
Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú BLOGS - Newsnight: From the web team
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Tuesday 8 September 2009

ADMIN USE ONLY | 16:52 UK time, Tuesday, 8 September 2009

As our Economics Editor Paul Mason points out in his blog, today is a big day for politicians to craft their evasions about what public services they are going to cut.

Chancellor Alistair Darling has delivered a lecture on the future of public services in which he said the government will have to make "tough choices" to deal with the effects of the recession.

And Conservative leader David Cameron has made a speech promising to cut £120m from the cost of politics - slashing MPs' pay and allowances, quangos and the like.

But although Mr Darling used the word "cutting" 11 times, it was mainly in the context of "cutting costs" not services, and even Mr Cameron admitted his proposals were a pinprick in relation to the £175bn deficit we expect by the end of financial year 2009-10 and

Tonight, Paul will be taking a look at the fine print of both speeches and their likely effects on the economy and the electorate.

Also tonight, provisional results in Afghanistan show President Hamid Karzai has passed the 50% mark needed to avoid a presidential election run-off with rival Abdullah Abdullah, but fraud claims are casting doubt on the result.

Mark Urban will be assessing where the UN-backed election complaints commission's warning that it had found "clear and convincing evidence of fraud" leaves both Afghanistan and its international backers.

And we have a film from Nick Bryant in Australia on how the lucrative business of luring foreign students to Australia is being jeopardised by a series of racist attacks on Indian students and questions about the quality of the education on offer. .

Do join Jeremy at 10.30pm on Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú Two for all that and more.


  • Comment number 1.


    lets rid the UK of things that enslave the population trhough addiction, drugs -put them on prescription as the cops suggest and end a major source of funding for the people killing our troops in afgahnistan

    ban booze for a month or two, break the additictive stranglehold it has over us, ban ciggys for good,

    ban a lot of the junk food that poisons our people

    oh, but I forgot,

    many of these products are produced by companies that donate large amounts of money to our MPs, or employ them in various ways,

    time is overdue for a new type of politico in politics.... then real change will occur

  • Comment number 2.


    Well said BT. But you have to find a gap in their defences. The money/power link is strong, for as long as MPs are weak. While the dozy voter-rump, vote-in party-rosettes mounted on spineless (MP) rosette stands, nothing of substance will change. Only when our governance is enacted by people of integrity, honour and stature, will there be the slightest chance of uplift.

    Alcohol, like School and War is woven into our culture. Until we have governance comprised of individuals who can rise above unthinking acceptance of these damaging 'norms', we shall just spiral down.

  • Comment number 3.

    Thank you barrie,

    any thoughts on how to start the ball rolling?

    how does the spiralling 'up' start? and what would act as the starting gun, [other] than national bankruptcy and a year zero for the UK? at which point the problem of lack of leadership might be solved as the present lot might just run away?

    best wishes

  • Comment number 4.

    Barrie, was that you I saw outside my local the other day, wearing a Salvation Army bonnet and with your board reading 'The Bar-Sin Co' ?

    My turn to have a dig! Really, I admire your anti-alcohol and anti-party persistence, although they are not my major priorities. My rant is at the overcrowding of our country by alien cultures, most of which may neither imbibe extravagently, nor vote for rosette stands.

    How can any party cut public services whilst encouraging massive increases in the numbers of public requiring those services? Doubled in my lifetime.

    I just watched Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú's Panorama which expressed righteous alarm at the pollution of our beaches, many of which are a severe health hazard. The blame was put on uncontrolled CSO's (Combined Sewer Outfalls)with grave risks to health from the dreaded, and sometimes fatal E-coli.

    EU are about to take legal action against many UK authorities, not only further harming our tourist industry, but resulting in mandatory work on our sewage systems costing billions; up will go the water rates again.

    Everyone from the presenter to the water companies and Environment Agency blamed heavier rainfall this summer. Well, it was heavy and my veggie garden suffered, but I didn't find it covered with hundreds of cotton buds, sanitary towels and condoms, as was evidenced on the beaches Panorama visited. It's people wot cause pollution stupid. And this is yet another cost area and worsening of our life that should be factored into the (as yet to be held) discussion and evaluation of immigration, which despite government claims to the contrary, is the major cause of UK population increase.

    What's the betting that it isn't mentioned in tonight's look at
    'tough choices in public service' ?

    Migrationwatch.co.uk - Based on Nat.Stats. Office figures:

    Net immigration has quadrupled since 1997 to 237,000 a year.

    A migrant now arrives nearly every minute.

    We must build a new home every six minutes for new migrants.

    England is already the most crowded country in Europe (except Malta)

    Immigration will add 7 million to the population of England in the next 20 years - that is 7 times the population of Birmingham.

    To keep the population of the UK below 70 million, immigration must be reduced by 75%. Government measures so far may reduce it by 5%.

  • Comment number 5.

    #47 from mimpromptu
    I don't think you're right about jj. You may have noticed that he quite often talks of 'lingo'. Well, I'm pretty sure that he has been in international interpreting business knowing, in fact, a few languages very well, which doesn't mean he is all that intelligent. He may be 'clever' in his own way but unfortunately lacks insight into many a thing.
    So, you see, the gangofone, jj may have met quite a few presidents in his time. I don't know whether he is still working or not, but he has his contacts and having the character that he has, a manipulative and insidious person that he is, he has been leading a few of them by the nose, including Mr Putin.
    That's partly why I've been blogging so much warning people, whatever their position, not to let themselves into his insane world.

  • Comment number 6.

    **Mark Urban will be assessing where the UN-backed election complaints commission's warning that it had found "clear and convincing evidence of fraud" leaves both Afghanistan and its international backers.**

    Since, there are many accusations in the mill; with fraud allegations that should be investigated by all of the important parties....

    =Dennis Junior=

  • Comment number 7.


    No - I was the 'minky' in the Sally cap.

    To be truthful, I reckon we wait for the end of the age, and heave a big sigh as 'Revelation' comes to town. But in the spirit of 'nothing to lose' I still think there is a small chance of getting enough independents in, this time, to SPOIL ARTY GAMES. Once the Westminster charade is exposed, and attacked internally, there might be more interest in voting from the (supposed) silent mass, who can actually think. The whole thing is highly improbable. What is more, if such a velvet revolution WAS set in progress, I would not be at all surprised to see our heroes turning up 'dead in the woods', and fleets of white Unos flooding our streets. Money/power is well protected and will do whatever it takes to protect its continuance.

    If I stop posting, look under Westminster Bridge.

  • Comment number 8.

    Neither a returning New Labour government or a new Conservative government will raise income tax further; indirect taxation will be the driver, as it always has been, since Thatcher.

    Public expenditure will be reduced by whichever government is in place next year; it will be interesting to see if either takes a radical approach, much needed and overdue; a complete overhaul of how public service is provided, including transport, water, utilities, health and education; there are fortunes to be saved and not by sacking people, and certainly not by allowing private sector interests to grab the "easy bits".

    Given the general direction of "events", it seems we, the taxpayer and/or citizen, via our elected representatives/delegates, must exercise more control; i.e. state ownership or at the very least, real legislative authority, not pusillanimous quangos.

    For all sorts of reasons, allowing some not very bright but greedy managerialists to have ownership of national assets like transport, water, power et al. is far too risky for us all now.

    Gordi could do worse than have as the flagship policy of his next (seventh) relaunch the reinstatement of Clause 4.

    Privatisation is yesterday's game.

  • Comment number 9.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 10.

    #5 continuation from mimpromptu
    I don't think I'll be allowed to give jj's full name but have just looked him up and it seems like he is still registered as working for NATO.
    Suffice to say that he likes Pushkin and has translated a few stories by the Russian poet/writer.
    To have contacts and access to power is one thing, to abuse it to the extent that he's been doing is another. Not my cup of tea, anyway. Not since I've realised what he is about.

  • Comment number 11.

    As Mr Cameron has so generously committed a New Con Government to reducing ministerial pay by 5 per cent - Wow! Yippee! Ice creams all round! - will he now follow through with stating that no New Con HMP will be allowed to have second jobs during their tenure in the house thereby allowing them to give full commitment to the job?

    Or would he, Mr Cameron, allow second ( or more ) jobs for New Con HMP’s on the basis, easily discredited, that the house needs the experiences of people with active contact with the real world sic?

  • Comment number 12.

    #10 continuation from mimpromptu
    He has a colleague whose first name is Julian. Sometimes they're in competition and sometimes are in it together. David used to work with Julian at the Russian department at SSEES. Julian's big thing is Russian cinema. Why they should have anything to do with Newsmight I do not know apart from perhaps obsession about myself.

  • Comment number 13.

    #11 continuation from mimpromptu
    forgot to say that I consider Julian as equally insane

  • Comment number 14.

    Liam Byrne is a Rothschild clock work driven labour hack..don't have him on again.

  • Comment number 15.

    I haven't laughed so much in ages!! Jeremy with Vince Cable & Co was hysterical. One denied he was going to be making any cuts, another said he would be making cuts, but the likelyhood of his party getting their way would be if there was a hung Parliament and were requested to join, and another proposed a cut for Civil Servants. The last one reminded me of an old episode of "Yes Prime Minister," where there were proposed cuts to the Civil Service, and Sir Humphrey Appleby's reaction........I can see life imitating art at the thought. Definitly a Jeremy classic.

    Good news from Paul too - we are coming out of a recession :o)

    Excellent debate on the couch with Andrew Rawnsley & Frazer Nelson too.

    Excellent report from Nick Bryant on the racial attacks on Indian students in Australia.

  • Comment number 16.

    from mimpromptu

    Sometimes so happy I almost forget
    What, as I look at with utter regret,
    They’ve been doing to me
    And continue to do
    The needles, the pain, and all hullabaloo.

    It’s vile, it’s disgusting, inhuman and stupid,
    Being committed by so very putrid,
    With in their pockets ‘higher’ degrees,
    So many years wasted by creeps!

    What would I do without Streetphotobeing
    I do not know. They would have ‘got’ me
    By their carryings on, in utter despair
    They would have left me, the cruel vile pair.

    But light seems to be shining
    In future for me.
    Thanks Streetphotobeing for
    Talking to me.

  • Comment number 17.

    A former Canadian defence minister says be believes advanced technology from extraterrestrial civilizations offers the best hope to "save our planet" from the perils of climate change.

    Paul Hellyer, 83, is calling for a public disclosure of alien technology obtained during alleged UFO crashes -- such as the mysterious 1947 incident in Roswell, New Mexico -- because he believes alien species can provide humanity with a viable alternative to fossil fuels.

    Mr. Hellyer has been a public UFO advocate since September 2005 when he spoke at a symposium in Toronto. But with concern over global warming at an all-time high, and Canadian political parties struggling to out-green one another, Mr. Hellyer said governments and the military have a responsibility to "come clean on what they know" now more than ever.
    "Climate change is the No. 1 problem facing the world today," he said. "I'm not discouraging anyone from being green conscious, but I would like to see what (alien) technology there might be that could eliminate the burning of fossil fuels within a generation ... that could be a way to save our planet."

    Mr. Hellyer, a former Liberal cabinet minister, and one-time leadership candidate for the Liberal and Conservative parties, said UFO researchers have amassed undeniable evidence that aliens have visited our planet. Due to the distance such spacecrafts would have to travel, UFOs must be equipped with some kind of advanced fuel source or propulsion system, he said.

    "We need to persuade governments to come clean on what they know," he said. "Some of us suspect they know quite a lot, and it might be enough to save our planet if applied quickly enough."

    Fastwalkers claims to feature more than 30 witnesses testifying to the reality of alien visitations, including former military and government intelligence personnel.

  • Comment number 18.

    to Mr Singleton from mimpromptu
    Do you think it may have been jj hiding behind one of the Beatles? You know, the one with the moustache, with his colleague in the glasses on the right? You're quite good at working things like that out.
    I'm afraid, however, I don't agree with you on alcohol and cigarettes which I enjoy indulging in and yet I'm as fit as a fiddle. I shouldn't think you'd find many a 55 year old as fit as I am, although I do think that currently I'm smoking a little too much for my liking which is due to some problems I'm currently experiencing. But otherwise my daily plans and activities do not seem to be affected in any way.

  • Comment number 19.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 20.

    from mimpromptu a new ditty referring to jj (aka general midwinter) & his 'colleague'

    I’ll have to brave my tiredness today
    Clearing the paths for a brighter way
    To live without the maniacs
    Causing me pain, abusing their tracks,
    Which will lead them to nothing
    As far as I am concerned.
    In hell will their souls from now have to burn.

  • Comment number 21.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 22.

    Over in Steaphane Flanders' blog, LibertarianKurt (#177) gave an example when asked about 'voluntary exchange' "The exchange occurred because you valued the newspaper more than you valued the 50p in your pocket. In turn, the newspaper vendor valued your 50p more than his newspaper. Note: no aggression."

    This all happened under Old Labour and the USSR too. It happens today in the PRC, Vietnam and N Korea. There's no need to talk of a 'free' market operating here. The language of intension is intrinsic to your dogma, as I havecovered elsewhere, is irrational. This is why science and empiricism is anathema to the Austrian School.

    Vendors are not 'free' to determine the price of their goods under either system, there are just different contingencies operating on their behaviour. Under national socialism (e.g. Old Labour) there are bureaucratically managed and enforced prices and incomes policies, prtectionism (nationalism) etc. In Liberal-Democracies these are left to float (permanent revolution/intrnationalism). In the former you have Big Government as a consequence. There are costs and benefits to both types of system or goverments mroe on the left (national socialism) rather than the right (anarchistic libertarianism). To sort out the problems in the Liberal-Democracies, we need to stop vilifying the alternative before we destroy ourselves. The Liberal-Democracies are becoming ever more anarchistic as a consequence of the fabrication of bogeymen.

    When dealing with subversion of the state (breaking the law) by those more interested in themselves and their own self-interest at the expense of others, the state treats such individuals and groups as subversives/criminals i.e. as enemies of the people/state, and imprisons them for crimes against the people. In recent years, we have been doing this less and less in the UK. Why? It is not just because the prisons are full. I see Martin Narey's now picking up now on on what to do with high risk kids.

    In the past, as today, the Command Economies were subverted by Liberal-Democracies as active foreign policy. Today, the main tool of this is Human Rights NGOs (see the recent riots in Iran and Western China).

    Your libertarian a priori dogma sadly panders to the self-interested 'needs' of infantile/adolescent narcissistic disorders. It rewards such people (see the excesses of the Financial Service Sector) encouraging the electorate to follow in their footsteps. It reinforces the Personality Disorders, and will breed more of them. This is how and why Hollywood, the media (cf X Factor etc), and celebritism in general, has become ever more prominent in the dysgenic and self-destructive, hedonistic liberal-democracies.

    The empirical evdience for this is all about us. :-(

  • Comment number 23.


    How revealing that Liam Byrne is such an overt weasel and yet holds political office! Over and over he repeated the phrase: "Lock in the Recovery" a verbal construction on a par with some of the most gauche beer and fags advertising. His 'performance' encapsulates the disaster that is party politics as 'played' out at Westminster. Political parties 'draw their own' and they are a very unattractive group, whose only skill is disingenuous manipulation of power and people.

    Our only hope of change for the good is to SPOIL PARTY GAMES.

  • Comment number 24.

    A VENDING NOTE (#22)

    I recently heard a publican explain how he HAS to put on good entertainment in order to draw people into his pub - there to sell them alcohol - alcohol currently under a greater cloud than ever.

    The inference is that the drink, itself, is no longer that attractive, so a 'loss-leader' of entertainment is applied.

    In the supermarkets, the loss-leader IS the booze. I'm confused.

  • Comment number 25.


    Ho Mim! If you are not familiar with the Disney film: 'The Sword in the Stone', hire it and watch how Merlin beats Madam Mim. He can, of course, take on any form, so futile to try to second guess how he will appear next. I don't remember him being a beetle/beatle in the film, but he certainly has the power.

    I am sorry to note you are caught up with the Great British 'drugs of propriety' - there but for an over-reactive body, go I. I look forward to your song of triumph when you have kicked one or both addictions. In the meantime, try to visualise JJ as a slightly mangy pussycat, doing an impersonation of the Wizard of Oz.

    Keep your wand dry - use magic sparingly.

  • Comment number 26.

    barrie (#25) "In the meantime, try to visualise JJ as a slightly mangy pussycat, doing an impersonation of the Wizard of Oz."

    I'm more akin to surely?

  • Comment number 27.

    Go1 #58 to my #53 of yesterday

    "As for your assertion that it was the highest scoring post could that be because some far right group organised it?"

    Whenever you disagree with other posts, your knee-jerk response is to work in the same old references attributing anyone's wrongdoing to BNP. I'm sure they will be grateful for you keeping them in the public mind.

    However, my intention is to keep focus on the over-population of UK which has so many negative implications. I quoted one at #4 above.

    Although I am not entirely happy with Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú's 'Have Your Say' website, inthat it could influence or even distort public opinion by selection of subjects and monitoring, it does provide a method for the public to 'recommend' the posts that they support. This is one indication of what the GBP feels on current issues. All posters are registered with Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú and I'm sure they would be aware if any political party was trying to interfere.

    The Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú website today shows that same post has increased to almost 200 'recommended' hits and other highly supported comments below show that I am not alone in the views that I post:

    ".. we should concentrate our efforts on those individuals whose profile is high risk. It may be seen as victimisation or racism, but the sad fact that all of these terrorists from 9/11 onwards all share similar ethnic and demographic data."(recommended by 178 people); and
    " I'd feel safer if the immigration floodgates were closed for the time being whilst we face this era of terrorism. I don't see the point of sweeping up terrorists in the UK, when potentially more could be coming in every day. As for the home grown problem, we've see a couple of documentaries that showed what goes on in some Mosques. They need to be monitored more closely. I'd rather the government took these steps, than banning nivea on flights." (Recommended by 145 people)

    May I suggest that you read Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú's 'Have Your Say', Migrationwatch, and National Statistics Office (and even, dare I mention, BNP) websites, to be more roundly informed, instead of scanning the news for acts of evil which you then, with no logic, link with BNP and the extreme right.

    Alternatively, a few sessions on a psychiatrist's couch might help you to get rid of your Adolf fixation.

  • Comment number 28.


    You might say that Jean, I couldn't possibly comment.

  • Comment number 29.


    Didn't do the ancient Greeks any harm; probably stimulated their minds?

    Suppose we could have watched TV or read a book last weekend, but as it was our joint birthday we went clubbing. There were actually patrons older than me on the floor (and at the bars). One wearing a 'Jacko' single white glove, moonwalking; another elderly Maharaja Guru look-alike swayed, eyes closed, deeply transcended in some spiritual heaven; then the whole discofloor was deluged with gallons of foam, sprayed knee-deep, with the lazer/strobe lights linked to Holst's Planet Suite music.

    Absolutely brilliant evening. I completely forgot about NN and problems.

    Banning alcohol would be good news for the Mafia, but I fully support the measures being taken by the SNP to raise prices and restrict abuse.

  • Comment number 30.

    indignantindegene (#27) Sadly, in our representative democracy, the electorate has given the government a mandate to implement policies which it thinks fit. The incumbents are only interested in what the electorate has to say when it comes round to their asking to refresh their mandate, and even then, they don't stick to their manifesto pledges.

    What would be helpful would be some rational discussion as to why they have been implementing what prima facie appears to be anarchistic policies which serve only to Balkanize Britain into devolved Regional Development Agencies (and NI, Scotland, Wales). Is it in pursuit of anti-nationalism and the EU/free-market, more local government? Is this grass-roots democracy (Trotskyism)? It is too systematic to be mere incompetence surely?

    We have a low indigenous birth rate which means an ageing population and problems for a welfare state (not enough young people to fund it). But the same goes if we have a low-skilled population, as they will not contribute to GDP but become a drain on the state. I've spelled out the demographic concerns which I see often enough, but would just like to reiterate that colour has nothing to do with it. There are also problems with the White community low ability range having too many kids and not enough folk with more ability having kids (of whatever colour). The problem is that there are more lower ability people amongst minority groups and those groups are growing in number through their higher birth rate. This is true of low ability groups regardless of colour. It's important to see this point as some play on the colour issue to distract from the more important underlying factor. Societies need to be balanced and we are producing a skewed one. That's the culture and economic killer.

  • Comment number 31.

    I had hopes of learning something you had three interesting people from the parties on but for the umpteenth time JP hogged the interview and did most of the talking. I don't want to hear what JP or any other NN anchor thinks I want to hear what the contributors are saying even if I disagree with it. Can' somebody procure an MBE or something for him as a hint that it's time to do a Wogan?

  • Comment number 32.

    #27 indignantindegene

    "As for your assertion that it was the highest scoring post could that be because some far right group organised it?"

    Whenever you disagree with other posts, your knee-jerk response is to work in the same old references attributing anyone's wrongdoing to BNP."

    You are not only a failure in your analysis but in your reading skills!

    There is no "BNP" in the statement I made.

    As for the "Adolf obsession" you again clearly fail to read those such as Jaded_Jean who daily promote National Socialism and "revere" Hitler. Seven days a week and there are of course many others - though possibly different poster names. Scroll up the page and enjoy. By the way Jaded_Jean has stated before that Jaded_Jean is not BNP or a neo-Nazi.

    I merely respond - and will always do so.

    More to the point the great majority of people in this country DON'T share your view so whether 200 or 2000 people collaborate really is piffle.

    The reference to the BNP website hits is simply that people who are "out there" come up with these internet "facts" that clearly don't correspond to reality. If the BNP website had more hits than all of the other political parties combined then they would not be pariahs would they?

    Jaded_Jean can knock you up some "statistics" that will show that there was no Holocaust - yet will remain "agnostic" and won't send those statistics to the Djemjanuk trial in Germany (alleged Nazi war criminal).

  • Comment number 33.

    #30 jaded_Jean

    "why they have been implementing what prima facie appears to be anarchistic policies which serve only to Balkanize Britain into devolved Regional Development Agencies (and NI, Scotland, Wales). Is it in pursuit of anti-nationalism and the EU/free-market, more local government? Is this grass-roots democracy (Trotskyism)? It is too systematic to be mere incompetence surely?"

    As ever you are addled in your thinking.

    You have stated before that this is a liberal democracy - so you know that.

    You are a National Socialist and think anybody who is not a Stalinist or a National Socialist is an "anarchist and Trotskyite".

    Therefore in a liberal democracy you may be shocked to know that policies that are consistent with liberal democracy are promoted.

    Not communist ideas and not National Socialism and so on.

    Gosh I can see why thecookieducker thinks you are the "high end" of far right thinking.

    As I know of your "internet statistics" with regard to your Holocaust "agnosticism" I shall additionally only identify that you assert:

    "The problem is that there are more lower ability people amongst minority groups and those groups are growing in number through their higher birth rate."

    You don't provide any evidence of "more lower ability people amongst minority groups".

    But then you are somebody who lays down a smoke screen of science with regard to race and genes and cannot grasp the very simple fact that genetic variation is greater within a race than between races. There is very little difference between the races and those differences are mostly cosmetic.

    Ironic really as most of your profound analysis is usually cosmetic and has no substance.

  • Comment number 34.

    I thought on the Australian/Indian education you might have pointed out we have very similar problems in this country - though I think some measures are being taken to tighten up on shoddy courses and illegal immigration routes.

  • Comment number 35.

    #22 Jaded_Jean

    "To sort out the problems in the Liberal-Democracies, we need to stop vilifying the alternative before we destroy ourselves. The Liberal-Democracies are becoming ever more anarchistic as a consequence of the fabrication of bogeymen."

    The "dear readers" should note Jaded_Jean is a National Socialist and that the aim is not the health of the democracy but the institution of such a dictatorship.

    That is why the phrase "anarchist" somehow slipped into the sentence.

    "the fabrication of bogeymen" refers to the Holocaust "agnosticism" of Jaded_Jean and the allegation that Hitler was a "peace lover" - who just happened to have turned Germany into a war machine prior to WWII.

    The trouble is that there is a mountain of evidence the Holocaust happened - Nazi documentation showing the evolution of the concept; the camps; trials like Nuremburg; contemporary films; witness statements; confessions and so on. The use of "statistics" showing more Jews survived than should have are ridiculous as there was no reliable census data to base it upon.

    There were photographs of Himmler's furniture made from human bone - testified to by Martin Borman's son.

    Seventy million or so did not die in WWII by accident.

  • Comment number 36.

    One thing that seem to get slipped by the interviewer with Cameron was cutting the number of MP's.

    Is this discretely going to be a re-balancing of boundaries that will now favour the Tories and make it harder for Labour to bounce back - though I don't discount the possibility of a loud "splat" on the pavement electorally?

    I am not a fan of Quango's but should boundaries be taken out of the hands of the politicians as it skews the democratic process?

  • Comment number 37.

    In all of the areas that will be looked at in the cuts is defence procurement as its known billions have been wasted.

    I seem to recall the civil servant some years back , Fox I think his name was, who was jailed over corrupt practices. There was still a missing million.

    Have all of the loopholes that allowed that to occur been tightened up?

  • Comment number 38.

    On McBride I gather some Tories will indeed sue. Is it likely that he will be asked what Gordon knew and hence could Gordon be called to court?

  • Comment number 39.

    #5 mimpromptu

    "I don't think you're right about jj."

    I don't lose much sleep over Jaded_Jean - I think "he" is supposed to be a "she" and have children. But you can't really believe anything these people say. Over time I have noticed the cut and paste arguments and the fact that there is a seven day routine. You will never hear anybody but Jaded_Jean and NewFazer actually talk about the Holocaust - though there are many allusions to Jews.

    You also used to see a number of regular posters who would queue up and "respectfully" ask for more coverage of the BNP all of a sudden in what seemed a coordinated routine. Some had said they were not the BNP.

    "That's partly why I've been blogging so much warning people, whatever their position, not to let themselves into his insane world."

    Just keep pointing out the errors and factual inaccuracies. On other threads they get drowned out and people don't have to read the despicable lies so keep at it!

    Their arguments are insane and when you chase them down they are often contradictory lies like the Holocaust was made up to put people off "statists" yet the killing was done by Russians - who were Stalinists and therefore "statists".

    You do your thing and I will do my thing.

    Remember "walls have ears".

  • Comment number 40.

    thegangofone (#32) "I merely respond - and will always do so."

    This is evidently false, as everyone, apart from yourself (it would seem), can clearly see from your posts.

    Sadly indignantindegene's well meant suggestion at the end of #27, would have little efficacy as you are demonstrably incorrigible, and abusive. Efforts have repeatedly been made to correct your errors for your enlightenment, and yet you do not listen. You do not learn.

    You clearly have a problem. You seem determined to share your problem/concerns with the blog, and yet you show no interest in what others have to say if what they have to say is at odds with your views/prejudices. You are not the only one alas.

  • Comment number 41.

    Mr Singleton
    I'm delighted to see you have definitely declared whose side you are on.
    I have absolutely no intention of giving up either alcohol or smoking, so you're already a loser there.
    So, what is this mangy pussycat or jj the toto intending to do? Break into my flat and have his way? Catch me behind a bush? Besides, I've already seen quite a few of his impersonifications of him today, thank you. And what? It's all a mechanical and primitive game that you're helping him play. I'm more than disappointed in you.
    You have already lost.

  • Comment number 42.

    #39 from mimpromptu
    walls have ears' - oh, I know the gangofone, I've been putting them to good use for a considerable time now, thank you.
    It doesn't look like you've worked out jj at all. How about him being the mangy pussycat or toto? Just look above.
    You say you don't lose much sleep over him and yet that's what your postings are mostly about. I think you're wasting your time on him. He has been deaf for a very long time now, anyway.

  • Comment number 43.


    ' "That is the unquenchable capability of human beings when confronted with long periods of prosperity to presume that it will continue."

    Speaking a year after the collapse of US investment bank Lehman Brothers, which was followed by a worldwide financial crisis and global recession, Mr Greenspan described the behaviour as "human nature". '

    Could it not be argued successfully that the crash occurred in part due to human greed but also due to state greed and a failure to regulate?

    Was sub-prime the greed of individuals or the arrogance of decision-makers to ever think that it could work?

    Were credit agencies who rated some instruments "AAA" when they were worthless being greedy or incompetent?

  • Comment number 44.

    Are we now living in an idiocracy? It appears to me that the brighter people are already isolating themsleves. Ask most professionals. :-(

    As an antidote, how about a bit of 'evil' ?

  • Comment number 45.

    #40 Jaded_Jean

    "You seem determined to share your problem/concerns with the blog, and yet you show no interest in what others have to say if what they have to say is at odds with your views/prejudices."

    Share problems with you? Ha ha ha!!!

    Actually in rebutting your ludicrous views - such as your Holocaust "agnosticism" - I do show an interest.

    I also show as interest in the health of a democracy that relies on all to participate to keep it healthy. Regardless of race,sex, colour or creed.

    To allow some sad National Socialists to attempt to dominate would be like injecting a cancer into the body politic.

    As for prejudice:

    "an unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling, especially when formed without enough thought or knowledge"

    But that is very much your department isn't it.

    An own goal as you always stress your race "realism" on social matters - yet science shows that genetic variation is greater within a race than between races. Fact.

    You see Jews as an "internal economic and political threat" with no logical justification whatever - and you use the word prejudice.

    You are "agnostic" on the Holocaust - and you use the word prejudice.

    You yourself post as you want to "explicate" National Socialism and "take people on a journey". Thats hardly a broad and open mind.

    Personally I think you teeter on the edge of inciting racial hatred but I will respect the moderators.

  • Comment number 46.

    #40 Jaded_jean

    "This is evidently false, as everyone, apart from yourself (it would seem), can clearly see from your posts. "

    You can't read then because I don't want to have to talk about the Holocaust, as an example, every single day. But I won't allow people to promote a lot of lies about the Holocaust, National Socialism and the BNP unchecked.

    But in the final analysis if you are unhappy with my posts why don't you go elsewhere?

    The BNP website apparently has more hits than all of the other political parties put together - allegedly.

    Therefore, you foolish person, you don't need to "convert" anybody to the ways of National Socialism as you are a majority already and can simply take over at the next election. Unless you believe that they are "not a Nazi party" as they claim.

    But, like the BNP London Assembly Member who referred to three local race murders - that never happened, adolescent lies are easily exposed.

  • Comment number 47.

    #32 Gof1 " You are not only a failure in your analysis but in your reading skills. There is no "BNP" in the statement I made.".....then add... "The reference to the BNP website hits is simply......" !

    That's what comes of cut-and-paste, you don't even bother to read your own material. And please spare me the lectures about WWII, Hitler and holocaust, etc. I lived near Woolwich Arsenal throughout the blitz, made rockets from unexploded incendiary bombs, and each day delivered and read the newspapers containing news and pictures of the carnage. With regard to the holocaust, I mentioned a few days ago my recent visit to Imperial War Museum where I saw their comprehensive material on this aspect of the war. You may be interested in this brief extract from my printed Memoirs:
    "Some Anderson Shelter corrugated steel sheets had been dumped on the bombsite that had been a house, but was now our adventure playground and we proceeded to construct a sort of habitat from these. One of the kids was a regular playmate of ours from......Avenue, David Goodman, of Jewish parentage, so it was somewhat ironic that we played a macabre game of catching grasshoppers and placing them in matchboxes which we then set on fire, simulating the gas ovens of Buchenwalde and Belsen that we had seen pictured and read about in current newspapers."

    Despite, or possibly because of, such experiences I have not grown up warped, unless love of one's country is now a fault.

  • Comment number 48.

    Completely and utterly unrelated, but, Bangladesh has banned employees from wearing suits, ties and tucking your shirt in in the work place, as it is more green.


  • Comment number 49.

    thegangofone (#46) "I don't want to have to talk about the Holocaust, as an example, every single day."

    You've referred to it 10 times alone in this blog! Each time, you alone have brought it up, who else has until indignantindegene responded to you in #47? Why do you constantly bring this up if you only respond and don't want to talk about it? You don't even have anything interesting to say about it.

    Your posts are grist to my mill. Your contributions here are demonstrably subversive and abusive. Your assertions are false/self-contradictory.

  • Comment number 50.

    ***As our Economics Editor Paul Mason points out in his blog, today is a big day for politicians to craft their evasions about what public services they are going to cut.***

    It was a interesting way to make many cuts in the way public services are going to be delivered...

    =Dennis Junior=


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