
麻豆官网首页入口 BLOGS - Newsnight: From the web team
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Thursday 26 November 2009 - the plan so far

Sarah McDermott | 13:14 UK time, Thursday, 26 November 2009

Tonight we'll be looking at the future of the 麻豆官网首页入口 and how it might evolve over the next decade.

Gavin will be interviewing the man in charge, director general Mark Thompson, and we hope to also be speaking to the Culture Secretary Ben Bradshaw - once a man of this parish - and his shadow, Jeremy Hunt.

We will have more information for you later, but in the meantime you can read the which suggests that a majority of people think there should be more transparency about the salaries of the people working here.


  • Comment number 1.

    just pray for a Labour victory if you value the 麻豆官网首页入口 as David Cameron will inflict such damage on this great organisation it will be unrecognisable in five years, if you don't believe me look at their plans....

  • Comment number 2.

    HHHmmmm I would have thought NN would be discussing the latest ONS population figures, the last ones before an election...

    A question, with between 500 and 600,000 thousand plus probably 250,000 illegal immigrants a year, for probably the last 6 years at least. When do the English, as most move to England, stop being English?

  • Comment number 3.

    麻豆官网首页入口 FUTURE

    Is that an oxymoron or a non sequitur?

    In a word - sold.

  • Comment number 4.

    I personally could not care less what 麻豆官网首页入口 employees were being paid. Why should the public have to be informed on it? That's between the employee, the employer and the Inland Revenue :p

    I don't know what various political parties manifesto pledges are regarding the 麻豆官网首页入口, but it is an institution which should be preserved.

  • Comment number 5.


    I have long held the view that the most diligent and productive among us, are probably those who never appear in any statistics. How many might there be? To what extent does Britain rely on their input/consumption for a viable whole?

  • Comment number 6.

    i can hear jihadi rap on the bbc radio but not the debates/select committees in parliament.

    what happened to investigative journalism? should they stuff a few ex investigators and put them in a glass cage in a museum with the word extinct?

    why is not online behind a login screen so it can then be 'free' to people who pay for it?

  • Comment number 7.

    #5 A very good point Barrie, something I can see failing in the not too distant future. It all smacks of Emporers new clothes to me.

  • Comment number 8.

    More a sine qua non, I'd have thought, Barrie. In my old fashioned way I regard the 麻豆官网首页入口 and the judiciary as an institutions that still stand up, as they certainly should do, to the politicians. I hope that's also the shape of things to come. As to how much people get paid, I couldn't care less as long as they do a good job.

  • Comment number 9.

    Mistress76uk #4

    "I personally could not care less what 麻豆官网首页入口 employees were being paid."

    You should care, as a licence payer (you DO have one don't you?) you are paying them their salaries and expenses.

    They coin it in and then have the temerity to ban their critics from the blogs.

    Incidentally, the 麻豆官网首页入口 discriminates unfairly against those who honestly declare who they are over those who lurk in the shadows. If you have a static IP they can 'restrict' your access to the blogs, if you have a dynamic IP you can reappear in another persona. ;-)

  • Comment number 10.

    why are there bbc blogs in spanish, urdu, etc? you get many licence fee payers in india?

  • Comment number 11.

    jauntycyclist #9

    No - but we do get a lot of Urdu speakers in Bradford. (Posts in Welsh and Gaelic are allowed here, but not Urdu.)

    "Gavin has just returned from an interview with Director General Mark
    Thompson, who today announced that the 麻豆官网首页入口 is to consider whether or not
    to close some of its digital television and radio services after the
    analogue TV signal is switched off in 2012."

    So when they also do away with FM radio that'll leave us without much in the way of information channels. The option being to PAY for what was free. (It isn't free, there is a licence fee, remember?) The trouble there being that once you go commercial, vested interests make themselves known. The thing about the 麻豆官网首页入口 is that, theoretically, it is beholden to no one. So we can rely on them for unbiased and fearless reporting of what is going on. 麻豆官网首页入口 was once highly respected world-wide for this. Once we lose these digital channels and then the freedom of analogue radio we will be denied information. Who, I wonder, is at the root of this plot to silence the (real) 麻豆官网首页入口?

  • Comment number 12.


    jauntycyclist at #10 of course! doh!

  • Comment number 13.

    THE DEVIL YOU KNOW..........
    拢11.63 a month. For all the tv I can manage and choose to watch (10 hours a week between 1,2 and 4 is not too hard), Radio 2,3 & 4, online, iplayer. All delivered into my home 24/7. If there was more I liked on I鈥檇 never get off my rear. So it keeps me fit too.

    What else can I get for that?

    A couple of bottles of quaffable plonk? A couple of trips to the cinema (excluding the 50 mile round trip and petrol costs and the disgusting habits of the GBP!)

    Paid from the licence fee (Us)? Yep. Like all public servants are through our taxes. Perfect it most certainly isn鈥檛. But it鈥檚 not the devil incarnate either. Sometimes biting the hand that feeds can leave a nasty taste in the mouth.

    Be careful what you wish for.

    Value for money on presenters etc is all pretty subjective. One man鈥檚 Paxo is another鈥檚 Wossy or St鈥檈nders. I鈥檇 rather the Beeb as it is than the commercial boys.

  • Comment number 14.

    brightyangthing #13

    "I鈥檇 rather the Beeb as it is than the commercial boys."

    I could live with that, although I doubt I can find as much as ten hours worth watching. Trouble is - it's not going to stay that way is it? If some get their way.

  • Comment number 15.

    NF Mk2
    '...Trouble is - it's not going to stay that way is it? If some get their way.'

    Possibly. OK Certainly. But we can live in hope (danger - eternal optimist at large) that they don't throw out the baby with the bathwater and hold on to some values and standards.

    Tonight may be interesting.

    MY 10+ hours, on current schedules, tv only if I didn't have a job, home, family, life could draw from .....
    Couple of hours of news (incl NN) per day
    Doctor Who
    Anything Attenborough or Natural History
    MOST History/travelogues esp. Palin
    Sunday Dramas
    Antiques R/s
    UC and MM
    Andy Marr (Sunday and Special History prog)
    Big Questions
    TG & GW (the cookery and home stuff is ALL carp) - subjective.
    An hour or two of comedy (MacIntyre, QI, Armstrong/Miller, HIGNFY)
    One off dramas occasionally
    F1, Wimbledon (Tennis), other sport events.
    Occasional films
    The Thick of it.

    My one BIG complaint is NN and NN Scotland. Grrrrrr Why either/or. They don't do it with the main news, so WHYYYYYYY. If there's footie on satellite I always lose the fight.

  • Comment number 16.

    #15 BYT

    NN Scotland

    Those south of the border don't know what they are missing. It is the game to predict the edit. Suddenly Paxo or whoever starts gabbling faster and faster to get in before the chop.

    Over to Brewer. They have about five guests who they keep in a broom cupboard just out of camera shot and bring them out in rotation. One mostly being the long haired economist from the public policy something or other. Uncle Alex Neil hasn't been on recently.

    Unfortunately HBOS and RBS being Scottish. If people got fed up with the trials and tribulations of the banking crisis in England and Wales over the last 12 months.

  • Comment number 17.


    TSB - 麻豆官网首页入口. 麻豆官网首页入口 - TSB. 'Oh can't you hear the chimes?' (That's for the VERY old.)

    Our broke government are selling everything else - it is just a matter of time. They have proved BEYOND SHADOW OF DOUBT they have not a scruple left (perhaps they were sold too). Anyway, if Murdoch owned the 麻豆官网首页入口, future Prime Ministers could keep in closer touch with his needs and wants if he could be 'found at a UK address'. Does anyone reading this, based on recent events, believe that Mandelson could not - smirk faced - deliver to us 'good reason' to sell, while delivering the 麻豆官网首页入口 to the highest bidder?

    #8 Old fashioned isn't working. Since Tony it's New Everything - even the points on a Moral Compass. Also, I am not trying to clobber the 麻豆官网首页入口 as a British institution. I just want to get it out of the clutches of the 'Edgy Brigade'.

  • Comment number 18.

    Mark Thompson is completely out of touch with public.
    He keeps saying that he gets less money working for the 麻豆官网首页入口 than in commercial sector. But he doesn鈥檛 answer the question why he should be paid more than the Prime Minister?
    Majority of people would be happy to get the wage of 800000 a year and there are hundreds of talented people who would do his job for the half of this amount.
    The same argument as Bankers鈥 we have been constantly told that they are irreplaceable and if they will be paid less than they will move abroad.
    We have almost 3 mln unemployed people and I am sure that they are not all useless and stupid.

  • Comment number 19.

    The future of the 麻豆官网首页入口.

    It will be a very sad day in the history of this country when someone pulls the plug on the 麻豆官网首页入口.

    If I was a multi millionaire I would take NN to court for the misuse of the phrase 鈥 best brains in British Television鈥 or words to that effect.

    Peter Bazalgette? You have to be joking. He is to British Television what the iceberg was to the Titanic. He is the Godfather of cheap , mindless entertainment: 'Ready Steady Cook', 'Changing Rooms', 'Ground Force'. Not many Emmy's won there. No one in the freelance world really wanted to work for his company. It was a last choice option for many.

    It was interesting that you decided to direct the segments with the 鈥榯wo TV brains鈥 in an appallingly bad style guaranteed to get the audience reaching for the sick bags. Bad style over content. PB would have been proud of that.

    On the cut down of the 麻豆官网首页入口. I suspect that 麻豆官网首页入口 3 and Four will merge. Or as Thompson hinted could be moved online.

    Felstein mention HBO as a model to follow. HBO held a meeting when TV in the US started the charge on cheap mindless TV. HBO decided to hold its ground, stay with high production values and good writing, attracting talent like Pacino. They paid them cheap but gave them back end deals (ie share of the profits if their films made profit).

    I am not sure that would happen here. You would just get 780 episodes of 鈥楽trictly .....鈥, 9,000,000 episodes of Eastenders.
    I don鈥檛 think you would get 鈥楤and of Brothers鈥 (HBO).

    Channel Four as a model - we do not want to repeat what happened there. It stared well for the first ten years. Much admired by TV freelancers, a home from home for those of us who voluntary left the 麻豆官网首页入口 in the 鈥榥ight of the long knives鈥 conducted by John Birt.

    Ch4 in time not only threw out the baby but also the bathtub, the sink was torn from the walls and the shaving mirror ditched also.

    I edited a programme about Stem Cells for CH4. It delivered the highest ever audience for a science programme. What was their reward? They scraped the entire science department. So, never believe the commercial world when they say we would keep a few 麻豆官网首页入口 values on the channel. They don鈥檛.

    @14 -
    As for the entry above: anyone who says they don鈥檛 get ten hours out of the 麻豆官网首页入口 each week but continue to use its web site to post their own views doesn鈥檛 deserve to be taken seriously.

    Murdoch. Kicking the 麻豆官网首页入口 every week is part of the fabric there. Why he is sitting up at night fretting about 麻豆官网首页入口 web sites the really big boys who have clout, Global reach and money are quietly squirreling away in the main battle ground for all content providers, 鈥楽ocial networks鈥.

    Google single-handedly was to blame for the demise of CH4's advertising revenue. Google earn more from online advertising in the UK market alone than CH4 does. No one wants to advertise on TV now. 'Google Analytics' tells you who is looking at your online advert, what is their age and which city they live in. You can stipulate which cities your advert runs in, at what time, and target the age group of who reads your ad. TV advertising cannot do that.

    Twitter, Facebook, You Tube and Google will be the death of Murdoch鈥檚 empire not the 麻豆官网首页入口. It is no good attacking the 麻豆官网首页入口. The future is about ACCESS to CONTENT and USER GENERATED CONTENT. Murdoch has not adapted fast enough. While he moans about the 麻豆官网首页入口 his own Roman Empire is burning to the ground. Very soon you will be able to watch You Tube directly on your TV.

    And finally the next time you hear someone moan about the license fee. Just remind them they pay for ITV every time they set foot in a supermarket, buy a car, a Mars Bar. Those companies have to get back their advertising budgets from someone.

    Ron Taylor (ex 麻豆官网首页入口).

  • Comment number 20.

    Ron Taylor # 19

    "As for the entry above: anyone who says they don鈥檛 get ten hours out of the 麻豆官网首页入口 each week but continue to use its web site to post their own views doesn鈥檛 deserve to be taken seriously."

    Could you explain the logic of that please? I (occasionally) use this blog in the vain hope that someone is listening. 麻豆官网首页入口 TV is but a shadow of its former self. Everything is dumbing down to the level of a chattering cocktail party. Have you seen Breakfast News lately? Even Newsnight is angling for the awards and ratings now rather that delivering some gravitas as it used to. R4's Today is showing signs of going the same way. No - there is not 10 hours 麻豆官网首页入口 in a week that engages me. And here is about the last place I can try to alert people to the shameful destruction of a once great institution.

    The rest of your post more or less agrees with me so I can't see why you take issue. You say yourself it's on the downhill slope to commercialisation.

    BTW I have spent my entire working life in the media, some years allied to TVS and then to Meridian so I do have an inkling of what goes on.

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