with differential nastiness, it is Zimbardo's 'Lucifer Effect' and, this time round, it so happens that the whities are the 'prison guards'. ALL men are inherently nasty.

    Once again it suits Newsnight to live within the lie - 'The Lie of Edginess' (i.e. the lie that YIELDS edginess). You don't intend to have philosophers on the 'show' do you Newsnight - least of all BLACK PHILOSOPHERS! That would really mess up the nihilsm.

  • Comment number 17.

    Jeremy Paxman's interview with Spike Lee was rubbish. Why does a heaveyweight journalist roll over and have his tummy tickled? When Lee opined that Sarah Palin could be the vice president, Paxman smirked in a conspiratorial manner. She would be no worse than Nancy Pelosi et al.

  • Comment number 18.

    #3 jaded_jean

    "Good, I hope some sense is spoken. Group differences exist, but discriminating in favour or against individuals because they are members of a group is ignorant. Having said that, risk assessments are possible as a function of group membership. That's called actuarial analysis and is done all the time in insurance, medicine etc."

    Given your views on race "realism", Hitler as a peace lover, the Holocaust "agnosticism" - all largely based on your refuted failure to understand there is no significant genetic variation between races - I think you will find that is rubbish. An insurance group will calculate risk and won't look at the race of somebody save - perhaps - in medical insurance.

    Actuary's are not used in medicine.

  • Comment number 19.

    #8 jaded_jean

    "What is a breed? What is breeding? How doe sit related to eugenics? What accounts for one breed being different from another? What is a gene?

    For answers to these and other mysteries pertaining to races/breeds, please see education or make a start here.

    Alternatively, consult a celebrity or read some sensationalist propaganda."

    You claim Hitler was a peace lover - sensationalist or just plain stupid?

    No major scientific or academic body supports your views on genetics and eugenics and you don't understand that genetic variation is greater within a race than between races. Most of the differences between races are cosmetic and science knows that is because we are all very closely related genetically and nature has not had time for there to be major variation.

    People could try to follow your "explications" - or lies - or they could simply grasp that you are a national socialist who reveres Hitler (the "peace lover") and is agnostic on the Holocaust.

    If that doesn't scream "don't follow the links" then you probably already froth at the mouth and howl at the moon anyways.

  • Comment number 20.

    #12 brossen99

    "Perhaps individual local councilors in support of Corporate Nazi eco-fascist policy like Bin tax etc stand to gain a substantial increase in their own personal borrowing allowance from the banks, easy to hide from declared interests."

    Wild accusations perhaps like those of the BNP London Assembly Member who referred to three local murders that never happened?

    Perhaps BNP councilors - who are not part of a "Nazi Party" - have things to hide.

    I bet they try to keep a distance from the English Defence League and other fronts like that huh!

  • Comment number 21.

    #16 barriesingleton

    "You don't intend to have philosophers on the 'show' do you Newsnight - least of all BLACK PHILOSOPHERS! That would really mess up the nihilsm."

    No it would make for an interesting piece with Spike Lee who knows that there is racism both active and passive but does not allow himself to become a racist as that is what his philosophy hates.

  • Comment number 22.

    I thought the piece on the missile defence/Obama foreign policy was weak as it rested on a number of assumptions.

    Where is it written that should Iran develop an ICBM and nuclear weapons that they would try to punch it out with the technologically superior US? Wouldn't they try to use an unconventional delivery?

    If the system was for Iran it didn't need to be on the border of the USSR.

    If the system did nothing but give the US a big bill in a major economic crisis why is it "appeasement" to put it on the back burner?

    It doesn't seem to work even yet and would have led to the deployment of Russian nuclear missiles.

    Russia declares that it does NOT have a sphere of influence on its borders but as a historic relic of Stalinism there are Russian citizens in Ukraine and Georgia (S. Ossetia and so on).

    There is the scope for Russia to be an enemy but if they are moving towards democracy, greater trade and openness why not cautiously encourage that trend?

    Why have two Republicans and one Democrat who barely got a word in?

  • Comment number 23.

    That was my last post of the night so I will leave those that post on here and are National Socialist whilst trying to pretend they are not the BNP with the thought that they are psychologically flawed, intellectually incompetent and morally evil.

    Good night!

  • Comment number 24.

    I agree with thegangofone, the missile defence piece was weak.

    Why didn't Paxman show the two 'hawks' the graphic from a Sunday Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú News website interview/report "Obama rejects Russia missile link"? Asking them what their opposition was to a similar coverage area, apart from, of course, partisan politics.

    See - which show the coverage area of the old Czech/Polish system and Obama's new sea-based system.

    Sadly, I had to find that Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú graphic link via a US website:

  • Comment number 25.

    Oh dear, Spike Lee is a man with a chip on his shoulder and the view that any criticism of 'his man' is necessarily racist. His daft attempt to slam Paxman's question about what was it about the policy attacks that was racist fell on stony ground and all Lee could do was pretend offence. So Spike - just because you feel it was racist means that it is eh? It all sounded like the worst politically correct linguistic excesses of a cringingly worthy Lib-Dem council somehow to me. So I can conseign Mr Lee to the Inbox marked 'biased, angry man (black) with issues' as opposed to 'biased, angry man (white) with issues ok?

    As for the Pollster - will someone please tell him that he isn't on the Obama campaign trail anymore, and that "Change" is just another word not a reason in itself and unlike the American voter we want to know what it really means before we vote for it. Also, please, please, the number of times I've heard people in the forums say something like "oh I wish we could have Obama here", deftly edited only gives credence to the Pollster's clearly limited understanding of politcs seen without the prism of the Obama campaign to enable him to identify with it. Of course people will like Obama if the Pollster keeps making the association between him and positive change - it's a no brainer. People wouldn't vote for negative change. Ditch this Pollster and get someone who can do the job - the previous guy did fine. This one - not.

  • Comment number 26.

    #16 from mimpromptu
    Mr Singleton
    I find your comparison of Spike Lee to George Galloway as slanderous beyond belief. What are the similarities between the obviously brilliant film director, producer, writer and actor with Sadam Hussain's adulatory mate, George Galloway?
    Your sweeping remark about the nastiness of all men doesn't make any sense either and I also find it slanderous to all those millions of men who are not nasty in any shape or form. The fact that potentially all human beings may have some kind of residue of nastiness in them which can come to the fore in extremely difficult situations is in no way an excuse for those males whose sole aim in life is in fact nastiness, whatever the reasons for it may be.
    Newsnight was once again manipulated by a few men from my own past whose 'presence' in my life I find no longer tolerable and suffocating, and hereby I would like to apologise to Jeremy Paxman for having been put through so much crap over the years because of me.

  • Comment number 27.

    Racism on the ice rink - Madam Mim's observations
    If you asked Madam Mim whether racism existed on the ice rink she would respond that yes, it does. It's relatively mild but it's there. She's seen it herself like for example when snapping Edward for her photostream share on flickr. It was Edward who was confronted and not her. He told her he'd previously been banned from the ice rink for something but she didn't at the time ask him why. During the snapping session, if I might call like that, Edward was not doing anything bannable whatsoever.
    However, by and large the place seems quite happy in terms of race relations with 'representatives' of most races working there as employees.
    Madam Mim may want to do some more research into the matter in the future.

  • Comment number 28.

    from mimpromptu
    I've been going over and over again last Tuesday's edition of Newsnight and what a great programme it was. I felt that Jeremy Paxman was not being put under undue pressure by the manipulators, although their 'presence' was felt, whereby he was able to show his craftsmanship, if not art, of steering discussions between so many divergent viewpoints without the event degenerating into chaos or confusion. I don't understand why so often he talks of himself in a self-depricating manner and I think there's more to Jeremy than meets the eye in spite of his 'rottweiler' persona he sometimes projects on Newsnight.

  • Comment number 29.

    from mimpromptu
    Streetphotobeing, today is Tuesday
    And on Newsnight, let’s hope, more of a loose day
    For Jeremy to be able himself to portray
    Rather than acting for creeps disarrayed

    By their self-importance while hiding in holes
    They must forth remember they’re dealing with Poles.

  • Comment number 30.


    Hello Mim! Have a qhick poke around in Zimbardo's book 'The Lucifer Effect'. It even explains Paxman!

  • Comment number 31.

    #30. From Madam Mim
    Thank you
    I may not have much time for lucifer at all. I have yet to finish Alain de Botton's 'Consollations of Philosophy' and a couple more, as well as Barack Obama's "Dream's from my Father'.

  • Comment number 32.


    Somone should have explained slowly and calmly to the overly confident studio guest expressing the all too familiar solipsistic (stupid/deluded?) view that 'Perception is reality' that if it were so, we would all believe the earth went around the sun and possibly be living much as we did several hundred if not thousand yars go.

    This leads on to race and racism. Spike Lee just played a tired old game of emotional blackmail. This is in fact an egregious, duplicitous, political 'game' often unwittingly played by one white group against another white group, essentially using other, usually less able, 'useful idiots' and members of non-white groups as cannon fodder. - this causes Credit Cruches and many other social woes. Alas, the protagonists are incorrigible. This is being illustrated here, and needs to be taken very seriously :-(

  • Comment number 33.

    thegangofone (#18) "Actuary's are not used in medicine."

    That depends what you mean by actuaries of course. It's just called biomentrics or lab work or medicine itself. Elsewhere it's known as Evidence Based Medicine or Evidence Based Practice. It's also known as the scientific method, which some doctors prefer to witchcraft and other alternative ideas ;-).

    Next time you get a FBC (Full Blood Count) have a look closely at the figures and their 'normal' ranges. Doctors do this all the time across the board. It's part of their training and essential practice.

    It's called actuarial analysis where an individual's measures are ordered against a sample's. It's how science is done generally, so it's how conventional medicine itself is done. It's how diagnoses and prognoses are made. It's how we know that groups differ etc.

    You don't appear to know anything about science. It would be good if you were less abusive, (though I suspect you can not help it?).

  • Comment number 34.

    errata (#32) "we would all believe the sun went around the earth and possibly be living much as we did several hundred if not thousand years ago." :-(

  • Comment number 35.

    #31. from mimpromptu
    it should have been 'Dreams from my Father'
    Should anyone wonder I have only had one of those myself. He died in 1978 on 17 October.
    Barrie, I'm still soid and in one piece!

  • Comment number 36.

    as above from mim
    it should have been solid and so it remains!

  • Comment number 37.

    mimpromptu (#36) "it should have been solid and so it remains!"

    We all make mistakes ;-). Not everyone is equally good at spotting and learning from them.

  • Comment number 38.

    16 barry ...Are there any black philosophers?..

    there is a book called Black Athena that traces the philosophy of 'western civilisation' of the eygptian/greeks' to the ethiopians.

  • Comment number 39.

    JamieTaylorWC1 (#25) Look into the demographics of NYC #5 and the mean differences in cognitive ability by group. t's a game of hegemony, i.e. group competition.


  • Comment number 40.

    Iran fever cooling?

    well done to Obama for changing a policy based on a hollywood b movie idea -that iran 'threatens europe'. A missile defence against godzilla would have more credibility?

    given the hatred towards the creation of then nhs its not surprising the level of abuse Obama gets?

    Spikey Lee

    america will really have 'changed' when they have a native american as president?

    as we know only white anglicans can be head of state in the uk and even to suggest anyone else could be is treason. so no change here.

  • Comment number 41.


    thegangofone (various) You probably won't like , but it's just politics. Try not to ascertain what's true and false, good and bad, simply in terms of what you like and don't like.

    Are Granny Smiths different from Braeburns? Is the difference only skin deep? Are they from the same race/breed? Are people who love Granny Smiths and hate Braeburns vile appleists? Are fruit farmers eugenicist 'Nazis'? ;-)

    Might you have been hoodwinked elsewhere? Is that even conceivable?

  • Comment number 42.

    President Obama

    the right say he is indecisive and cautious

    I say he is diligent and thoughtful, exactly what the World needs, not gung ho right wing cruel thuggish mindless policies with no regard for human life, including the lives of your own soldiers, and he is very tough otherwise as a Black man he would never have made it to the White House,

    the new policy with Russia properly understands the temperament and mood of this great nation, and that it is essential to bring her back into playing a major role in this world,

    after all between us and many of our enemies ...lies Russia

    as for the leaked military report, who was responsible for this and Why?

  • Comment number 43.

    Baroness Scotland. So its a "technical breach" yet to the PBI(voters) the law has been broken. Presume the Baroness has reported herself to the Bar Council as required. No - well no suprise there then.

  • Comment number 44.


    Really JJ! VALID enquiry would be what a Braeburn's ATTITUDE is to a Granny Smith. I guarantee it is DIFFERENCIST - to the core.

  • Comment number 45.


    Law is a very cerebral, rather sterile profession. Westminster has some ignotable (sic) lawyers - one in the news.

    Obama's elevation was through money, oratory and rhetoric, with some wild promises thrown in. I say watch and wait.

    *The answer is: "A black man's left leg" but I'll wager Obama's is a tasteful shade of brown. Now there's something to ponder - when you mix black and white you should get grey. Significantly, when he stops booming and orating from high places, that is how I find him.

  • Comment number 46.

    I think Presenter Paxman gave Director Lee an easier ride than he gave Politician Cable. The former interview was a quiet cosy chat in a screening room, while the latter was conducted with Presenter Paxman in the studio and Politician Cable somewhere far away in the great outdoors, battling against the nocturnal elements, so voices had to be raised a bit. If the latter interview had been conducted in a similar situation to the former, Cable may have also adopted a supercilious smirk and a superior attitude, as Lee demonstrated, but then Cable has had those opportunities before and taken them.

  • Comment number 47.

    ..all between us and many of our enemies ...lies Russia..

    which enemies?

    neocons like us to think we in the uk have enemies.

    the real enemy to reason is the neocon philosophy and its jedi mind trick language.

  • Comment number 48.

    an announcement from Madam Mim:
    Madam Mim has clarified within her mind and soul /whatever tthat may mean/ her priorities and possibly future work in publishable form, the subject of which would cover her concern about sensitive people with exceptional talents, regardless of the colour of their skin, obviously. The title of the proposed work might be something like: 'How to prepare a young sensitive and talented person to face the creeps, the stupid, the mean and the vultures without letting them destroy their ,i e., the.young person's, lives.
    Politics for Madam Mim is only a sideline and she also does have her passions for twirling and dittying which occupy her time.
    Thank you

  • Comment number 49.

    The squirrel (now safely in custody) allegedly said: 'It looked like a right weird squirrel with wings, and I thought to myself, I owe it to squirreldom to stamp these types out! It was a freak of nature!'

  • Comment number 50.

    Update: The Tazmanian Squirrel Eugenics Society has released a statement today stating that its member was allegedly under extreme stress at the time of the incident, having just learned his wife had been having an affair with a rat.

  • Comment number 51.

    Newsflash: The Rat 274th International has referenced written exclusively by rats (and one gerbil), calling upon all rodents of the world to unite, denying that there's any significant differences between rodents (with the possible exception of rabbits, which are a bit prone to build burrows on prime land near where rats would like to live).

  • Comment number 52.

    All man made law has come to an end collaps in morals and the fading of social capital all over the world
    i find it quiet amazing how people agree to be ruled by the law made by other people.
    i have lived to understand that these laws have only worked using an acumulated social capital from the past .
    or maybe we should agree with darwin and just swallow each others like in the jungle that is what what animals do anyway
    the international arena is in chaos we can not live on this planet if every one thinks it blongs to him
    the law to rule humans has to come from a nature different of that of the man

    peace and love

  • Comment number 53.

    I go away from this board for months and come back to the shame old XXXX, I mean Eugenics and Race. I feel like it's christmas and I'm listening to Noddy Holder AGAIN!
    yeah i know he didn't sing that one!



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