
麻豆官网首页入口 BLOGS - Newsnight: From the web team
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Wednesday 17 February 2010

Verity Murphy | 18:22 UK time, Wednesday, 17 February 2010


Tonight we'll be taking a closer look at the killing of a Hamas commander in Dubai.

Gordon Brown has called for a "full investigation" into how fraudulent British passports were allegedly used by the killers of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh's.

Claims that Mossad were involved have not been confirmed by Israel, which says that there is no proof its security service had anything to do with the death.

But the question remains - who were the killers and whose, if anyone's, orders were they acting on?

Justin Rowlatt has taken a train ride with John Prescott, Lord Adonis and Michael Heseltine to consider proposals to build a high speed train line from London to Scotland - a project which will cost millions and take years to complete.

For now, despite their ideological differences, there is consensus on the issue but can that last for the 20 years or so it will take to complete the line? Could this model of three party agreement be applied to other areas of domestic policy?

And did love for a handsome teenage nobleman inspire Michelangelo to create his greatest surviving drawings?

Stephen Smith has been to an exhibition at London's Courtauld gallery which displays the five "presentation drawings" Michelangelo gave to Tommaso de'Cavalieri, reputed to be the love of Michelangelo's life.

Along with letters and poems, the drawings give an insight into the strength of the artist's feelings but leave the mystery surrounding the relationship between the two men intact.


We will be looking at what effect the Dubai Hamas killing, and the way it was carried out, will have on the region and gauging the UK's response to the names of British citizens appearing on the passports of those suspected of carrying out the assassination.

Justin Rowlatt takes a train ride with John Prescott, Lord Adonis and Michael Heseltine to consider proposals to build a high speed train line from London to Scotland - a project which will cost millions and take years to complete.

And, Stephen Smith report on whether love for a handsome teenage nobleman inspire Michelangelo to create his greatest surviving drawings.

More details later.


  • Comment number 1.

    Not so sure that Tommaso dei Cavalieri was a teenager when he met Michelangelo think he was in his early twenties ? From what I know he returned the drawings and Michelangelo improved upon them.

  • Comment number 2.

    So more of us now come and go
    Thinking about Michaelangelo........


  • Comment number 3.

    british passports

    i see the israelis are saying there is 'no proof' they did it. not the same as saying they didn't do it?

    which ever state was responsible clearly wants to frame the uk as anti palestine? thus placing its citizens at risk when they travel abroad? Not very friendly thing to do? actually quite an anti british thing to do?

  • Comment number 4.


    A discussion about trains - on a train! Not to be missed?

  • Comment number 5.

    Anybody noticed this quietly bubbling away?

    More oil fights anyone?

  • Comment number 6.


    Well yes, possibly, if it is so crass that no one accepts it. Double bluff? Treble bluff?
    Na na na-na naaaa - you can't touch me arrogance??

    Would any outside group, wanting to incriminate Mossad, be so dumb?

    What has been achieved is total obfuscation. Reminds me of the events of 9/11 . . .

  • Comment number 7.


    Who is thin and who is fat, singie?

    I wish you stopped writing where reading in between lines has become so 'essential' in order to make any sense of what your 'message' is about.

    Clever ploying trick? Methinks not! I 'smell' them from miles away and even predicting quite a few of them well in advance.


  • Comment number 8.


    With a fifth of us not working, just where are the government going to get all the taxes from to pay for all of us who are not working?

  • Comment number 9.

    at least one person thinks its ok to use the uk as a fall guy in other nation's wars.

    ...I have a considerable admiration for the Israeli way of doing things. They want something, they get it. They perceive someone as their deadly enemy, they kill them. They get hit, they hit back. They don鈥檛 waste time explaining or justifying or agonising; nor do they allow their detractors to enter their country and then afford them generous welfare payments. They just act. No messing. No scruples. Not even a shrug and a denial, just a rather magnificent refusal to debate anything....

    suppose they had used your or your family's id melanie?

  • Comment number 10.

    what made the man killed in dubai dangerous to israel? what motivated him?

    an interview he made 10 months ago

    ...They tortured me for 33 days, then they gave a rest for two days, and then the interrogation continued, it lasted for 46 days.

    Steve, a well-known investigator in Askalan jail, tried along with three of his aides to pressure and torture me so harsh that I used to faint. Once I was saying the shahada, I heard him saying in Hebrew "this man will die and I am not ready" and then ended the interrogation....

    ..To the Israelis, my hands are stained with their blood, but to God? This is what matters.

    The Israelis are the killers and the criminals. They took our land, killed our children, the massacres that happened in Gaza....

  • Comment number 11.



    you';e full of yourself, aren't you? any excuse, or any example of what I would call wrong doing, and you're there trying to justify your own thoughts, if not actions, as the matter of fact

    however, it looks like you're fooling yourself

    what else are you doing if not debating, even if most of the time you're debating with no one else but yourself and your troubled soul

    in fact, the Israelis do run a democratic country even if, in my opinion, they could make more effort with the Palestinians though they also can be rather obstinate and I'm losing hope in the two nations breaking the impasse, especially with extremists on both sides still having too much leverage, etc

  • Comment number 12.

    looks like argentina have just saved the carrier fleet for the RN?

    hopefully it will kill off the idea of turning the uk into an anti terrorist army fighting other people's wars.

    i bet all these 'allies in the war on terror' wouldn't help with the falklands. they mostly didn't last time.

  • Comment number 13.

    mimproptu @ 7:

    don't you know about Thomas the tank engine?

    the fat controller:

  • Comment number 14.

    I don't know about anyone else, but when I hold my passport, I don't feel particularly British.

    Isn't the flimsy maroon thing just a 'European' passport?

  • Comment number 15.

    Mossad agents probably got the passports from a fella in a Bradford underground car park.

    State sponsored assasination: That happens all the time, we the British are masters of it.

    I won't do the Dallas joke.

  • Comment number 16.

    You say "Tonight we'll be taking a closer look at the killing of a Hamas commander in Dubai"
    Why not do that instead of interviewing Israeli apologists?
    How about interviewing someone from Hamas?
    Why not point out, as did Channel 4 news, that the Israeli ambassador being "called in" is not very meaningful, as he is only called in for "information" with a senior civil servant, not as clearly should have been done, an interrogation by the Foreign Minister?

    It about time there was a full inquiry into the influence of the Jewish Lobby on Parliament and the 麻豆官网首页入口 of the sort started initiated by Peter Oborne.

  • Comment number 17.

    Great programme tonight.

    Both on the discussions for High Speed Rail with Hezza & Prezza and the debate on the unemployment figures with Will Hutton and James Caan.


  • Comment number 18.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 19.

    9. jauntycyclist quoting from an article... I have changed just one word:

    "...I have a considerable admiration for the psychopath's way of doing things. They want something, they get it. They perceive someone as their deadly enemy, they kill them. They get hit, they hit back. They don鈥檛 waste time explaining or justifying or agonising; nor do they allow their detractors to enter their country and then afford them generous welfare payments. They just act. No messing. No scruples. Not even a shrug and a denial, just a rather magnificent refusal to debate anything...."

    Some people/women are very attracted to them...

    Scary eh?

  • Comment number 20.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 21.


    Why women really do love self-obsessed psychopaths

    or if you're interested in something more scholarly-

    The dark triad: Facilitating a short-term mating strategy in men

    [Unsuitable/Broken URL removed by Moderator]

  • Comment number 22.

    16. mike 'It about time there was a full inquiry into the influence of the Jewish Lobby on Parliament and the 麻豆官网首页入口 of the sort started initiated by Peter Oborne.'

    You're right to demand a more critical inquiry (in a rational world), but..... just because Peter Osborne presents a programme on a subject brought to his attention, does that mean peter Osborne started/initiated it?

    As I recall, 麻豆官网首页入口 Newsnight ran a long campaign on the Cash for Honours saga, which as I recall, went to quite high places and then nowhere.

    Others commented, in these blogs too I recall, on the disproportionately high (10%) prevalence of Jewish Peers (our Jewish population of 300,000 is 0.5% of the UK population), but the complete absence of any British Chinese Peers (who also comprise 0.5% of the British population and come top in our education system).

    Now, in our egalitarian and anti-discriminate obsessed times, that's just a bit odd isn't it?

    If that can pass uncommented upon, I suggest that anything can and will happen, and go commented upon.

  • Comment number 23.

    #5lizzy"More oil fights anyone?"
    #12jc "looks like argentina have just saved the carrier fleet for the RN?

    Nicely arranged in the run-up to election time? Gordo has been looking for a Thatcher moment to boost his chances and his international ego.

    I'll get my old Union Jack out ready.

    #14struggling "I don't know about anyone else, but when I hold my passport, I don't feel particularly British."

    How does one 'feel British' these days? Bowler hat or burka?

    "Isn't the flimsy maroon thing just a 'European' passport?"

    Not like the stiff-covered Royal Blue one is it guv; more like a dead parrot, expired, gone to meet its maker. But it still reads nice and empirically " Her Britannic Majesty's Secretary of State Requests and requires in the Name of Her Majesty ......to allow the bearer to pass freely without let or hindrance.....鈥 Trouble is, most of these damn foreigners don鈥檛 understand the Queen鈥檚 English (or is she?)

    #4 barrie
    Better provide a check-point too on the new London-Scottish line, ready for Scottish Independence; can鈥檛 have these Sassenachs emigrating en-masse.

  • Comment number 24.

    #8 lizzy
    "With a fifth of us not working, just where are the government going to get all the taxes from to pay for all of us who are not working?"

    Obviously, from the same taxpayers who pay the fifth of all workers who are employed by the Public Sector. We simply need to distort the employment figures with more community and social workers to make us integrate, more NSA staff to deal with breeders, and more transport workers and house builders to serve the continual influx of immigrants. Errr...something doesn't quite add up here - ask Panda.

  • Comment number 25.


    don't fool yourself, fatty

  • Comment number 26.



    one doesn't even have to interrogate you as you continue to spell out your admissions

  • Comment number 27.


    You too may be fooling yourself, staty

  • Comment number 28.


    and you, turby, or are you all one and the same?

  • Comment number 29.

    It's a beautiful thing. Whoever did it, thank you. The world is a slightly better place for it.

  • Comment number 30.

    Will any positive results from this :

    and this:

    be made available to keep people healthy longer into their lives?
    Or will the ordinary person in the street who now has what I think is poor NHS health care from GP's and down right dangerous in hospitals (based on my own experience) be brushed aside and only the wealthy or knowledgeable and persistent have access? We certainly have access to information about the research into treatments and other findings from tests so we know whats out there for our health problems via the internet but what happens when we start to know more than our GP's and they refuse to refer or drugs / suppliments that have shown to have efficacy in clinical trials are just not available and not just through cost. Yet we see the GP's earning 100k a year.

    I still don't think a 16/17 year old would crit Michelangelo's drawing.

  • Comment number 31.

    'Q. Why would Israel want Mabhouh dead?

    A. The Palestinian had admitted to a role in the deaths of two Israeli soldiers in 1989 during the first Intifada, and still played a senior role in Hamas. There has been speculation that he was at the top of a "hit list" of militants believed to be dangerous to Israel. And while the Netanyahu government yesterday said there was no proof that Mossad was behind the assassination, it refused to refute the accusation, citing a "policy of ambiguity".'

    If Hamas of Hezbollah, Syria or Iran etc cited a 'policy of ambiguity' and laid themselves open to international charges of conspiring to assassinate Israeli (us US/UK) leaders because of invasions of Gaza, Iraq or Afghanistan, what hope peace?

    This deliberate 'policy of ambiguity' seems to go with the rather scary but insightless certainty depicted in post 19.

    Alas, suggesting that anyone, even one person in Israel, or anyone elsewhere in the world belonging to this group, might in fact fall into this class (as do many people throughout the world), is just making a defamatory, anti-semitic remark?

    Indeed, this is how dangerous this positive discrimination, or licence to do as one wishes with impunity, has become as a consequence of constant reminders in the liberal-democracies of 'the holocaust' - which is, some have suggested, precisely why, we are so frequently/relentlessly reminded of 'the holocaust'.

    Israel and its supporters now test boundaries ad absurdum.... sadly, just like juvenile delinquents.

    Watch the documentary 'Defamation'...and weep.

  • Comment number 32.

    The item on the Dubai assassination was completely one-sided. There were 3 Israeli commentators (2 in the report) and only Menzies Campbell to give a counter balance.

    Worst of all was the reporter spoke about a "botched assassination" attempt in Norway in 1973. What actually happened is the Mossad agents killed the wrong person, an innocent Morroccan waiter. Someone died, the report neglected to mention that anyone did.

  • Comment number 33.

    A brief insight into the irrationality of the world was provided last night in a programme from the series covering education in Syria, where one saw pupils being taught the history of the creation of Israel (aka 'The Zionist State') from the perspective of the security of Britain's colonial interests in 1917 and beyond (see also Lloyd George on this). What many of us are led to forget (or expeditiously ignore) is that in all education systems, teachers are effectively unwitting (and necessarily uncritical if they are to be effective) agents of the state, in that a) they have a curriculum to teach to, and b) have a duty to get as many of their pupils to pass their exams as possible.

    People may think that they are free to think critically/independently, but they are not as free as they think....anywhere.

  • Comment number 34.


    Ah I see my post of #18 has been removed, so much for democracy and free speech in this country.

    I read on the BNP site of a proposed hallal meat factory to built in Wales, but that is too controversial to post here.

    If I had posted a link to fox hunting, it would have stayed, because anything that is a british tradition is exterminated. We now import the most cruel way of slaughering animals. The labour government banned fox hunting, part of their policy of "rubbing the middle class noses in it" I suspect.

    A fox is killed in seconds by a pack of dogs, it is so quick they don't even know what's happening. Slaughtering an animal by cutting it's throat and watching the blood run, takes apox. 5 mins for a sheep, 10 mins for cows etc. All the time the heart is pumping blood to the brain to make the animal survive, so the animal is conscious throughout, and in agonising pain. These are domesticated animals, that are used to being handled, so it must be a terrible end for them.

    We see constant reports of abuse in our traditional abbatoirs, it is nothing as compared to halal killing. I wasn't aware of it until about 20 years ago, when I realised that Jews also support this method of killing.

    In the 21st century why are we running backwards to a middle ages method of slaughter?

    Where are the RSPCA, Peta, IFAW or any animal rights charity. Are they silenced by government, are we so repressed we cannot state an opinion here now.

    I'm disgusted that my link was taken down, so much for free speech on the 麻豆官网首页入口 websites, becoming more non existant every day.

  • Comment number 35.

    A protest on last night's presentation of the unemployment statistics:

    Last month there was a drop in the number of claimants and an increase in the number unemployed. This month the positions are reversed. The headline presentation of both situations has been of a 'reduction in employment'. Admittedly this months report covered the detail of the report but the overall impact was far more favourable to the government than justified. The small business featured was interesting, but why no comment on the impact to them of increasing business rates and, with the imminent closure of the Corus plant, no mention of that?

  • Comment number 36.

    Thank goodness the beeb are reporting this!

    But the general public, who might object strongly will have no say in it

  • Comment number 37.

    One to make Stat happy! ; )

    I see the equalities commission is poo pooing it already tho, I wonder which world they live in.

  • Comment number 38.

    #34. ecolizzy

    I became shocked at learning of these barbaric methods of slaughter several years ago, together with the fact that the government had conceded 鈥榩ositive discrimination鈥 so that only persons of the relevant faith could be employed at such abattoirs. No doubt training and skill is required to call out to a deity whilst throat-slitting a live animal?

    I wrote to a number of organisations but received only one response - from a vegan organisation that sent me leaflets suggesting that I should renounce meat-eating, and persuade others to this cause.

    Of course, like me, you can avoid Halal and Kosha(?) products, but that does not address the issue of whether our laws and culture should accommodate practices that involve obvious cruelty, whilst as you state, playing the cruelty card to abolish our cultural heritage of foxhunting.

    Yet another example of discrimination disguised as tolerance.

  • Comment number 39.

    Makes me happy too Ecolizzy. Hope it catches on.

    Can't say much more. Now, with children settled in Uni, OH bringing home the bacon, and years of voluntary projects under the belt, I have time to offer my skills such as they are to people willing to recompense me for some of my hours. I have work to do.

  • Comment number 40.


    "The industrial park could create up to 3,000 jobs and would make the UK a landmark Halal centre for the region, Mr Jayanarayan told the finance summit."

    "But the general public, who might object strongly will have no say in it" And may not be eligible for employment in 'Halal-specific' jobs?

  • Comment number 41.

    38. indignantindegene 'Yet another example of discrimination disguised as tolerance.'

    I suggest that we have seriously lost our sense of judgement on all these matters, or, more accurately, have been induced to do so through egregious political conditioning.

    It is a matter of scale or focus.

    What we see all the time are petty examples of group politics, where one group bewitches/bemuses another, effectively crippling their imagined' oppressors' will to critically point out obvious bad behaviour for fear of 'offence'.

    Too many people today look to the emotional impact of an action when they should be solely looking at the justness of the action itself.

    Sometimes criticism of behaviour is just, and the behaviour/assertion by the offender that hey are offended by criticism/sanctions should just be treated with contempt, as one would with a child which tries that line.

    As others have said, we've massively dumbed down through feminization, and we've lost our sense of perspective as a consequence. We've done this as a consequence of passivity in the face of emotional bullying.

  • Comment number 42.

    Little doubt A SCAM which has the end goal - to elicit a higher tariff from the vulnerable - talk talk have no doubt sold personal info - companies outside UK repeatedly cold called my elderly relatives also called with no one saying anything this happens on a regular basis. We complained to Ofcom - talk talk said the calls would stop in a month - they didn't. The 麻豆官网首页入口/Ofcom should be all over the validity of this.

  • Comment number 43.

    Mr Bean

    'he's off his trolly'

    nuff said.

  • Comment number 44.


    How wonderful to turn 'New Man' back into 'My Old Man'. There is no call to reinstate the emotional neglect that went with psychological ignorance.
    Today we are better informed.

    But didn't anonymous polling of working women show - years back - that an impressive number of them were there because of coercion/pressure from this mad feminist ethos we have allowed to take hold? Nuff sed.

    The Thatchers, Harpersons and their terrible acolytes, are not beloved of Mother Nature - nor of man - when they have the courage of their true being.

    Men and women have EQUAL VALUE when they pair-and-share, in accordance with deep-seated, natural, psycho/somatic dimorphism; but no matter how hard the warped feminist imagination strains: MAN AND WOMAN ARE NOT, AND WILL NEVER BE, EQUAL.


  • Comment number 45.

    #34 Ecolizzy


    Fox Hunting vs Halal slaughter

    Both barbaric
    Both rooted in ancient culture/practices

    Don鈥檛 use our (indigenous British???) barbaric culture lifted on high as a weapon to beat a different one just because it comes from a culture/belief system we don鈥檛 understand or like.

    Chasing a fox and letting it be ripped apart by hounds is NOT countryside management - It is SPORT. Pure and simple. And it is this element that is objected to by many anti hunt bodies.

    It is less about the cruelty of killing any animal (as upheld by certain undesirable animal welfare elements). It is much more a distaste of seeing grown people taking their SPORT and entertainment in anticipation of the death of an animal(s) being accomplished.

    Foxes are pests to many but even hunt proponents admit openly that it is far from being the most effective manner of control. But it鈥檚 FUN. So they continue. And cry Wolf and foul to anyone calling them to account. It鈥檚 not called BLOOD sport for nothing.

    That makes proponents just as barbaric, if not more so, than anyone draining fresh blood (which they believe unclean) from a live animal they intend to eat.

  • Comment number 46.


    FO dithering for a fortnight?

    perhaps they hoped it would go away?

    milliband might think israel is a strategic partner but the clearly they don't think that of the uk. rather they see the uk as expendable. or perhaps they are so confident of their control of the uk political system they don't need to worry?

    the israelis have never used usa passports in hits.

    i see the bbc has totally bought into the idea palestinian resistance against occupation [and the taliban resistance] is no different to AQ terrorism.

    Philosophically if you think race is the highest idea of the mind, an idea that is greater than any law, an idea for which you are prepared to lie and kill, then certain things follow? especially for those who are not part of that race?

    a character dominated by the race idea will exhibit certain tell tale patterns of conduct.

  • Comment number 47.


    I dunno BYT. I think man has hunting in his bones - probably more so in groups. Similarly dogs form hunting packs. Way back Man annexed dog/s to help him hunt. Are they not doing, symbiotically so to speak, what is natural to both?

    All the questionable 'add-ons' come from Man's love of ritual. Remove man from the scene, and dog packs will hunt down foxes and tear them apart, to the end of time. Do we not all watch 'wildlife' TV, as the lions pull down and kill some game animal?

    To live wild and then to die 'a natural death' must surely be more natural than factory farming and ignominious mass slaughter? I dunno.

    In a way - the joke is on us. Nothing preys on us in a natural way, such that the gene-pool is decontaminated. A fine mess we've gotten into!

  • Comment number 48.

    #41 statist
    "Too many people today look to the emotional impact of an action when they should be solely looking at the justness of the action itself."

    Not sure I understand through your reasoning. But not wishing to get into a debate on metaphysics or philosophy, I would question whether emotion or justness is, or should be, the dominant motive for humankind.

    Whilst not mutually exclusive, most humans are creatures of emotion. According to Teilhard de Chardin we are creatures for processing stimuli, and many (including myself) spend our lives seeking stimuli to process. So the question was 鈥 Hi, how do you like your meat? Halal of humanely killed?

    "Fox Hunting vs Halal slaughter. Both barbaric. Both rooted in ancient culture/practices."

    Agreed: As we have found out, particularly since multi-cult was imposed, there are many practices that are acceptable (or mandatory) in one culture but not in others. Cultures are what we grow up in and feel emotionally (and usually with justness) OK with. The Spanish are OK with no-win bullfighting, the French with cruelties associated with pette-de-fois gras, the Germans with crating and killing young calves for veal, the Filipinos with cock-fighting to the death with steel spurs, etc..

    We continue to attempt (by murderous force) to change other folks cultures, whilst meekly allowing ours to be overridden - without expecting to protest. I, and many others wish to discriminate in favour of our heritage. Not to the extent of My Country Right or Wrong, but sufficient to try to retain something of our identity. It's a losing battle, perhaps because there are now too many influenced by our self-destructive liberal-democracy.

    As Toynbee observed most civilisations died through suicide, rather than murder; ours is on suicide watch, but with a government intent on genocide.

  • Comment number 49.

    48. indignantindegene 'Not sure I understand through your reasoning. But not wishing to get into a debate on metaphysics or philosophy, I would question whether emotion or justness is, or should be, the dominant motive for humankind.'

    Let me make it very clear then.

    There are many people (far many more than is appreciated, and many in very high places too) who actively campaign for less punishment for offending precisely because it is cruel/unkind, especially to 'children'. This is done even though offending actually rises to peak 18, and being children is defined as being 18 or under, and even though learning is always 'unsettling'.

    Second, the parts of the brain which register affect (say pain or pleasure) are different from what we learn about (although we can learn about what causes pain and pleasure too).

    Great social damage has been done in recent decades by muddying this issue. We now have 'children' who will not be told what is right and wrong simply because they don't like it, and because adults can't see why there is a problem with that 'defence'!

  • Comment number 50.

    what do we care...another Arab killed, another 'terrorist' fighting for a homeland, another needless statistic to go with all the others, 1350 dead Palestinians mostly women and children in the brutal attacks on Gaza by the military machine called Israel in January 2009. This latest death should not trouble the FO too much as nobody else gives a ..... so it'll be off the front page in a day or so.....but if thet 'terrorist' had been an Israeli the FO would have had to invent a Palestinian embassy to show them all how pissed off they were....mad, innit?

  • Comment number 51.

    eccoliz @ 34:
    "I'm disgusted that my link was taken down, so much for free speech on the 麻豆官网首页入口 websites, becoming more non existant every day"

    Links to the BNP website are not allowed at any 麻豆官网首页入口 websites.

  • Comment number 52.

    #48 Totaly agree with you Indi!

    We continue to attempt (by murderous force) to change other folks cultures, whilst meekly allowing ours to be overridden - without expecting to protest. I, and many others wish to discriminate in favour of our heritage. Not to the extent of My Country Right or Wrong, but sufficient to try to retain something of our identity. It's a losing battle, perhaps because there are now too many influenced by our self-destructive liberal-democracy.

    As Toynbee observed most civilisations died through suicide, rather than murder; ours is on suicide watch, but with a government intent on genocide.

    I think we're already a gonna! : ( My daughter tells me there is plenty of halal meat in a local supermarket! I hadn't even noticed! Still never mind this country won't be ours for much longer, most Brits will have left.

  • Comment number 53.

    Why is it unacceptable to Israel for Palestine (Hamas is the legitimate government after all) to 'smuggle' arms into Gaza, and yet perfectly legitimate for Israel to 'import' arms into Israel for their 'defence' (i.e to attack Gaza)? Would it be acceptable for Palestinians to bomb Israel's aiports etc to prevent them from 'smugglng in' (alleged) dime weapons, phosphorous shells etc?

    Is anyone (apart from seemingly cognitively-blind supporters of Israel) really at all surprised that there's hostility to Israel in the Middle-East and elsewhere? Such hypocrisy can only foment antagonism.

    Surely this is behaviour which warrants intensive psychiatric study?

  • Comment number 54.

    #51 Thanks Kev, I didn't know that, one or two have gotten away with it here I've notice, must have been different mods on! ; )

  • Comment number 55.

    #45 I wouldn't say I was FOR foxhunting BYT, but I think there's nothing to chose between halal and that sport.

    The deliberate killing of a domesticated animal is far crueler, that animal has been surounded by care and attention all it's life, and must be deeply shocked when it is slaughered. I've heard butchers say that you actually want animals treated as calmly as possible at death, as it makes for far higher quality of meat. I suppose they say a prayer for each animal, (so that makes it alright), at slaughter, they wouldn't have the time so another statement that can't be true. A pity we got rid of the small abbatoirs here, then animals didn't have to travel so far for slaughter, sometimes nowadays they go hundreds of miles. Sheep even over to France to be butchered in the halal tradition.

    The belief that they drain all the blood from the carcass is ridiculous, there is blood in the muscle and all through the minor veins, it is impossible to get the blood out of any animal, what do they think makes it red?!

    A wild animal after all is a wild animal, most have always lived an "avoiding death" life. Not many foxes were ever killed by fox hunting anyway, not that that makes it right. What about the hare coursing and badger baiting and cock and dog fighting that goes on here, the RSPCA scream about that, and I agree with them. But never a word against the barbaric practice of halal meat. WHY are we running back to the dark ages, all in the name of multi culturalism. I find it utterly incredible that a supposedly sophisticated and animal loving society allows it. So it actually shows we are not either of those things, doesn't it?

  • Comment number 56.

    55. ecolizzy - just as an exercise, next time you post, try it without any emotive (in fact any psychological) terms, and see how it reads (dull?), and if one listens to/views the news without these terms..... The media know that this is their sugar and spice, so the more they try to reach out and capture/expand audiences, the more they'll throw in their pot, I reckon.

    A bit dull this post eh?

  • Comment number 57.


    My #20 was an extension of Ecolizzy's #18 - we both went down the Memory Hole. I referred to the range of religions we have here, as a blasphemy on common sense. I pointed out that they have gross deception in common, and queried the legality of this. Finally, I suggested we require all religions who cannot validate their claims, to cease their activities. We have an Office of Fair Trading - let's have an analogous Office of Defensible Dogma. (ODD)

    Seems reasonable to me. Perhaps it's the way I tell 'em?

  • Comment number 58.

    #56 I know, Stat I know, terrible flappy old woman aren't I?! I see just what you mean, I'm one of those "useful idiots"!

    I don't think I can tho Stat, it's the way my brains built! ;o)

  • Comment number 59.

    58. ecolizzy 'I don't think I can tho Stat, it's the way my brains built! ;o)'

    I bet you could you know. I bet you could write your posts and then go back and strain over the backspace/del key so all the hyperbole and psychological terms went away. Then, you'd just have to strain a bit more to press the Post Comment button... It may be very gruelling, but I reckon you're the sort of gal who might just pull it off! You might feel a bit depressed/alientated when re-reading them though. In fact, you might not recognise youself.

  • Comment number 60.


    Apparently, messing with a BRITISH PASSPORT, by Johnnie Foreigner, is a damned outrage! I reckon whichever JF did this, he should stop and ponder how close to the Axis of Evil this puts him, with the real and present danger of an associated thrashing, from the Finest Invaders and Nation Destroyer/Builders in the world. Johnnie Foreigner would do well to remember: we have powerful friends who do 'Shock and Awe' at the drop of a high-rise!

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