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Wednesday 2 December 2009

Verity Murphy | 17:12 UK time, Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Here is what is coming up on tonight's programme with Jon Sopel and Gavin Esler:

Half of the programme will be coming from Washington DC tonight as we take a closer look at President Barack Obama's speech in which he announced that a further 30,000 US troops will be sent to Afghanistan.

Gavin Esler is in DC and will be speaking to Senator John McCain - among others. It is Mr McCain's first in-depth interview with the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú since his failed presidential bid.

Presenting the London bit of the programme will be Jon Sopel, who is doing another stint on Newsnight. Up for discussion tonight, google's decision to limit free news access.

And for those not signed up to our daily e-mail here is Gavin's message from the US today (with anecdotes like this on offer can you really afford not to subscribe?)

Hello from Washington.

America, as we British sometimes fail to notice, is another country.

When I arrived from London two days ago I was stopped as usual by the immigration authorities. I handed over my passport, my completed immigration and customs forms, was fingerprinted and photographed.

"Why are you here?" the Homeland Security lady asked me.

"Because the president is scheduled to announce a big increase in US troop numbers in Afghanistan."

"Who do you work for?"

"The Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú."

"How do you spell that?"

Hmmm. A tricky one. How do you spell Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú?

"Er, B... B... C..."

The lady looked at me.

"Do you have any identification?"

"You are holding my passport," I said, with a smile.

I tell this story because, while I love America and lived here for many years, the ways of the US bureaucracy are often beyond weird.

And now the day after President Barack Obama's big speech that huge bureaucracy, military and political, will slowly grind through to put more troops in Afghanistan and find out how to pay for it.

We'll have a full report on the impact of the speech, and I am heading off to Capitol Hill to interview the man who could have been president, Republican Senator John McCain.

That's if my identification papers are acceptable to the gatekeepers.



  • Comment number 1.

    if the bbc had used mark mardell [already based in the usa] then gavin would not have had his little immigration anecdote.

  • Comment number 2.

    now the sailors have been released milliband will now be able to claim he averted 'war'?

  • Comment number 3.

    Dear Gavin,

    America is a sovereign nation so it is rather gratifying - for all our sakes - that the world's most powerful nation chooses to scrutinise who tries to enter. God knows the chaos that would reign if the Euro-style free-for-all, present here, that you presumably sympathise with, was in force. Maybe repeatedly asking the same question is designed to trip up the nervous, who have something to hide (like institutionalised left-wing bias), or the immigration officials are so bored doing the same thing every minute of every day - given there are so many from elsewhere in the world so desperate to experience the 'land of the free'. Here, they're desperate to experience the 'land of the benefits'.

  • Comment number 4.

    Stock market parasites frothing at the mouth yesterday on the prospect of 30,000 new US troops to Afghanistan. London mining shares were the main gainers as usual, however the shine has gone today with the prospect of draw down by 2011.

    Back on the climate change scam front

    The Aussies are not stupid, Rudd has run shy of an immediate election, he did not win originally on his pledges on climate change as the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú attempted to portray.

  • Comment number 5.


    Sounds to me as if the lady was finding it hard to concentrate.

    PS (Afghanistan) - I reckon the one with the white hair was the spy. There was a little smile playing round his mouth.

  • Comment number 6.

    I doubt Google are limiting anything. I imagine their analytics will have told them that few that click on a news-link from the Google page then visit many other pages on that media site. The 'Back' button is their most likely next click.

    'Five clicks' won't have been chosen as a random number.

    Given most on-line-news-media don't charge I suspect this is a reminder to Murdoch that his sites aren't 'sticky' enough to keep readers.

    The founder of The Huffington Post (web based news-portal) sees this as another example of the gulf between 'old media' - that doesn't see that the game has changed - and the 'new media' that understand that it has.

  • Comment number 7.


    I went into the Newbury branch of Abbey/Santander and tried to confirm an in-payment. (I am embroiled in various financial rearrangements, such that documents are spread thin, and the proof of identity I had to hand was not kosher.) Although I had provided them, recently, with a specimen signature; although they were, routinely, honouring cheques signed by me and I was standing there waving a good likeness on out-of-date passport backed by a current bus-pass, my own personal caring jobsworth (also female) came out with the classic utterance: "You could be anyone".

  • Comment number 8.

    Science Museum Poll on Climate Change

    It would appear that the results of the climate scam poll run by the now apparently "quasi-religious " Science Museum are now concluded. Directly after being subject to their climate change propaganda exhibition 3408 voted for strong measures at Copenhagen, yet even though probably under pressure 626 decided to vote against.

    On the more democratic " secret ballot " web poll 2650 voted for strong action whilst 7612 voted against. You can bet almost every fully paid up eco-fascist in the country knew about it and would therefore have gone onto the web page and voted for strong action. However, despite the Science museum propaganda offensive plus load of similar pro Copenhagen propaganda in the media recently ( particularly on Channel 4 News ) there would appear to be a decisive majority against.

    It was originally alleged that Gordon Brown was going to take the results with him to Copenhagen as evidence to amply prove that he had the majority support of the British public. Not that good at mental arithmetic these days but in total 6058 for strong action, 8038 against and the fact that the Science Museum have not published the combined figures suggest yet another climate scammers attempt to defraud. Its clear that well over 50% of educated people reject the climate change scam and the " Corporate Nazi " ( welfare state for the stock market parasites ) policies being attempted to be introduced on the back of it.

    The eco-fascists just don't get it do they, Tories in potential ideological meltdown on green policy ?

  • Comment number 9.

    #2 jc

    ...and there was me believing that the Iranian regime consisted of evil monsters!

  • Comment number 10.

    What the?


    Third paragraph from yesterday.

    "The best thing that can happen is no agreement is reached. Perhaps then we can have some proper solutions to the challenge."


    "I would rather it not happen if people accept that as being the right track because it's a disaster track," said Hansen, who heads the Nasa Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York.

    So the NN blog is running ahead of NASA.

    You read it first yesterday on the NN blog. Within the 'industry' I am regarded as one of the most influential and best earth scientists. The Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú have told me they will not have me on to discuss climate change as I am not a media personality or celebrity. Yet can post ahead of the news.

    Celtic Lion

  • Comment number 11.


    At last.

    I would pay to escape Jeremy Clarkson and keep him off the television and the internet - not bothered about the Murdoch media as I never touch 'em.

    But anything which makes it easier to avoid the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú's deepest shame and keep him away from me and civilisation is a big step forward. Same goes for that old rogue, and self promoter Mackenzie.

  • Comment number 12.

    Re 10

    Though I am not a climate change denier. I was one of the scientists who set up the present generation of UK climate models. I just think they are far to simplistic and the the political manifestation of them is completely wrong.

    Despite all the media hype and support from the 'right on' environmental organisation. Just by checking my past posts it can bee seen for weeks I have been vehemently opposed to any agreement at Copenhagen.

    This is a very public blog. It is therefore well known I have been opposed to 'political-economic' solutions to complex planetary ecological challenges.

    I do not post in the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú environment blogs as the argument is too simplistic, too adversarial. Finally I am so pleased that NASA has come out and is saying what I have been trying to present for weeks and months.

    Please if you value your life, you children's life, this planet and all the complexity and beauty of it. Please ignore the hype and the media and the politicians. Please ensure that the Copenhagen summit is a void failure and no legally binding agreement is reached.

    We are dealing with complex planetary ecological systems. Copenhagen is being determined by politicians, economists, financiers, carbon traders. They cannot even run a simple economic system, are you now going to trust them with your life?

    Please do everything you can to ensure there is no agreement at Copenhagen. If you don't believe me over the last few weeks, please now consider NASA's view.

    Even if you don't value your life, value your.....

    Celtic Lion

  • Comment number 13.

    Channel 4 is out of control and not purely in relation to 'Climate Change'. This is why I boycott their advertiser's products. Companies: don't fret that I'll miss out on your life-changing cereal or mobile; I can always see your ads elsewhere. I have lttle other option, other than boycotting, as I can't control what the goverment gives to C4, directly.

    This week I've taken to recording Channel 4 News, so I can fast-forward through all the lunacy. To be honest, I don't know whether any of John Snow's 'Climate Change' coverage has been grounded in common sense, for a change (unlikely), but I haven't wanted to risk my sanity watching any of it and doing so has reduced the programme to little more than twenty minutes, which is a boon.

  • Comment number 14.

    Re: More Troops for Afghanistan

    The other day when Jeremy was in conversation with one of the Government'
    's spokesmen, I don't know who he is and I don't think I'd seen him before, but the silly man was pontificating about how Gordie's people didn't agree with the Americans and would not be following them, etc. , basically trying to say, I think, that they were not Obama's poodles.

    And what is the result? There will be more British troops going to Afghanistan and I understand that in the next couple of days NATO are holding a meeting with several other governments having already pledged more troops with a high likelihood that more will follow suite.

    Now, what does Gordie think he looks like now in the face of the world but an utter fool? Saying one thing one day and then completely changing direction on another. Having followed politics now for about 20/21 years, I've never seen anything like it!

    It's fair enough to occasionally change one's mind on this or that issue with hopefully admitting to it openly but to keep having to bow to almost daily pressure and find oneself being spun in a completely different direction on just about everything one does must make one's head, and one's cronies' heads, feel like in a permanent turmoil with virtually no way out but to withdraw from action and go and find some quiet, isolated place in the hope of regaining some kind of normality, though it looks like it might be a rather difficult task.

    Madam Mim

  • Comment number 15.

    I did enjoy watching John Snow interview the people of Kettering and a snotty-nose Ed Milliband who looked like he'd been randomly stopped in the street (he seems to be prepared to be interviewed anywhere) from a roof-top terrace overlooking Copacabana beach. I look forward to next year when he'll interview people from above the arctic in his giant flying electric heater (it'll start "this is the amount of ice melt we are causing daily").

    I need a Brasseye episode on climaggedon.

  • Comment number 16.


    the lack of any 'nation building' science means people are groping in the dark. they have no useful model and so no end game.

    if one looks at the uk 'model' we bribe our agricultural sector with 4 billion a year. we pay police good money and expect them not to bribe. we gold plate medical staff and judges and expect them to look after people. it more or less works most of the time.

    in afghanistan the farmers are paid nothing and the police and army are paid a pittance.so no wonder they do what they do?

    look at the success the maoists had in nepal. they threatened people but they also supplied services. people will turn to those who supply services.

    in the uk we say the 'street are not safe' and that the country is awash with drugs and the stats show organised crime gangs have doubled since 1997 but we don't need troops to keep the peace?

    democracy is associated with corruption. the recent expenses showed what happens in a 'democratic' society. and the basis of democracy is paying sectors of the economy to 'behave' ie the farmers, police, judges.

    so if this is 'our model' of nationbuilding we are exporting then to stay true to it rather than troops we need to send cash to bribe those sectors of society ie the afghan farmers [not to grow opium], the police not to take bribes etc. and so build this 'democratic society'.

    however why would that model appeal to muslims? who have a model of society they regard as divinely inspired?

    what is our holy book? the chequebook?

    the serious flaw that undermines the idea of nation building is that there is no nation building science. so next time someone talks about ask them to explain their model. you will find it nebulous with no evidence based success to show which models are better than others.

  • Comment number 17.

    imagine five Iranians sailing up the Thames????? Exactly...

  • Comment number 18.


    no peter barron?

    google could have its own news room? can't be worse than fox?
    given most news is just printing press releases any idiot can do that?

    even in the paid media investigative journalism has died anyway. maybe to make it interesting enough to pay for they will have to bring that back? ie original exclusive news.

    no one will pay for press releases.

  • Comment number 19.

    how many people did the bbc send to the usa?

    'the if we leave chaos will reign' theory

    the experience of vietnam was that after an initial blood letting peace and stability was established and is now capitalist.

  • Comment number 20.

    on top form today Jaunty, enjoying the posts, good rhythm in 16

  • Comment number 21.


    What a relief to know that this is Manse-Compass-Brown; no danger he is going to work some fiddle. The money WILL be new money - his pledge as incorruptible as NEW labour.


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