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Thursday 15 July 2010

Len Freeman | 11:23 UK time, Thursday, 15 July 2010

Here is a look at what is on tonight's programme:

Tonight our diplomatic editor Mark Urban has a powerful film from Afghanistan. It's about one dramatic mission undertaken by a team from 2nd Battalion, the Yorkshire Regiment, in Sangin. Their mission is to enter a compound in which the Taliban have been hiding weapons.

An Afghan soldier - just 18-years-old - suffers terrible injuries when an IED explodes. British soldiers save his life but what now for his future?

The film shows us the aftermath of the horrific incident. Soldiers recall the trauma of the day and images from cameras in their helmets give a gripping insight into the realities of war.

You can read more about Mark's film and see a preview

Business Secretary Vince Cable is suggesting a graduate tax could be brought in to make England's student funding system fairer and more sustainable.

We'll be talking to him and asking what the fairest way to fund higher education is as students and the university sector brace themselves for the outcome of a review. We'll also be hearing the views of a number of students.

And when money is tight should we be spending on the arts? To some funding of the arts is just a middle class subsidy but others argue the arts can flourish in a recession inspiring new ideas and bringing welcome relief from the gloom of a downturn. The singer Kate Walsh will be joining us to discuss.

Do join Gavin at 10.30pm.

From earlier:

Mark Urban has a powerful film from Afghanistan. It's about one dramatic mission undertaken by a team from 2nd Battalion, the Yorkshire Regiment, in Sangin. Their mission is to enter a compound in which the Taliban have been hiding weapons.

An Afghan soldier suffers terrible injuries when an IED explodes. The film shows us the aftermath of the horrific incident, and reveals the human cost and reality of the war.

Business Secretary Vince Cable is suggesting a graduate tax could be brought in to make England's student funding system fairer and more sustainable.

There is an independent review of university fees and funding being carried out by Lord Browne.

Students and the university sector are bracing themselves for the outcome of the review, with many predicting that tuition fees could rise from their current level of 拢3,225 a year to as much as 拢7,000.

We'll be asking what the fairest way to fund higher education is and what the implications might be for a graduate tax.

Join us at 10.30pm.


  • Comment number 1.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 2.

    In the Guardian :

    Other disclosed documents show how:

    鈥 The Foreign Office decided in January 2002 that the transfer of British citizens from Afghanistan to Guant谩namo was its "preferred option".

    鈥 Jack Straw asked for that rendition to be delayed until MI5 had been able to interrogate those citizens.

    鈥 Downing Street was said to have overruled FO attempts to provide a British citizen detained in Zambia with consular support in an attempt to prevent his return to the UK, with the result that he too was "rendered" to Guant谩namo.


    Did Jack, "the rat" (as Barbara Castle used to call him), Straw not say some time back that the UK government had no knowledge at all of any external CIA renditions going on involving the UK?

    These particular individuals may not have gone through UK airspace but the whole sham front on torture and renditions is duly starting to fall apart.

    Its difficult isn't it.

    You can empathize with decision makers who have to make truly horrendous decisions on behalf of the country whilst they are bound by laws and our informal constitution and democratic accountability.

    So the thing is was the law and ethical standards bypassed by Labour ministers and will this coalition government expose that if in effect the previous ministers broke the law?

    The remarks of Reprieve and Stafford Smith that an inquiry into torture led by the same judge who routinely dealt with MI5 may be subject to doubt do ring a lot louder at this time - though you can see how people in authority may have moved to that position as the logical step.

    I have to say I am not sure how much of this was actually in the public domain as hearsay and speculation so perhaps it has all been accounted for already.

    But as I have said before either what was done was right and the law should be changed to permit implication in torture and renditions - or it is wrong and some may have to be prosecuted.

    There is also the pragmatic and fundamental question of why torture at all as there seems to be scant evidence of there being any benefit?

    Is the UK safer in any way because the apparently innocent Binjam Mohammed was tortured cruelly for a number of years?

    The gentleman under house arrest the other day on Newsnight was basically there by all accounts because of something that he wrote after being tortured in Jordan.

    So there are probably lots of security resources tied up in a man who may have said foolish things after being brutalised - but who wouldn't say emotional things after such an incident?

    Of course maybe MI5 and the police know things they can't share for obvious reasons.

    But MI5 complain that the civil cases take up a lot of their resource.

    It would be good to know that they were chasing the right people though clearly they are human and have to explore all of the avenues the confront them.

    How do you ensure there is genuine scrutiny in a secret organisation?

    The US have the FBI and they seem to manage chasing Russian spies and so on whilst being accountable.

    Everybody makes mistakes but lets make sure they are mistakes within the law.

  • Comment number 3.

    On higher education I really hope that the Vince Cable position holds as it seems the best long term solution and it is wrong if some young people by dint of their age have to suffer a penalty of extra financial hardships than their predecessors and successors.

    The constant refrain on this has been the US model but there the state allows companies to write off donations to higher education so talented students get grants like smarties.

    I understand that their loan system was also very flexible and in fact the state never got the whole amount back.

    So in fact the state does indirectly subsidize their students - something that Palin would apparently see as progressive and heading towards communism.

    The Cable approach would take into account the vagaries of subjects and future income as it would mean a poor archeology student would not pay the same as a finance student working for a bank.

    It is good for people to contribute and to not see education as a holiday camp but why start people off in life with traumatic debts?

  • Comment number 4.

    For thousands of years young men, and women, have gone off to war expecting glorious adventure and come home well aware that war is a very bad thing.

    So it is right that Urban will show us graphic images that make us appreciate that these are real people suffering extreme trauma and stress.

    It is also appropriate that we note the Afghans are suffering death and horrific injuries just as much, or more, as our allied troops and that the recent tragedy, or callous murder perhaps, by an Afghan soldier may be a new turn in the war but is exceptional still.

    It all feels a little bogged down like World War I and the generals are being forced into a war of attrition where the Talibs assume that the more they kill the sooner the allies go home.

    We kill Talib and al Qaeda leaders with drones but does that inspire morale or dampen it?

    Being no kind of expert I can't suggest any new strategy and the commanders are clearly not at all stupid and quite prepared to think laterally.

  • Comment number 5.

    In the Independent:


    Britain's premier scientific organisation has launched a two-year study into global population levels. A growing body of scientists believe the time has come for politicians to confront the problems posed by the future increase in human numbers.

    The Royal Society has established a working group of leading experts to draw up a comprehensive set of recommendations on human population that could set the agenda for tackling the environmental stress caused by billions of extra people on the planet.

    Yes, yes, yes, yes!!!

    Its a tad late in the day but this is crucial not just for environmental stress but I would also have thought probabilities of disease pandemics, resource availability and social quality of life.

    The only moderate concern is that handling population levels would require a lot of ethical, religious and political discussion as I assume it would be a far harder task to reduce the number of children individuals have and would probably take decades - so the sooner the discussion starts the better.

    Sadly due to the posters who belong to that disparate tribe that admire the rantings of the National Socialist advocate entity jaded_jean/statist I should stress, again, that there is no racial basis to my views or the science that these individuals are exploring.

    There is no science at all behind that rantings of these people and that's why they will skip past and questions or queries.

    Why can't the BNP mount a defence against the EHRC legal requirement for non-racial membership citing their scientific "evidence"?

    Where is the evidence that has gone into a court to show the Holocaust "was made up" or that there is a Jewish "hegemony"?

    They are but a cult of latter day Haw Haws whining out the same refrains that brought horror to Europe in the thirties and forties.

  • Comment number 6.

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  • Comment number 7.

    Gango. I've noticed you've introduced some humour into your post, which Is a good thing. One thing though, for humour to be really effective is to drop the bitterness/hate thing that you've got going in your material.

    I've found something right-up your street: a politically correct comedian.

    Bernard Righton:

  • Comment number 8.

    been pulled again...ah,well, so nice to know that only pro-war sentiments are being expressed on these blogs...so very 麻豆官网首页入口

  • Comment number 9.


    We fund higher education to gain more high-flyers because they generate GDP and kudos for politicians abroad.

    When will it occur to our limited Westminster Wannabes, that we should FUND LOWER ADVANCEMENT?

    Ordinary people want to see a country at ease with itself, not jumped-up ciphers playing Globopoly with other top ninnies, were nukes and commerce gain status.

    BOG STANDARD POLITICIAN: take a hard look at where EDUCATION x 3 has got us. Might you have got the wrong end of the stick? Success is not clever-clever. IT'S THE CONTENTMENT STUPID.

  • Comment number 10.


    Gango - thanks for that

    The Mi5 should stop complaining and do the right thing for a change for those who really care, at their own expense & not expecting anything in return but respect of their civil rights and basic liberties.


  • Comment number 11.

    Hey Gango you missed my reply to you, I think I have the right, as you picked up on some of my points.

    40. At 08:06am on 15 Jul 2010, ecolizzy wrote:
    So Gango you know more about genetics than the Anthony Nolan Trust...

    I believe they are saying in this appeal, there are huge differences between races, and are appealing for more donors from the ethnic minorities in Britain. Many people die unfortunately because of the lack of ethnic donors. So how is it they know we are all ethinically diverse, and our genes and DNA don't match, but you are so much wiser and say that we are all the same!

    I remember poor little Anthony, I don't suppose you have a clue who he is, and I also remember his brave mother fighting to save his life, so I do believe what this trust has to say.

    Oh and no I haven't been to London recently, I might go to the opera shortly though. Oh you'll be pleased to know next year 2011, there will be a 50/50 mix of foreign and indigenous people in London.

  • Comment number 12.

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  • Comment number 13.

    #5 Yes Gango, it is a tad late.
    鈥淪adly due to the posters who belong to that disparate tribe that admire the rantings of the National Socialist advocate entity jaded_jean/ statist I should stress, again, that there is no racial basis to my views or the science that these individuals are exploring.鈥

    You have been so focussed on trying to find phrases in our blogs that will trigger your unhealthy addiction to pasting your obsessive links (Hitler, BNP, Holocaust etc) that you kept missing the point that many of us have long been expressing - concern at massive population increases - and the swamping and destruction of the culture in which us older generation were raised.

    I鈥檝e worked in Africa and other less-developed nations where I chose to live at village level and I鈥檓 not concerned about IQ or genetic similarities or differences, although such do exist as many scientists have pointed out. Many hospitals have notices specifically requesting BME donors, which confirms that differences exist both genetic - and in cultures.

    My hospital used to be the London Hospital at Whitechapel where I had strong family links and I made a trip there last weekend. Unfortunately, the hospital is so overcrowded with the massive increase in the local Bangladeshi population (who have a higher incidence of morbidity and childbirth than the earlier population of that area) that they can no longer accept me as an outpatient.

    You keep referring to a documentary on Channel 4. I wonder whether you also watched the Dispatches documentary 鈥楢frica鈥檚 Last Taboo鈥 on Monday night which again revealed huge gulf in our cultures. (previous#12)

    You might care to cut and paste this in place of your usual 鈥榳e're all out of Africa鈥 homily:
    鈥淲e share 98% of our genetic material with Pygmy chimpanzees, and our haemoglobin is identical to theirs in all 287 units鈥

    It鈥檚 from yet another book that I鈥檓 currently reading about the Africa, which cites many examples of cultures and beliefs that are totally alien to us in a once-civilised society. I welcome such diversity in human life, but prefer to travel overseas to experience it, not just a few stops on the London underground.

  • Comment number 14.

    #11 Ecolizzy

    With all due respect, with regard to genetics not even mothers or one's siblings are always matching donors, never mind one's neighbours, supposedly of the same race.

    How about classifying our brains, or minds for that matter? I seem to have much more in common in this respect with the Obamas rather than a few English I've had the misfortune to have anything to do with. Not all, obviously, goes without saying as you may have gathered by now.


  • Comment number 15.

    ..We'll be asking what the fairest way ..

    that old fairness religion again?

    if the good is highest idea of the mind you come out with a different set of polices than if you adopt fairness as the highest idea of the mind. We see it again and again on NN as people trump common sense with 'fairness'. Fairness is an idolatry that demands human sacrifice. Why base a society upon human sacrifice? It is historical?

    The Romans recorded the practice of human sacrifice in the uk among the Celts. No doubt those promoting fairness are also those who might consider themselves or in imitation of the celts?

    there is something defective in the reasoning to choose the worse over the better which is what choosing fairness as the highest idea of the mind over good is doing.

    as for the 'sending people to university' model of education isn't that a bit 20th century? If not inefficient?

  • Comment number 16.


    An ethnic left leg. Nice posting, all ye of the cerebral competence.

    IDG2: your final thrust priceless. Worthy of Hancock at his most pithy.

  • Comment number 17.


    Anyone who sees his image, particularly in public places like NHS hospitals, should either remove the poster showing 'him' pointing his right indicator, or complain to the Healthcare Authorities either through the Reception, PALS or in writing.

    It's a sick joke, isn't it?


  • Comment number 18.


    The trouble is that today the CO2 tax crazy eco-fascists have hijacked the entire ecology agenda. The latest alleged super efficient " low emission" engines have one serious problem in that they emit loads of Nitrogen dioxide. I was under the impression that the whole object of an internal combustion engine was to burn the fuel to heat and expand the Nitrogen in the air, not set fire to it. Lots of talk of particulate pollution but if you have a trace of just visible grey smoke from the exhaust in a steam loco it is operating at its peak efficiency. The same principle must apply to the diesel engine and the larger particles will simply fall to the ground nearby. With the modern small particle obsession the particles hang around in the local air for longer, giving them far more chance of being inhaled by a pedestrian. Surely its better for the ecology of the planet to have as natural a fire as possible if you are going to have a fire at all.

  • Comment number 19.

    Argentina legalises gay marriage

    The Jewish community in Greater Buenos Aires numbers around 250,000, and is the largest in Latin America. Most are of Northern and Eastern European Ashkenazi origin, primarily Russian, German and Polish Jews, with a significant Sephardic minority, mostly made up of Syrian Jews.

    Surely more than a coincidence?

  • Comment number 20.


    I seem to be reaching/managing high times again with pink elephants, tribal rhythms, Liza Minelli's Cabaret, Chopin"s Grande Valse Brillante and so on and so forth....

    Just hope you're in quite a good mood likewise&&&&


  • Comment number 21.

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  • Comment number 22.

  • Comment number 23.

    I used to think Vince Cable knew what he was talking about, but on the University Graduate Tax he has lost it. His comments on dodging fees are wrong. If you are a debtor, you do not get your degree. Please educate our minister.

  • Comment number 24.

    There's no business like show business...unless your surname is Moat!

  • Comment number 25.

    #13 indignantindegene

    "You have been so focussed on trying to find phrases in our blogs that will trigger your unhealthy addiction to pasting your obsessive links (Hitler, BNP, Holocaust etc) that you kept missing the point that many of us have long been expressing - concern at massive population increases - and the swamping and destruction of the culture in which us older generation were raised."

    Absolute total rubbish as the clear issue is race and when posters such as the sad jaded_jean advocate National Socialism and the "pals" like ecolizzy, kevseywevsey, newfazer, barriesingelton all endorse the views of said poster then its quite likely people can and will comment.

    If people propose the Holocaust was "made up" then that should set alarm bells ringing for many people about the nature of the posters.

    Ecolizzy proposed yesterday that jaded_jean, that icon of far right thought, had shown that races are significantly different.

    In fact there is no consensus at all in science in that area and when jaded_jean proposed that Hitler had some very good policies and that the Beeb should give the BNP more airtime then that can fairly be commented upon.

    As for your cutting little remark it is actually incredibly dull as neither I nor the scientists are worried about "culture" because it is quite possible to have a multicultural society.

    As I say above if you have evidence that racial factors damage the culture then you should take your evidence of to your MP, or lawyer or the EHRC.

    That won't happen will it!

  • Comment number 26.


    You have to watch VC very closely to see the mask slip. He might just be the coalition's downfall. His age is such that high ambition is pointless, so if his nose is seriously put out, he will take his ball and go home.

    I don't think Nick'll fix it.

  • Comment number 27.

    #11 ecolizzy

    "So how is it they know we are all ethinically diverse, and our genes and DNA don't match, but you are so much wiser and say that we are all the same!"

    1. I specifically pointed out that there are minor variations in health issues due to adaptations to climate and even suggested a few.

    2. the whole basis of your post yesterday was to promote the notions proposed by jaded_jean that race and IQ vary. But they don't. As I have said if they did then why wouldn't the odious BNP take their evidence off to court with the EHRC? Because said "evidence" is nonsense and they know that or they would use it. Where is the scientific consensus? Your link is for already identified minor issues.

    3. The science that lay behind the Incredible Human Journey has tracked human expansion from a very, very few individuals who walked out of Africa via mitachondrial DNA. If the scientists, like Jones, say there are in fact very, very few significant differences between us the I am happy to accept that.

    4. You said the other day that you wouldn't know jaded_jean if said poster bit you. Yesterday you cited said poster missives on racial differences. It is quite pertinent to point out that you would having read those posts have been quite aware that Hitler was considered to be a peace lover and producer of pertinent policies. You would also have been aware of the calls by said poster for greater coverage for the odious BNP.

    Myself I utterly reject Nazi's and neo-Nazi's and any degree of fellow travelers as evil and history such as the Nuremburg trials show that my views are sound and very common.

    National Socialists can't progress because their arguments are total nonsense.

  • Comment number 28.

    @ Indignantindegene #13 - According to

    you have every right to choose which hospital you want to go to, unless it is for one of the following:

    * where speedy diagnosis and treatment is particularly important,
    * maternity services, and
    * mental health services.

    There are links on that site to help you get treatment at The London Hospital.

  • Comment number 29.

    #7 kevseywevsey

    "Gango. I've noticed you've introduced some humour into your post, which Is a good thing. One thing though, for humour to be really effective is to drop the bitterness/hate thing that you've got going in your material."

    OK you've written your words and they are deep.

    Deeply wrong of course.

    Why would I be bitter about the far right?

    Of course you people have to dance your little dance because the BNP and suchlike "aren't a Nazi Party" but once you have cut through it you are an English "nationalist" who likes Griffin so you are presumed to fall into that spectrum.

    The fact that you get uptight if I slate the far right does speak for itself.

    But bitter, no, because all you have to do is illuminate the dark lies of the far right and they scuttle away.

    Hate, now that is more difficult.

    Nietsche said that if you stare too long at monsters you may become a monster.

    But I find I post and then I wash my hands having communicated with people who promote far right arguments and enjoy life and its all alright. Actually you don't really put forward any ideas you just register your ugha ugha dismay that I am a "prozac liberal" and that if I had seen those rubber bullets you saw as a child then I would understand the views such as jaded_jean put forward.

    No doubt apple blond hair and "being stronger than Mike Tyson" also helps in your view.

    But rubber bullets don't actually change the intellect that would reject as nonsense the racial views that are refuted by science or they would be mainstream. They may facilitate a vulnerability that makes an emotional cult attitude more attractive.

    Probably there will be those who will use their cult phrases like "running dog of the Jews" and "useful idiot" but that seems to be group reinforcement of a mythical belief knowing that there is no logic behind it - or it would be the norm.

    That is why the far right posters are so sensitive to my posting because if people hear only the mindless lies that they propagate then some may come to believe the absurdities. Once people believe absurdities then they may commit atrocities like the Holocaust.

    So I don't think hate is the right word as its not the foot soldier imbecile individuals who clearly can't manage to string their "evidence" for racial policies together for scientists that merit hate as they are in a sense victims.

    But those at the top who are the would be replacement monarchists, as Russell may have out it, who know both that the ideology is no more than snake oil but know that also it may give them power and they are amoral about the likely atrocities. Now they aren't pure victims.

    They are driven by their internal demons and tortured minds but they can't do any damage provided the world is vigilant.

    That would be why the BNP basically got hammered at the general election wouldn't it.

    As for humour a couple of my favourites that I have mentioned before are you praising jaded_jean who responded "the country is not ready for me yet!". Really.

    There was the declaration of war as I was "always saying things about the BNP".

    There was your "Check - I could say check mate but I won't push it!" and I commented that that was probably due to the extra syllables.

    Perhaps the best was your take on the BNP general election launch that was something to the effect of "it isn't Nuremburg - yet".

    Ha ha ha ha ha !!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 30.

    #19 debtjuggler

    If the coincidence is gay marriages and a Jewish component in a population suggesting somebody who is hooked on the "Jewish hegemony" fabrication then if this the evidence I am always asking the far right posters for I suggest you increase your medication.

  • Comment number 31.




  • Comment number 32.

    Some thoughts on:

    University Funding:

    In this debate, no-one seems to wish to talk about the giant elephant in the room - the E.U.

    Unless our Brussels masters plan another power grab, to take control of university finance, it's dubious a graduate tax would work. I already pay to educate European students and I don't wish to pay any more and any longer.

    If this comes to pass, will the govt act in the interests of our EU 'partners', to the inevitable detriment of life in this country, or in the British interest, as they are always mutually exclusive?

    Lord Browne and Homophobia:

    I recall that, a few years ago, some imbecilic Newsnight interviewee claimed, in one of the programme's stunningly-balanced debates, that Labour's greatest achievement was the eradication of homophobia, or words to that effect.

    Given that homophobia is a product of ignorance, which, in turn, is a product of a poor education and upbringing; if you couple Labour's near-destruction of the education system with the Left's near-destruction of family life (especially in the areas of the country where society is now broken), you create a disastrous mix that, unsurprisingly, leads to worse and worsening levels of homophobia, alongside greater amounts of misogyny, racism, etc. Far from removing this and other stains on society, Labour and the Left have, in a stunning irony, dramatically worsened the problems they sought to solve.

    'Prison' Policy:

    Question Time debated 'criminal justice' policy and the usual Lefties spread the usual 'community service' ideology. As infuriating it is to only ever hear this lunacy, especially as it's now being spouted by Ken Clarke (softening us up for fewer jail sentences), I think I've discovered from where this idiocy emanates: it's the table of 'prison populations' that occasionally crops up in newspapers. The 'prison reformers' desire to reduce the size of prison population rests on their desire to knock the country off the top spot. Our 'number one' position, in Europe, is bad, obviously, and the reasons for it are irrelevant, obviously. We won't, any longer, feel embarrassed amongst our European friends.

    The only positive side to this, in which those on the side of protecting the public can console themselves, is that the pro-prison, i.e. 'wrong' message has been allowed at all. It may be because the media knows it cannot have the desired effect, i.e. sway government policy, but it's better than nothing, I suppose.

  • Comment number 33.


    Sunrise's breaking through the clouds
    Planes are flying high
    I wonder if for lunch there might be a pie
    Full of nutrients to keep healthy my eyes
    As well as all the other parts making up my body
    Housing up my soul eager to expand my favourite hobby
    Of giving wings to my favourite 'things'????

    Amongst those are included love, dance, romance and music,
    Not ignoring emotions, feelings, warmth and justice,
    Beauty as expressed by Ludwig, Chopin and in co

  • Comment number 34.

    #33 continued due to having experienced difficulties with typing on my iPhone:

    .... as well in modern "gifts"
    Bestowed upon us by talented wits.
    Aren't our lives so rich if we look for humanely bits????****

    Hope your day is rich in those, my friend!

  • Comment number 35.

    Gango you really are incredible, this is a charity that works with genes and DNA all the time, but you still know better than they do! You really are amazing.

    Have you no humility, ask a chinese man or an african if he thinks he's the same as a european. Yes we are all homo sapians, but I bet they'll get really angry with you, and ask if you are denying their identity.

    I'm a universal blood, mine can be given to anyone, so perhaps I'm much closer to understanding about race than you'll ever be, and can help far more races.

    You are insulting to an awful lot of posters on this blog, I never think I'm always right, and will listen to all, but you know best for all the rest of us put together, as I said you have no humility.

  • Comment number 36.


    Are you following the fuss about the election expenditure of candidates?
    The amount you spend is controlled by the ELECTORAL COMMISSION. Spend a pound too much, and you are a CRIMNAL. However, stay inside the limit but SPEND IT ALL ON LIES, and the ELECTORAL COMMISSION have no concern. You are just not worth it.

    Oh - it's all going awfully democratically.

  • Comment number 37.

    Ecolizzy: Don't be too hard on the lad. He had an accident on his skateboard...the wheels fell off, he took a knock and ain't been the same since, we find it best to just indulge and drop in a few key words to keep him happy/busy.

  • Comment number 38.


    Colourful presentation. Extraneous noise. Style before substance. It looks rather like it.

    麻豆官网首页入口 Today Programme featured very old Welsh miners recalling the death of their fathers, ALL BLASTED OVER WITH A COLLIERY BAND.

    Save your words Ecolizzy, Gango is far more in tune with that intrusive 麻豆官网首页入口 background music than you will ever be. The writing is on the blog wall. 'Twas ever thus.

  • Comment number 39.

    So I'm up for 'further consideration'
    The 'Truth' dept must be doing overtime on here.

    Let me get this right. Darwinism, the evolution of species, the ability for a species to adapt to its environment etc. Are we all familiar with all that? yes I think we all are...well except maybe for my mate Gango
    The 麻豆官网首页入口 has made many documentaries on Darwin's theories. And they've all been wonderful, so well done them producers and presenters. The basic premise always told is that: A species given a different environment can adapt accordingly to food supply, climate etc and will produce differences - given time - within that species. .

    I wished to take to task the constant refrain of one particular poster (my best buddy Gango) who seems obsessed with the subject; that there is no difference between the races when clearly there are differences. My original post - which is in limbo, and will be quietly dropped no doubt - gave an example that is scientifically excepted. The example I used, that the differences between the European race and African race are inescapable and I clearly explained this using only the known science, and I gave, in laymans terms the reasons why/how it produced the difference between these races. Clearly the good folk at the beeb will happily except Darwins theories within the animal kingdom..but not when its applied to man because it goes against the leftwing/Marxist orthodoxy that all men are equal.

    Given that dogs can be different...all dogs still appear the same. Thats the kinda thinking that gave the world Pol pot. Well unless the dogs wore glasses and middle class, they were euthanized...60 million or so if i remember my history. And to think George Orwell worked at the 麻豆官网首页入口, He would be turning in his grave if he knew how badly twisted the Beeb have become.

  • Comment number 40.

    I live in a country that promotes affirmative racism (action)..how did that come about?

    Over to you gango.
    Gango, if it gets a bit too much for you...take a break. Watch some skateboard videos on youtube to take your mind of things. I find a good walk can help.

  • Comment number 41.

    Barrie and Kev I'll take your wise advice. ; )

  • Comment number 42.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 43.


    No no Kev. That rotten cow, Mother Nature, is FOREVER mutating us, such that a fair number of us are MALADAPTED while we wait for the next shift of circumstance. When climate change bites, a few who currently are rubbish at life, will become the new elite. So we DON'T adapt TO MEET change, we hang around in a miserable state, WAITING FOR CHANGE TO FIND US! It might even explain Gango!

  • Comment number 44.

    18. At 7:59pm on 15 Jul 2010, brossen99 wrote:

    This raises a very valuable point, which I hope (suspecting in vain) may be expanded upon, namely the addiction to 'green' targets that often bear no relation to, and often outright contradict sensible enviROI+ measures which, I presume, are favoured by all who seek the sensible promotion of possible GHG-reduction methods that may cost-effectively assist climate-negative impacts from worsening our future chances.

    Preferably without jumping on questions regarding how settled some science is (if wrong, or misguided, it can carry a hefty price tag perhaps better applied elsewhere) with wild accusations of denial or sabotage. As some still do.

  • Comment number 45.

    Did anyone read the report about Clintons aid saying Obama needs a 9/11 to pick up his flagging popularity..maybe they need to stage another terrorist event eh. watch this space as they say.

    Central banks start to abandon the US dollar..interesting that wouldn't you say. I thought that was newsworthy, not heard that on the 麻豆官网首页入口 though. Did you hear the Chinese rating agency has downgraded the US, UK and others from their triple A ratings?

    Man made global warming: Whilst the general consensus is that it was a myth pushed by certain corporate interest groups and the banking famly cartels, the 麻豆官网首页入口 still push this BS.
    Canada is experencing record snow and temp drops...where's Al Gore when you need some hot air eh!

  • Comment number 46.

    Me at 42: Yet again the truth has to jump through hoops. Either that or the Mod has spotted some poor grammer and is only sheilding me from any embarrassment...yeah right! it'll be the hoops and truth.

  • Comment number 47.

    If my 'further consideration' at 42 don't get considered I'll give you the jist of the-unsure-how-to-moderate-this-post ..er post.

    Peter mandelson...book...and quote from Cicero. the well known one that starts with "A nation can survive its fools..."

    Also the use of cutting-and-pasting from certain posters on here. No prizes for guessing now!

  • Comment number 48.

    I've got to go out the door now, go about my day so to speak. Its always important to leave with a strong one...but I've run out of them, so this one will have to do yer.

    Jewish Joke: (and has been certified clean/non offensive...although I've loads of them kinds, it depends on the audience and since this is the 麻豆官网首页入口...)

    Heard about the new disease affecting Jewish women?
    It's called MAIDS- if they don't get one, they die.

    You have to be Jewish to fully appreciate that one, so don't be too surprised if your left re-reading it and thinking its a bit lame.

    Gango..keep up the good fight buddy,
    and remember to take your vitamin D
    To keep you fully charged up, I'm gonna leave you a few choice words:
    The BNP, Nick Griffin, The Nazies and Farrah Fawcett Majors. Farrah was once married to Lee Majors..the six million dollar man, do you remember him? no you wouldn't...your way too young.

  • Comment number 49.


    Thanks Kev - being a closet peasant, I had never encountered Cicero.

    Did he go on to describe Westminster as a place that draws 'men' who wish to function IN TERMS OF THEIR BASENESS while governance waits in vain?

    Mandelson's 'revelations' coincide all to well with my (long posted)deductions, for there to be no truth in them. But who will heed truths written in vitriol?

  • Comment number 50.

    have a little dishy...with a little fishy..when the Moat comes in....

  • Comment number 51.

    two more brave guys killed today...the moderator will have to join the real world and not keep behaving like an ostrich....print the anti-war blogs...

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